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Compulsive CommentatAAR
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Aug 1, 2002
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So new Paradox game, and not just Paradox game but PDS game.

One should treat this most seriously, and that starts with selecting the appropriate mug for one's tea.

There are four options.

The small glass mugs I inherited from my Granny. Very nice, but more suited perhaps to leaf tea from my teapot that for the more ... industrial ... tea drinking I envisage.

Next, what some people laughably call an "ordinary" sized mug. Clearly not sufficient to the task.

Then we come to my standard mug, which is barely adequate for regular use. Clearly we need something special.

Time to get the big one from the cupboard. And it is, after all, a bouncing good day


Just in case you thought this was going to be too serious

So which nation is it to be? So so so many options, but only one really keeps my interest this evening. Olbia.

This is really an account of my playing tonight. Whether it continues on for long is probably in doubt, but we shall see. Here goes.

Very interesting choice both in mugs and in state. Intrigued to see how this goes! :)
Good luck my friend!
So mostly I forget to take screenshots. Ah well. To be fair, to begin with all I am doing is clicking around madly like I was six and facing a wall packed with pick'n'mix sweets. So many buttons! Sure the AI is the usual PDS inanities. The message settings I won't worry about for now, but whatever they are I am sure they are not what I desire.

So Olbia. My leader is one Ophellos Zenonid, leader of the Civic faction. Nice enough chap, but it is clear that his faction is by far the weakest. In fact it only takes a few years until there is only one Civic faction senator. The new candidate is a ruddy Populist, who ends up controlling over 40% of the vote.

I improve relations with Scythia - and then consider putting a claim on Tyras immediately to my west. But then I realise Tyras is allied to the Tyrgetae - a largeish tribe to the north of them. Discretion being the better part of valour, I look elsewhere and discover the Chersonesus league is unallied, and I appear to have a larger army. I make the claim on effectively just one city - Kalos Limen - and then there is an Election and that Populist comes to power.


My original army was 5 Psiloi - archers. I have supplemented that with two horse archers. I declare war, get military access from the Scythians, and march in. All goes well at first, but then I realise that - after some hurried recruiting - the Chernonese are marching at my 7000 troops with an army of 11,000. But blow me down if we don't send them packing.


Then I discover I need some extra troops to finish my siege. I recruit 2 more regiments of Psiloi, and then finish the siege in short order. To see 13,000 troops marching at me. That is ... too many. I do try to fight it out, but the result is not pretty:


Despite this I note my warscore is still pretty high, and am able to secure a pretty decent peace taking the province and a reasonable haul of gold. The sacking of the city also got me 1 slave.


All in all, a successful first war.

Along to way I also joined in a defensive league with Tyras and a full alliance with Scythia. The future is bright - the future is Olbian!
An excellent choice of mug! Looking forward to this!
I was considering Olbia as well as first nation to play but instead decided on the Bosporan Kingdom not far away. Used to be one of my favorites in the old EU: Rome.
Alas, I only got to do the initial setup like trade routes and first inventions and national ideas and then it was time to go to work, where I'm typing this, very much against regulations...

I hope you have a blast, stnylan!
@RossN @Smokez83
There is always the appropriate tea for every occasion, and always the appropriate mug (or cup and saucer) :)

@Nikolai Cheers

I was tempted by the Bosphoran Kingdom as well, but I decided like @Nikolai I wanted my first game to be a republic. It's been fun, but I am now looking at the Kingdom with greedy eyes :D
So back to Olbia

One never likes the Populists (especially with their +10% power costs malus) - but sometimes they insist on getting elected. And sometimes they get their comeuppance, as with this lovely event that popped up shortly after the previous war concluded.


The reality is though that I am still incredibly bad at taking screenshots. Not a great deal happened for the next little while, except that in due course I got a new leader.


Pretty nice, but the important thing was not a populist - so I immediately splurged on power getting various inventions, boosting my stability and triggering a new omen, plus my first military advance. And then I claim the remaining Chersonese province, and get ready for war. Amusingly, shortly after I fabricated the claim the Cheronese gave me a gift. Very nice of them that :D


But it won't stop me. The Chersonesus League are allied to the Bosphoran Kingdom, which is involved in a war with Moesia to the east. With Scythia's aid I think this is a perfect time to strike.


And the truth is I was right. This is not a proper fight. The only signficant battle I fight I outnumber the enemy 2-1, and I stackwipe them in their capital. The siege of the same does take well over a year - but with Scythia clearing up any other enemy troops and swathes of Bosphoran territory the end is not really in doubt.



Then what to do with the families. I choose to invite one family from Chersonesus into my state, and get rid of the rest. I fiddle around with the offices, getting some better folks in the various jobs. I switch a new governor in, and set up a trade route from Chersonesus to bring in Wood. I am thinking of possibly building up a fleet.

Meanwhile however whilst the Chersonese war was winding down Scythia attacked Moesia and their allies with myself, Tyras, and Sarmatia on their side. Having made peace with the Kingdom I asked for (and received) military access, and took my army over there to join in the fun. We sacked the Moesian capital - running rampant through it killing 4 pops (no slaves alas). We also took the capital of one of their minor allies, but were better behaved. Along the way the chap leading my army become the Archon of Olbia.


And then we were kicked out of the alliance. Apparently Scythia made the jump from Local to Regional Power, and therefore the alliance could not be maintained. I misssed the screenshot pop-up, though I have to say it was rather confusing and took me a little digging around the game to work out what had happened. Still being friendly though, the Scythians immediately guaranteed me.


They have also guaranteed Tyrus, so I won't be getting them anytime soon. It is nice to have the protection as Thrace has been moving up the Black Sea coast.

However it is time for me to starting thinking bedtime thoughts so I save the game and exit it, to write up this post. It looks like the Bosphoran Kingdom is my best bet for immediate expansion. I also want to build up a navy , which would bring up the possibility of looking over to some of the other Black Sea coastal areas. However, my manpower is also now quite reduced so I will need to bear that in mind.

As for the game itself - I have enjoyed my first night in Olbia. I certainly have some niggles - the default message alerts are rubbish, there is plenty of room for roll-over tips all over the place, and the UI is "classically Paradox". The map is beautiful, but I feel oddly like some of the UI feels a bit "heavy" in its appearance. Not quite sure how else to describe it. Music works nicely.

I would not be surprised if newcomers to PDS games find this one a pretty steep learning cliff. Previous PDS players should, I imagine, be able to figure out the basic UI and other essential matters relatively swiftly I think.

Anyway, there are my first thoughts on Imperator Rome after my first evening of play.

Just for the record, I am not intending to necessarily "play all the way through" with this game. It is a learning experience for me. There will doubtless come a time when I want to play with another new toy (perhaps a British tribe) but until then I hope to keep this running.
Good Guy Scythia.
A successful start! Agree with what you're saying regarding the UI feeling heavy. I imagine they will tweak it and we'll have some QoL changes come our way soon. Still, my initial dabbles have been enjoyable and I anticipate a lot of hours playtime in this game.
Yeah, by know, Paradox should get message settings correct. I mean, they jumping repeatedly on a same rake with every game since EU

And Scythia seems like a good to have.
Besides the obvious flaw of consuming tea instead of the vastly superior coffee (even if you're British), I'll be looking forward to your adventures in the Black Sea.
Good Guy Scythia.
Yes, hopefully we can continue a long and fruitful relationship.

A successful start! Agree with what you're saying regarding the UI feeling heavy. I imagine they will tweak it and we'll have some QoL changes come our way soon. Still, my initial dabbles have been enjoyable and I anticipate a lot of hours playtime in this game.
Yes, I need to think about the UI a little more before writing anything much about that.

Yeah, by know, Paradox should get message settings correct. I mean, they jumping repeatedly on a same rake with every game since EU

And Scythia seems like a good to have.
As one might say, it is not a flaw by an "endearing" quirk or peccadillo from a company we have gotten to know so well.

Besides the obvious flaw of consuming tea instead of the vastly superior coffee (even if you're British), I'll be looking forward to your adventures in the Black Sea.
There is nothing superior about coffee. :D
Yeah, by know, Paradox should get message settings correct. I mean, they jumping repeatedly on a same rake with every game since EU

And Scythia seems like a good to have.

Honestly there's another quirk that reassures me that a game is typically Paradox, and that is the title music being loud enough to deafen you on the first start up. I'd be lying if I said it never gets old, but it is reassuring nonetheless.
Interesting informative AAR!

I agree, I never liked coffee much... way too bitter a taste for me.
Excellent taste good sir

Honestly there's another quirk that reassures me that a game is typically Paradox, and that is the title music being loud enough to deafen you on the first start up. I'd be lying if I said it never gets old, but it is reassuring nonetheless.
That is actually a very good point. I hadn't thought it, but now you mention it I cannot but agree.

I have had a very busy weekend so haven't actually visited the Forums since Friday, or played any computer game since then either. I do have a session to write-up, which I hope to be able to do later today but it does somewhat very much depend on how distracted I get by unpacking various boxes of half-forgotten stuff I got out of long-term storage at the weekend.
Excellent taste good sir

That is actually a very good point. I hadn't thought it, but now you mention it I cannot but agree.

I have had a very busy weekend so haven't actually visited the Forums since Friday, or played any computer game since then either. I do have a session to write-up, which I hope to be able to do later today but it does somewhat very much depend on how distracted I get by unpacking various boxes of half-forgotten stuff I got out of long-term storage at the weekend.

Understood and thanks for the heads up. :)

I've got to say reading this had really made me eager to start up an Imperator AAR. The trouble is narrowing it down to one choice! :confused:
I've got to say reading this had really made me eager to start up an Imperator AAR. The trouble is narrowing it down to one choice! :confused:
I know the feeling. :D