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Jan 15, 2012
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My capital is located in a coptic/egyptian culture province, I own all DLC but there is no button to change to local culture. With other cultures it is possible for me. I have nearly 3000 hours in CK2 so I know where I can find the button (right klick on ruler portrait)

My question is whether this is a bug or works like intended or if I miss something?
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1.You own RoI DLC but not have not it activated, or
2.You are Nomadic or Chinese Imp. government.
3.You are not independent and the liege is not the capital cultural.

Do me a favor, ask and post a question in the general discussion forum only. The bug report forum is for bugs reports (that is, in a regular report form/template).
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1.You own RoI DLC but not have not it activated, or
2.You are Nomadic or Chinese Imp. government.
3.You are not independent and the liege is not the capital cultural.

Do me a favor, ask and post a question in the general discussion forum only. The bug report forum is for bugs reports (that is, in a regular report form/template).

Point 1. and point 2. are not applying. Point 3 is applying, I am not independent, but I am also not independent as emir of mossul and could switch to Assyrian and can still switch to Levantine although I am not independent, in the same realm as egypt (Abbasid) and the Liege is not my capital culture (he is bedoin)

I thought it is a bug, as thought 10 other players of a MP game, so I decided to post it here as a bug.
I'd like to correct 3. It's "You are not independent and shares the same culture with your liege."
Are you in the same culture (bedouin_arabic) with your liege, the Abbasid guy? If so, the decision is disabled for you.
I guess you're not likely playing MP without mods, so better check them too.