Alrighty, rather than making separate threads for everything I wished to raise, I decided to bring it all up here!
- Bug - Lanna Lannister (ID: 80260190), the daughter of Lann 'the Clever' has the religion the Seven instead of the Old Gods. This a minor bug at best, but I figured I may as well report it.
- Bug - Eastern shipyards (the buildings) have the Westerosi descriptions. E.g. 'Greatest port in all of Westeros'.
- Suggestion - Brown Ben Plumm (ID: 60226) has Dothraki culture as well as graphics. I figure he would be better represented with either a Salt or Sand Dornish graphical culture, and Westerman culture.
- Bug - East Valyrians, who are not in Volantis, will still get all associated Triarchy events and decisions if they form a republic of their own. Wasn't sure if this WAD or not.
- Bug - Certain Wildling cultures (Frozenshore, Hornfoot) have only Smith as the available dynasty name.
- Bug - The deserter trait that one acquires when abandoning the NW does not result in a free imprisonment and execution as it should. Some even rejoin the NW in time, despite having broken their oaths. They should either flee Westeros or be targets for execution.
- Bug - The county of Sharp Point, which is de-jure Massy's Hook at the earliest start dates but is de-jure Dragonstone for later start dates, will always revert to being de-jure Massy's Hook if one saves and exits the game. Perhaps leaving Massy's Hook as de-jure Dragonstone in all start dates will fix this.
- Request - Decision available for player-controlled republics to build shipyards in their capital city if it does not already have one. This is because I am rather fond of trying to form republics in places where they don't normally exist, but I lack the ships required to move my troops about.
- Suggestion - Putting shipyard buildings in the Stepstones. As it stands if the player wishes to gain control of the Stepstones, they will receive no ships unless they are a pirate and build the pirate den buildings. While this makes some sense, I figure it would be more valuable to the player to be able to move the small amount of troops they have can gather from the Stepstones with ships that also come from there. As a trade off there could be events that see Pirate uprisings occur as the Stepstones try to revert to their normal lawless state.
- Request - Change the flag of the Ghiscar Empire from the same flag of the Kingdom of New Ghis, to the same flag as that of the Duchy of Old Ghis. It gives it a different look from the rest of the Kingdoms/Republics, and makes the distinguishing between areas a bit easier. That and I just like the look of Old Ghis flag over that of the New Ghis one.
- Request - While I am sure this is being worked on, I just wanted to ask for new religious flags for Rhllor and Valyrian followers. The old vanilla Persian ones don't fit either groups that well.
- Request - If a player is reclaiming North Valyria, a decision to form a 'New Valyrian' culture should be available, that would spread, converting the provinces of North Valyria to it. The culture spread events could have a long MTTH to represent the slow pace in which the new culture takes root, but it would wipe out those nasty Mantaryns. Using the names and graphics of the East Valyrians would be enough I figure.
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