Description: Pretty much what the title says. The merchant republic in Rhos (Britannia) has 5 patricians, but for the house I am in control of there is no way to select one of the male heirs for the election. The save is attached (Gwynedd822_10_07.ck2).
A similar bug report can be found on Reddit (backup) from a day ago.
DLC: All DLCs (every paid DLC for CK2 is in effect for the save)
Mods: This save was created using the newest 3.3.3 SOHY version (current content buildid: 5135112), the problem appeared before I added any workshop items (like the tall/short traits, artifact acquisition only, sketchy cheat menu, etc). To be extra diligent I verified the files using Steam's builtin file-checker.
1. Take over the area surrounding Rhos
2. Grant the dutchy of Gwnyedd (and all lower titles — county & office of mayor) to another character (this sets up the merchant republic or it did for me anyhow)
3. Notice that it is not possible to setup an heir for the new person leading the merchant republic if you play the character.
A similar bug report can be found on Reddit (backup) from a day ago.
DLC: All DLCs (every paid DLC for CK2 is in effect for the save)
Mods: This save was created using the newest 3.3.3 SOHY version (current content buildid: 5135112), the problem appeared before I added any workshop items (like the tall/short traits, artifact acquisition only, sketchy cheat menu, etc). To be extra diligent I verified the files using Steam's builtin file-checker.
1. Take over the area surrounding Rhos
2. Grant the dutchy of Gwnyedd (and all lower titles — county & office of mayor) to another character (this sets up the merchant republic or it did for me anyhow)
3. Notice that it is not possible to setup an heir for the new person leading the merchant republic if you play the character.

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