I was playing a great game as the Yi Ti during AFFC and it was around the year 833X or something and I decided to look over at Westeros. The Iron Throne is completely united and Tommen was able to stay on the throne until he was killed by Loras Tyrell. Now, that was many years ago and the only remaining characters left that had some significance in no particular order were:
-Edric Storm (In Essos somewhere)
-Sansa Stark (Married Harrold the Heir)
-Cersei Lannister (Still Lady Paramount of the Westerlands and really freaking old)
-Jeyne Westerling (Doing whatever the hell she's doing in god knows where)
-Jon Snow (Also really old and doing Wall stuff, been real boring ever since he and Roose beat the White Walkers. Also fathered 3 bastard girls)
-Samwell Tarly (Maester for Jon Snow)
-Aurane Waters (Still being his good ole' pirate self)
This may be cheating, but Rodrik "The Ruined" Forrester who appears in the Telltale game is still shockingly alive as well.
-Edric Storm (In Essos somewhere)
-Sansa Stark (Married Harrold the Heir)
-Cersei Lannister (Still Lady Paramount of the Westerlands and really freaking old)
-Jeyne Westerling (Doing whatever the hell she's doing in god knows where)
-Jon Snow (Also really old and doing Wall stuff, been real boring ever since he and Roose beat the White Walkers. Also fathered 3 bastard girls)
-Samwell Tarly (Maester for Jon Snow)
-Aurane Waters (Still being his good ole' pirate self)
This may be cheating, but Rodrik "The Ruined" Forrester who appears in the Telltale game is still shockingly alive as well.
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