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15 June, 1782
Charleston, South Carolina
"I'm thinking of eloping." John Preston sat astride his horse, peering at the woodlands south of Charleston. The city itself he found confining, with all the secret half-smiles from pretty much everyone in town. For one Sunday now, and two to follow his nuptials would be announced at Saint Michael's and posted on a notice board outside the church. "Some place where the marriage laws aren't so .... THERE."
"I'm pretty sure the law's the same no matter where you go. And elsewhere you'd have to prove who you are, just like Miss Rafferty." Tom Heyward rode with him, more out of a sense of camaraderie and duty rather than a desire for the man's company.
"You heard about that?"
"Yes. How's the head?"
"It hurts," John admitted. "I didn't know getting a marriage license was so hard!"
"I understand you tried to intimidate the clerk."
"He wanted to start an investigation on Cassie's past! Do you know how long that'd take?"
"Months," Tom admitted. "Was this before or after you tried to impress him with your rank?"
"Whose side are you on? Listen, Cassie has no records. She explained that already, remember? The Brits destroyed New York's copies, she lost hers, her father died in Canada, who's to vouch for her if not me?"
Heyward had his private doubts about her claims but shrugged. "All I'm saying is if you were nicer, he would have told you she could have a letter notarized earlier...and he wouldn't have hit you with the county records."
"I didn't know books could be that heavy."
"Or sent for the constable."
"Alright!" Preston glared at the woodlands, hoping some animal would make the mistake of showing itself. Suddenly he grinned slyly. "How's your hunt for a wife coming?"
"I'm not looking for a wife," Heyward answered sharply.
"That's not the word around town." His smile broadened at Tom's obvious discomfort.
"Yes, well I need to have a discussion with Mister Rutledge about that." The lawyer seemed to take a perverse delight in playing Cupid, and after a few hints to the Daughters of Carolina his name shot to the top of the list of eligible bachelors. "A
long discussion."
"There's Amelia Longhart, the daughter of Captain Longhart? I think she's a little young, but I don't think the captain cares. Pretty, and with a bit of negotiation her dowry could be substantial!"
Shut up, John."
"Oh, and don't forget Laura Hollinger. I dated her once before I met Cassie. I'll give you a hint, she really likes it when a man...hey!"
Tom grabbed him by the neck cloth and pulled until their faces were inches apart. "Do not seek to give me advice on my personal life," he hissed.
"Alright!" Preston tugged himself free. "What's your problem? Hey, come back here!"
At that moment Cassandra Rafferty stood at the top of Fort Charleston, one of the two towers flanking the only entrance to the city from the south. Fort Charleston was still a military base, and normally civilians be allowed on the stone ramparts, but apparently exceptions could be made for officers' wives. They simply extended the privilege early.
After a long, running explanation on the city's defenses courtesy an adoring young private too small for his uniform, she'd walked along the perimeter until she could see the entire city. She breathed deeply: the air here was just a little cooler, a little clearer.
Carefully she opened her purse and examined the notarized letter. It couldn't have been more direct.
I solemnly declare that: My name is Cassandra Alice Rafferty. I was born on the 16th of May, 1759 in Poplar Ridge, State of New York. As such, I am a citizen of the United States. I have the authority and presence of mind to enter a marriage contract of my own free will. I am unrelated to my intended. There is no ban preventing a marriage. The letter went on this tangent for some time, finally ending with:
Signed and subscribed before me, Edward Rutledge, Attorney-at-Law, on the twelfth day of June, 1782.
Cassie folded the note. She'd met General Heyward days after their return from the war and listened intently to his warnings about Edward Rutledge. Perhaps they were true, and she had no doubt his helping her had some political motivation...but in many ways he'd been kinder than her own kin. If Rutledge planned to collect on that debt some day, then that seemed to be the price of being southern gentry where favors and debts changed hands with every party.
She'd needed to get out of the city for a few hours. All the preliminary details were out of the way other than a few more meetings with the reverend. While John had been at war, their marriage had been a distant probability, something to look forward to. Now it loomed on the horizon. Every step, every breath pushed her inexorably towards this moment. Did she want to be a wife? Cassie no longer worried about fitting in, but the fact was marriage meant an end to a good amount of her freedom. She could no longer travel without him, be independent of him. From then on she would no longer be 'Cassandra Rafferty' but 'Mrs. John Preston.' He'd been at war for so long, not to mention the years she'd lost in Canada. How well did she know him really?
Sometimes she thought about running away...but where to? That cornet in Massachusetts? No, he'd been kind enough but what kind of life could she have there? She had no choice but to go through with this. And it scared her.
29 June, 1782
"Alright!" Preston huffed, turning red-faced to Tom. "How do I look?"
"Like you're drunk. Hold still." Heyward plucked off the boy's wig, causing a cloud of powder to fill the air. John sneezed as the general seized a pair of shears and cut his ponytail.
"What the devil?"
"You'll thank me later." Tom plopped the white wig back on Preston's head creating another powder cloud. He'd never quite adjusted to eighteenth century style and thought it ridiculous, but every man in that church would be wearing one. "Good." He retreated as a slave brushed the powder off John's uniform. "Your jacket's too small. What happened? Did you eat the entire cow?"
"I wouldn't talk," John fumed. Heyward seemed okay so long as no one brought up 'new enemies', bent crosses or women, but he couldn't resist. "How many hams did Miss Coleridge give you?"
"Four. She said it was in gratitude for bringing her brother home safely."
The poor bastard doesn't even know the noose is closing on him. John grinned at the thought.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing!" John answered quickly. "Hand me my sword? There. How do I look?"
Tom stared critically as the groom turned, turned again. "Passable."
"I'll take that as a compliment. Come on, the bells are ringing!"
"Dearly beloved," Malcolm Coleridge, the reverend at St. Michael's and father of the aforementioned grateful daughter, smiled serenly at the small assembly. "Being now assembled in the presence of God, to join together this man, and this woman, in the sacred Bans of Matrimony, it is proper for us to reflect that marriage is an honorable estate being instituted by God in the time of man¹s innocency; and signifying unto us the mystical union there is betwixt Christ and his Church. It was honored by the presence of Christ, and sanctified by the first miracle..."
Thomas Heyward sat in the first row. He was surprised at how small the wedding was: The reverend, an usher, the bride and groom of course, Tom, Mrs. Rutledge (no one seemed sure where her husband had gone), and three friends/witnesses. Ceremonies in the eighteenth century tended to be more intimate than in later days.
Cassie, he saw at once, was beautiful in a sky blue gown with a flower design at her hip. He could understand John's attraction to her, had felt it himself for a moment before he guiltily remembered Jess, now ten years and a lifetime away. She glanced in his direction curiously and he looked away.
Jess. Where would they be now if the Nazis hadn't come? Married no doubt, probably two or three children. Perhaps her dancing career would have taken hold, perhaps he'd still be at the factory. And what did it matter? None of that could happen now. Twentieth century England was as remote as the moon, and he'd never see her again.
"General Heyward? Are you alright?" Henrietta Rutledge whispered.
Tom angrily wiped his stinging eyes and glowered at the couple.
"Being as there is none to give away the bride, we will proceed to the vows. Jonathan Preston, the woman whom you now have by the hand, you take to be your wedded Wife, and you promise by Divine assistance to love and honor her, to comfort and cherish her in every situation of her life, and attaching yourself to none others, that you will cleave unto her only, so long as you both shall live."
"Cassandra Alice Rafferty. the man whom you now have by the hand, you take to be your wedded Husband, and you promise by Divine assistance to love, honor and obey him, to comfort and cherish him in every situation of his life, and attaching yourself to none other, that you will cleave unto him only, so long as you both shall live?"
Cassie hesitated just long enough for John's heart to annex his throat. "Yes," she whispered.
"Then I pronounce you to be Husband and Wife, and I do implore for you the constant aid of Divine Grace, that you may be enabled to live together as such, agreeably to the vows which you have made..."
It was some hours later, after Edward Rutledge's hasty apology followed by a massive reception, when John kissed his wife softly and rolled out of bed. "I need to go downstairs," he announced abruptly, pulling on his breaches with the urgency of a man who needed the chamber pot
right now. "Do you want anything?"
"No," Cassie smiled as he bolted out of the room. She held that pose, lying with a blanket over her breasts for a moment longer in case he returned, then catapulted out of bed. On with the lamp, and off with the bed sheets which she threw in the closet, coming back with the fresh sheets Martha had left behind at her insistence. She quickly made the bed and lay back down, huffing.
John returned a minute later and paused. Something about the room was different, and it wasn't the lit lamp. He dismissed it and sat by her side. "You're out of breath."
"Just thinking about you," she murmured, sinking into the bed as he leaned over her. She wrapped her arms around his bare back and memory faded.
He'd never know there hadn't been blood on the bedsheets.