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Nov 2, 2012
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I am playing as a Byzantine Strategos controlling a single Theme and a bunch of counties. For some reason, when my eldest son died the game gave me the "No heir of your dynasty" warning, while I still had other children and grandchildren. I know the Theme will revert to the Basileus upon death but I should remain in the game still controlling my Counties.
Even though I didn't understand the problem I tried to fix it by moving quickly to put a dynastic family member on the throne. What followed was a gruelling race against the time with my aging ruler to win a faction demand war before I died. I've done some save scumming when I died because this is not supposed to happen and the game actually game overed me, it is not just a faulty warning. Even after winning the war it still doesn't work and I still get the "No heir of your dynasty" warning.

I am now in a situation where I have a Basileus of my dynasty to inherit my Theme, which is my main title, and who should therefore be my main heir. Even if this would somehow not work, I still have plenty of children, all of my dynasty, to inherit my Counties. But the game keeps saying I don't have an heir and will game over when I die. This persists even after reloading the save or restarting the game.

I am playing with all main DLC except for Sunset Invasion. Of the minor DLCs I have the Monks and Mystics Content pack, the South Indian Poirtraits 5 year anniversary gift and the African Portraits pack. The only mod I use is a simple ironman compatible mod which only changes the name "Byzantine Empire" to"Roman Empire".


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I played on with this game and when my ruler died I was able to play as his heir (the basileus) after all. So that part was only a bug with the warning of game over appearing incorrectly. I also found out my idiot eldest son (who was a ruler in his own right because of his mother) had apparently married matrilinearly before he died, so my dynastic heir was not of my dynasty. Which the game does not show when you are a theme because the basileus will be shown as your heir if your "dynastic heir", or the heir of your dynastic holdings, is not of your dynasty. Disregarding this interface problem, it seems the only real bug is the incorrect game over message after I got my grandson on the imperial throne (as can be seen in the screenshot and savegame).
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