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Inside the "The_Alternative_Scenario_4.rar" file is a folder called "The_Alternative_Scenario_v104" and then inside that is "The Alternative Scenario Setup" and then inside *that* folder there are 4 folders: "config" "gfx" "db" and "scenarios". Now open up the main CK folder, the one with "crusaders.exe". Next, drag the 4 folders from the .rar file into the main folder. If that doesn't ask you to overwrite files/merge folders then I don't know what to suggest.
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If that still doesn't work then Google for WinRAR

Once you have downloaded and installed WinRAR you can put the TASS.rar file into your main Crusader Kings folder and then right click on it and select the option 'extract here'. Answer everything pop-up that comes with yes.
Inside the "The_Alternative_Scenario_4.rar" file is a folder called "The_Alternative_Scenario_v104" and then inside that is "The Alternative Scenario Setup" and then inside *that* folder there are 4 folders: "config" "gfx" "db" and "scenarios". Now open up the main CK folder, the one with "crusaders.exe". Next, drag the 4 folders from the .rar file into the main folder. If that doesn't ask you to overwrite files/merge folders then I don't know what to suggest.

Seems to be working, it told me to overwrite files when I did that. Thanks, I'll check if it works.

EDIT: Yep, it works. Thanks!
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Hey first time TASS user here, just wondering if TASS has any events that keep characters stats down? If not can anyone link me to a sub-mod that does?

TASS seems to be fantastic so far so thanks for a great mod Veld!
I don't know if anybody would be interested in / get any use out of this, but as part of my "trying to decide which 1066-The Confessor faction to use for writing a Learning AAR" deliberations, I put together this colored map of all of the kingdoms in TASS that have associated territory (kingdoms that do not have associated territory, which as far as I know are only Nubia and Navarra, obviously are not present).

White territories are not associated with any kingdom (Brittany, the Canaries, Rome, and Corsica and Sardinia). I also apologize for how difficult it is to read some of the kingdom names (mostly Georgia, Serbia, Egypt, Leon, and Transoxania).


Let me know if I made any mistakes, and I'll cry for a while and then try to fix them. :p


P.S. And if anybody has any input on which faction I should choose for the AAR, please drop by and share.
Vladimir-Suzdal, Suzdal, and Rostov are all already duchies (then again there are also duchies of Bohemia, Leon, Aragon, et al). Given how very large the Kingdom of Russia is, though, it could theoretically be broken down into two smaller kingdoms. After all, it is 30 provinces (Bohemia, meanwhile, is the smallest kingdom, at a tagged-province count of eight), and while 30 doesn't make the largest kingdom by any stretch (thanks to Germany, Byzantium, and France), it's still the largest unformed kingdom behind Persia and Italy (at 32 provinces each -- for those of you keeping count, Khazaria is only 26).

There isn't really a problem with the way it's set up now, but I'm always a fan of more tagged / formable kingdoms. :p God knows if I had any idea what I was doing I'd probably throw in another dozen formable kingdoms -- Greece, Anatolia, the Netherlands, a couple more in the Russian region, chop up Germany into more parts, probably throw in some stuff in France as well, etc. Not only would the addition of more formable kingdoms make things more interesting for factions that start as vassals, like Toulouse, or Bavaria, or Athens, but it would mean that if you were really king over all of Germany or France, that would be worth more (prestige-wise) than being king over all of Serbia or Wales.

/Wishful Thinking

Landwalker, refer to the map posted just above. Veld has already split it up, but now between 'Kievan Rus' and 'Russia'. Since the terms are more-or-less synonyms (in that one is the descendant of the other), Calgacus suggests renaming 'Russia' to something else.
Landwalker, refer to the map posted just above. Veld has already split it up, but now between 'Kievan Rus' and 'Russia'. Since the terms are more-or-less synonyms (in that one is the descendant of the other), Calgacus suggests renaming 'Russia' to something else.

Oh, I know. I was just running off on a tangent train of thought starting with the second sentence, but I realize now that the break wasn't as sharp or clear as it seemed to me.

I just installed TASS, and I have to say, I really enjoy the Before the Conquest scenario and The Confessor scenario. I tip my hat to you, Veldmaarschalk for such a wonderful mod.

If you like those scenarios you might also want to try my Before the Conquest mod.
This mod, has two scenario's.

- Before the Conquest (starts January 8, 1066)
- Stamford Bridge (starts on September 26, 1066)

This is a stand-alone mod, since I have changed things in the cultural and duchy setup that only make sense for these two scenarios.
Thanks for the link. I've been trying to find that exact mod. I have to say that the work you've put into it is pretty amazing. Also, the new map for Wales and Ireland looks crazy good.
How did you become king of Zenata ?

It's possible for a Christian ruler to get a claim event that gives them a claim on a "heathen-specific" title. In one of my games, I started off as the Duke of Mazovia. Now, among other things, I hold "Duke of Pruthenians" among my titles due to a claim event (and subsequent elimination of the Tribe of Pruthenians). Unfortunately, I don't have any idea how it might impact game stability were it a primary title -- since I was already a duke, it's only a secondary (well, now tertiary, as I am King of Livonia) title.

I suppose I could fire up an earlier save (I switched saves when I formed the kingdom) and give away all of the ducal titles except for Pruthenians just to see if it has any effect. (Edit: Nevermind, apparently I deleted that game yesterday when I was cleaning up the Save Games folder. Whoops.)

i beat the kingdom of zénatas as duke of barcelona
i got this peace conditions : "we will submit to become their vassal"
but zénatas truly became MY vassal

later, they rebelled, so i got a claim, i beat them again, and then i took the title
so, my main title is king of zénatas (1st time it happens for me)

since i got a new king, the game is crashing every 2 months

i gave up, i'm trying to grab firstly a catho kingdom as usual

thanks for help !
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Hey veld is the D/L link broken? I cannot get it to work on any browser!

oh, and is this at all compatible with DVIP and DVIP addons? really want to create the kingdom of novgorod.
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