Can anyone make a neat sub-mod that replaces the music with the actual GOT series soundtracks? If it already exists can someone point me to it?
Yup, if you own the music yourself, you're free to add it to the game, just don't publish it anywhere elseBut if you own the series' soundtrack, you can always mod it in yourself.
I'm not talking about the actual mod team making a soundtrack rofl. I'm just asking if someone could make a sub-mod for the mod... It's not illegal if you don't claim any credibility for the music...
...It's not a big deal, if worst comes to worst I'll do it myself. I just have no idea how I would replace the sound files without copy/pasting new music into the music folder.
That's exactly how you do it - if you own the soundtrack, you can just copy/paste the files into the music folder to replace the music. It's that simple.
Well, technically you have to convert Stilsaid music files to .ogg format and you have to make some edits to songs.txt or add a new text file for te game to acknowledge the new songs. It's a relatively easy process, but hardly just drag and drop.
Um, yes it is. It's hugely illegal - it's Copyright Infringement to reproduce in part or whole copyrighted material without the express permission of the copyright holder.
Well, technically you have to convert said music files to .ogg format and you have to make some edits to songs.txt or add a new text file for te game to acknowledge the new songs. It's a relatively easy process, but hardly just drag and drop.
As long as you obtained the files legally (usually by purchase), you can do whatever you want with them privately. Anything done for your own use, without the intent to share it with others cannot infringe on copyright, it's the act of sharing the files in any way that constitutes copyright infringement*.I am a little fuzzy on all those legal technicalities; is conversion of the files really legal?