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Paradox Development Studio New

  1. Clausewitz Maya Exporter (modding tool)
    1. Bug reports
  2. Previous Games from PDS
    1. Crusader Kings II
      1. Crusader Kings II - Bug Reports
      2. Crusader Kings II - User Modifications
        1. Game of Thrones Mod
        2. The Clausewitz Maya Exporter
        3. CK2 Plus Mod
        4. Elder Kings Mod
        5. Historical Immersion Project
        6. Lux Invicta
        7. When the World Stopped Making Sense [Mod]
        8. Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht [Mod]
      3. Crusader Kings II - Suggestions
      4. Crusader Kings II - Tech Support
      5. Crusader Kings II - After Action Reports
    2. Hearts of Iron 3
      1. Please link your Paradox account to Steam
      2. HoI3 - AAR
    3. Crusader Kings
      1. Crusader Kings FAQs
      2. Crusader Kings - After Action Reports (AAR)
      3. Crusader Kings - Bug reports
      4. Crusader Kings - Technical Support
      5. Crusader Kings - Scenarios and Modifications
        1. Crusader Kings - Graphics modifications
        2. Crusader Kings - Event scripting
        3. Crusader Kings - Scenarios and Modifications uploa
      6. Crusader Kings - Multiplayer Action
    4. Europa Universalis III
      1. EU3 - After Action Reports (AAR)
    5. Victoria 2
      1. Victoria 2 - After Action Reports (AAR)
    6. Europa Universalis II
      1. EU2 - Scenarios, Events and Modifications
        1. EU2 - User made scenarios and mods
        2. Interregnum & Aberration
        3. Flags, shields and other graphics (like maps!)
        4. AGC-EEP historical mod
          1. Event Exchange Project (EEP)
          2. Alternative Grand Campaign (AGC)
      2. EU2 - FAQ
      3. EU2 - After Action Reports (AAR)
      4. EU2 - Bug Reporting
      5. EU2 - Tech Support
      6. EU2 - Multiplayer Action
    7. Europa Universalis I
      1. FAQ and Support
      2. EU1 - After Action Reports (AAR)
      3. Scenario and Modifications
    8. Hearts of Iron 1
      1. HoI - FAQ
      2. HoI - After Action Reports (AAR)
      3. HoI - Scenarios and modifications
        1. HoI User made Scenarios and mods
        2. The Great War
        3. Super AI Bundle
        4. C.O.R.E HOI
        5. HOI Graphical Editing
        6. A Stony Road Mod
      4. HoI - Support Forum
      5. HoI - Bug Reporting Forum
      6. HoI - Multiplayer
    9. Victoria
      1. Victoria - FAQ
      2. Victoria - After Action Reports (AAR)
      3. Victoria - Bug reporting
        1. Victoria - Bugs logged
      4. Victoria - Scenarios and modifications
        1. Victoria - User made scenarios and mods
        2. EU2 to Victoria Utility
        3. Victoria mods - Graphics
        4. Victoria mods - POPs
        5. Victoria mods - Victoria Improvements Project
          1. VIP - 1861 Scenario
          2. VIP - 1881 Scenario
          3. VIP - 1914 Scenario
          4. VIP - AI Enhancements
          5. VIP - Technologies and Inventions
        6. Victoria 1919-1933 scenario project
      5. Victoria - Tech Support
      6. Victoria - Multiplayer
    10. Diplomacy
      1. Diplomacy - Updates
      2. Diplomacy - After Action Reports (AAR)
    11. March of the Eagles
      1. MotE - After Action Reports
    12. Two Thrones
    13. Rome
      1. Rome - FAQ
      2. Rome - Tech Support
      3. Rome - Bug reports
      4. Rome - Multiplayer
      5. Rome - User Modifications
        1. Imperium
        2. Magna Terra
        3. Epigoni
      6. Rome - After Action Reports (AAR)
    14. Sengoku
      1. Sengoku - FAQ
      2. Sengoku - Tech Support
      3. Sengoku - Bug Reports
      4. Sengoku - Multiplayer
      5. Sengoku - User Modifications
      6. Sengoku - AAR
    15. Crown of the North
    16. HoI2: Doomsday Expansion
      1. HoI2:DD - After Action Reports
      2. HoI2:DD - Tech Support
      3. HoI2:DD - Scenarios and modifications
      4. HoI2:DD - Multiplayer
      5. HoI2:DD - FAQs
      6. HoI2:DD - Enhancement suggestions
    17. Hearts of Iron 2
      1. HoI2 - After Action Reports
      2. HoI2 - Tech Support
      3. HoI2 - Scenarios and modifications
        1. C.O.R.E.
        2. Kaiserreich
        3. Yugoslav Wars
        4. 1914
        5. Stony Road
        6. Cold War mod
        7. Grand Battle mod
        8. Total Realism Project
        9. DAIM
        10. World in Flames
        11. Other mods and projects
      4. HoI2 - Multiplayer
      5. HoI2 - FAQ
      6. HoI2 - Enhancement Suggestions