I have been giving some thought to one of the random events I never quite liked, which was the Foreign Drill Instructor. Too expensive early on, and normally useless later on, with effects that also struck me as to strong. Why, for example, would a drill instructor increase Offensive?
I did some tinkering with the effects and triggers and added two new events to cover the Offensive side of things, modelled loosely on the ideas from EU3 that peace reduces military quality, war improves it.
In the Foreign Drill Insructor, it doesn't only affect Europeans anymopre, just nations with Land 2 or greater. And I have scaled it not only for countrysize, but for time period, so it gets more expensive over the years as the general economy grows. That said, I have the event a lot cheaper.
Then there are the two events to cover militarism and its reverse.
I have been giving some thought to one of the random events I never quite liked, which was the Foreign Drill Instructor. Too expensive early on, and normally useless later on, with effects that also struck me as to strong. Why, for example, would a drill instructor increase Offensive?
I did some tinkering with the effects and triggers and added two new events to cover the Offensive side of things, modelled loosely on the ideas from EU3 that peace reduces military quality, war improves it.
In the Foreign Drill Insructor, it doesn't only affect Europeans anymopre, just nations with Land 2 or greater. And I have scaled it not only for countrysize, but for time period, so it gets more expensive over the years as the general economy grows. That said, I have the event a lot cheaper.
event = {
id = 800311
random = yes
trigger = {
land = 2
NOT = { domestic = { type = quality value = 10 }
NOT = { countrysize = 9 }
NOT = { year = 1470 }
name = "EVENTNAME_A22"
desc = "EVENTHIST_A22"
style = 0
action_a = {
name = "EVENT_A22_B"
command = { type = vp value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = "EVENT_A22_A"
command = { type = cash value = -30 }
command = { type = domestic which = quality value = 1 }
Then there are the two events to cover militarism and its reverse.
# Military Ascendency by MattyG
event = {
id = 800316
random = yes
trigger = {
NOT = { religion = pagan }
[B]atwar = yes[/B]
NOT = { domestic = { type = offensive value = 8 }
name = "Military Ascendency"
desc = "The ongoing conflict experienced by our nation has increased the standing and internal power of the military, which now receives a greater share of attention and funding from the crown."
action_a = {
name = "It was inevitable"
command = { type = domestic which = offensive value = 1 }
# More Butter, Fewer Guns by MattyG
event = {
id = 800317
random = yes
trigger = {
NOT = { religion = pagan }
[B]atwar = no[/B]
domestic = { type = offensive value = 6 }
ai = no
name = "More Butter, Fewer Guns"
desc = "With peace comes a lessening of the importance of the military and particularly of its readiness for war."
action_a = {
name = "OK"
command = { type = domestic which = offensive value = -1 }