Isn't the neighbor bonus dependent on other countries _within_ your tech group? That is, you need to keep nations within the same tech group atleast somewhat close to eachother as they will be aiding eachother technologically ingame even if they are on oposite sides of the world....
As far as I know the major bonus with being in a tech group is not it's inherent bonuses but the bonuses that can be gotten from the other nations in that same group (this is why for many versions the muslim tech group was better than the torthodox one, there where lots of more nations in the muslim one...)
As far as I know the major bonus with being in a tech group is not it's inherent bonuses but the bonuses that can be gotten from the other nations in that same group (this is why for many versions the muslim tech group was better than the torthodox one, there where lots of more nations in the muslim one...)