Comissary-General Zohira K’Tun sighed.
This was not a road he wanted. While he did see the merit in securing their borders, the Roccan Resistance should be better than this, he told himself.
The closer ties to the Independent Tal’Akkuran Republic, who had turned out to be old slaves of the old nemesis of the Roccan, sharing their fate, but not their renewed strength? Good. He would make sure they were secure, even now that the Zrian were surrounding them and even though the Zrian was to eying them. As far as he could determine policy, and he knew he was not sole arbirator of that, as recent events had show, he would protect them.
And the habitat in previous Havensky space? Colonization was underway and
that was the Roccan way. Peaceful, but not pacifist, ready to do what needed to be done. He could subscribe to that.
But this?
The Enlightened Kingdom om Jumla was weak. They should have been protected. Perhaps become friends. Like the Fexklansiga had been, as a vassal, but even so as a friendly, allied state if so. Like the Zrian Confederation, perhaps. A trading parter, research parter, perhaps one day an ally.
Perhaps, as was Zohira’s dream, a federation of allied states.
But no. The kingdom had been belligerent, threatening even. Weaker, yes. But not in fierceness. They wanted nothing to do with the Roccan Resistance.
And now parts of his own government, large parts actually, together with a sizeable part of the electorate, was calling for war. There were rumors of raiders on the other side of the kingdom, raiders like the Panurians close to the Roccan homeworld, Nogg.
Some argued for invasion of Jumla before they fell to the raiders, weak as they were. Protection, under the guise of imperialism. Some argued for securing the kingdom so that the Roccan could keep a better eye on the rumored raiders.
He snorted.
Imperialism. Warmongering. He wished he could have nothing to do with it. But he knew he was defeated. The people spoke. The rest of the government spoke. War it was.
He just prayed it would be so easy and quick as the warmongerers proclaimed it would be. And that as few as possible would die. Some days he wanted nothing but becoming a mere scientist again. The simplicity of science. Knowledge and research. But he knew he was not merely a scientist these days. He was a politician, whether he wanted it or not.
He did not believe in gods, but if they existed, he prayed he would end his rule and life not tainted more than absolutely necessary. That he kept his soul clean, whatever a soul was in the big picture of things. He prayed his rule would leave the galaxy and Roccan at a better place.
With that, he signed the order to invade the Enlightened Kingdom of Jumla.