Version: 3.3.3 (SOHY)
DLC: All
Mods: BLG/CC with ironman achievements; Better Looking Garbs; Orange Ransom Button; Orange Wikipedia Button; Viking Counter (Ironman); Visible Health And Fertility.
Start Date: 769
Character: Count of ad-Daqahliya
Cheats used: max_tech; cash; prestige; add_martial; add_trait; quickbuild.
Bug: As one can see in the first Picture below, my Coptic Retinue deals 60.5 Damage while using Force Back. This equals 0,01(DMG-A)*(1+0,6(Skirmish VIII))*124(N-A)+0,045(DMG-P)*(1+0,6(Melee VIII)+2,4(Force Back))*332(N-P). What's missing is the 1,4 Combat Modifier from Light Foot Leader and Heavy Infantry Leader which would increase the Damage to 84,7. Furthermore as one can see in the second Screenshot, are the Modifiers for the Unit not showing for the Coptic Retinue. The Modifiers are visible on every other Retinue and the Levies on the same Character.

DLC: All
Mods: BLG/CC with ironman achievements; Better Looking Garbs; Orange Ransom Button; Orange Wikipedia Button; Viking Counter (Ironman); Visible Health And Fertility.
Start Date: 769
Character: Count of ad-Daqahliya
Cheats used: max_tech; cash; prestige; add_martial; add_trait; quickbuild.
Bug: As one can see in the first Picture below, my Coptic Retinue deals 60.5 Damage while using Force Back. This equals 0,01(DMG-A)*(1+0,6(Skirmish VIII))*124(N-A)+0,045(DMG-P)*(1+0,6(Melee VIII)+2,4(Force Back))*332(N-P). What's missing is the 1,4 Combat Modifier from Light Foot Leader and Heavy Infantry Leader which would increase the Damage to 84,7. Furthermore as one can see in the second Screenshot, are the Modifiers for the Unit not showing for the Coptic Retinue. The Modifiers are visible on every other Retinue and the Levies on the same Character.
