Well, folks, I better pass this on before I forget. So, as a huge fan of world history and American history, I decided to pass on the Weekly AAR Showcase Crown to @volksmarschall and his AAR, Empire for Liberty : America in the Long Nineteenth Century https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...long-nineteenth-century.981654/#post-22085483 which started in 2016 and is very detailed.
@slothinator and his fabulous Annuntio Vobis: A Papal History of Italy covers an underplayed faction in Victoria 2 and brings a quality history book drama to life. We're all used to AARs in Europe, but we're generally bereft of AARs in Europe focusing on the Papal States.
So make your pilgrimage to the eternal city even if you're not Catholic! The AAR has all the smells, bells, and beauty that one could want in a virtual pilgrimage, er, History Book.
Now comes the time for me to choose a successor and who better than @LPDK 356 with their excellent Song of the Karlings: Karloman's Legacy!!
Give that Henry v. hasn't been seen since July last year, so had already been absent for four months at the time he was nominated, opening it up seems a wise plan. It might also be a good idea to check if any nominee has actually been online at the forum recently, it only takes a single click and might help avoid these sort of hold ups.