Many congrats to...wait, what?
Well, this is a very nice surprise and thank you very much
@Midnite Duke ! And many thanks to all who have or will stop by and offer congrats.
I have to say that I did not expect any sort of awards or recognition for these 2 projects. The Creek AAR really started as therapy for me. I finished my Wessex series early in 2020 and then all hell hit the fan. I might have heard of some dust up or another. You'd have though with so much extra time on my hands, that I might have done some good writing. Yet I think I was spent after writing every day since late 2016. I really couldn't think of a thing. It was a little depressing, I don't mind saying. And there was this other thing going on, you know? And then at the very start of 2021, my best friend in the whole world died just before our 48th birthdays (we were born four days apart in 1973.)
We'd known each other since we were 12 and he was the closest thing I'll ever know as a brother. I have three sisters and then Keith. He was family and it hurt. It still hurts. And I didn't know how to process my grief. I thought maybe I'd just tool around in CK3 to take my mind away from things but I need to upgrade my graphics card to play it so...hmmm...what to do? So I started messing around in EUIV and then I started the Creek game. As I played, I said...why not just write something, anything about it? I experimented at the start, switching genres and styles...just writing something and some of it including some ideas about my best friend.
Ultimately, I decided that AAR worked best as just a game play AAR and it has been fun (outside of that little hiccup we know as the last game patch.) But I still wanted to write in narrative. Thus the resurrection of a very long dormant idea. WOTR is going very slowly because I've had a pretty bad case of writer's block the last couple of months (for good and bad reasons) but it remains ongoing and I've written more on it now than I did back then.
So really thanks for spotlighting both and I hope many or all will give them a look. And if nothing else, it's just good to be back and writing. Interacting with all of you good folks (for 20 years and going if you go by the date I discovered the forums) has always been a boon for me when I was depressed or just down and wonderfully exciting and joyful when I can share good news or just enjoy the moment. Thank you again and here is to a continued good 2021. Anything has to be better than March 2020 to March 2021. I know it has been for me.
EDIT - Incidentally, if it pleases the mods when they get to updating the thread title, you can just put in God Willing and the Creek Do Rise. It's a bit more ongoing and active.