One line summary of your issue
[3.3.3] Characters spawn by the game rule "Generate Families" not obtain sayyid trait correctly.
Game Version
3.3.3 [SOHY]
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Some dynasties are descendants of Muhammad and own sayyid trait by default. (e.g Hashimid/Rassid/Idrisid/...)
And game rule "Generate Families" spawn few sons and daughter for (AI) players if no heir on start-up.
However, these spawn sons did not obtain sayyid/mirza trait correctly, resulting the lost of patrilineal inheritance of sayyid.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1.Start a 936 bookmark game with game rule "Generate Families" set to "On"
2.Check the Hashimids, Emirate of Hijaz.
3.His elder son(s) has no sayyid traits.
Crusader Kings II\events\game_rule_events.txt:6712
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[3.3.3] Characters spawn by the game rule "Generate Families" not obtain sayyid trait correctly.
Game Version
3.3.3 [SOHY]
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Some dynasties are descendants of Muhammad and own sayyid trait by default. (e.g Hashimid/Rassid/Idrisid/...)
And game rule "Generate Families" spawn few sons and daughter for (AI) players if no heir on start-up.
However, these spawn sons did not obtain sayyid/mirza trait correctly, resulting the lost of patrilineal inheritance of sayyid.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
1.Start a 936 bookmark game with game rule "Generate Families" set to "On"
2.Check the Hashimids, Emirate of Hijaz.
3.His elder son(s) has no sayyid traits.
Crusader Kings II\events\game_rule_events.txt:6712
character_event = { # Generate 'Fake Family' for characters without any
id = GR.30
if = { # Sayyid fix
limit = {
religion_group = muslim
trait = sayyid
is_female = no
any_child = {
limit = {
religion_group = muslim
NOT = { trait = sayyid }
add_trait = sayyid
if = { # Caste fix
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