This might well have been asked before, but a quick search yielded me no clear results, so here goes.
If I play as Aegon during Aegon's conquest can I make Baratheon become Lord Paramount of the stormlands and adopt house durrandon's banner like in the books? On my first try when I conquered the stormlands nothing happened and he remained plain old Baratheon. If it's possible, mind giving me the exact conditions for this to happen? I'm a sucker for making sure everything is "correct" to start off.
On a similar note, any events to change the iron islands from hoare to greyjoy and the reach from gardener to tyrell or do I have to do this manually?
If I play as Aegon during Aegon's conquest can I make Baratheon become Lord Paramount of the stormlands and adopt house durrandon's banner like in the books? On my first try when I conquered the stormlands nothing happened and he remained plain old Baratheon. If it's possible, mind giving me the exact conditions for this to happen? I'm a sucker for making sure everything is "correct" to start off.
On a similar note, any events to change the iron islands from hoare to greyjoy and the reach from gardener to tyrell or do I have to do this manually?