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Apr 3, 2015
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A. INTRODUCTION and CHAPTERS 1a & 2: Conventions & Corvettes

i wanted to share my plans of conception ships.
there are many rules i used as base, i will try to detail all...
116 active conception plans actually, i still dont have unlocked fortresses (large military bases) but it will be soon (before year 2550), i will complete that there, next...

in the game, i am actually in 2512, with 8 fleets of 43100 to 43300 fleet points each (345k as total !).
each of them have 12BBs, 24CAs, 18DDs and 6Cs.
for a total of 1872 fleet points used and 87.2% of overcost actually...
compared with others main faction, its in top10 but still limited, some other nations are much more powerfull than me !
main both alliance of 2 factions (Fevarian & Avtyrran, and Groknaploran & Ganlarev) have between 300 and 380k fleet points for each of them... :eek:
Ganlarev (central north faction in dark color on the map) is the best one about my present knowledge:
7 fleets of 52k to 58k fleet points each for a total of approx 380 or 390k points about what i can say with present datas i have... wich is tremendous ! :p
and others 10 main factions are really impressive too without know precisly how much each have all time (it varies regulary, many wars happen in my galaxy, etc), scales of strenghs in this game are very impressive... (and thats fun !) :)

of course, there are also Psi bound hyperdrive wich count for much about mobility and effectivness of these fleets.
but all dont have, including me with hyperdrive III, supraluminic IV and radars IV (its also the case for many others mighty empires or small ones, but those who have Psi bounds are very dangerous, its obvious).

global view of my galaxy, few years ago:

view of my fleets and an exemple of my super heavy battleships conception plans:

i guess i will do 7 chapters to present all my ships conception folder, much specific rules to take count in each... (so it will takes time before see them all, let me just some days to write them all... feel free to coment before, of course, i will integrate colors in my own comments in this thread to aim them all more easally about reading, etc)

chapter list:
1) basic rules of ship's denominations (chapter will be updated/specific to each of others chapter presented with)
2) Corvettes (Cs)
3) Destroyers (DDs)
4) Cruisers (CAs)
5) Battleships (BBs)
6) Others (civils & support + transport ships)
7) the 3 sizes of Military Bases (Bs)

i made specific legends (very precise ! ...even "maniac" for a while. lol) to understand my conception folder, i will detail them step by step.
so, here we start...

i present here only the legend and rules i follow to name precisly all my vessels, there are some differences for each of ship's main classes, so there will be a "chapter one" in each of further comments i will add in this thread to present the others 6 different main classes and all my conception plans (if u have some rules u dont understand, feel free to ask precisions, of course). :)

1.1: basic naming rules
- the name of each ship take always the first letter of his sub-class name (mix of french & english conventions, its the way i chose, i will detail that too here next) and that name is always in english.
- the 1st number, next of his name, represent the evolution of each ships conceptions (12th one actually). when i unlock a new main class name (BBs or Fortresses, for exemple), i directly start with same evolution number of others ones for a more easy classification, etc...
- the letter next is very important ! its the code for ships sub-versions/variants and their roles or specifications. they can be different in each main classes, and they are written in 2 different version (min & maj) for specific reasons too. mainly, maj letter means bombing computer and min letter means attack computer (important to remember !), but there can be some differences (in military bases for exemple, or on experimental BBs, etc... i will detail that next, case by case).
- the last number means sub version/variant of each sub-classes, it can concerns different choices of weapons or others, etc.
- and last, the name after the slash (not enough caracter to write it diffrently, it was necessary to write it like this) detail the full sub-class identification (always in french, sorry, its my birth language, more precise & sensed for me). :D
its important in some cases to id some variants there are inside sub classes (like for escorters or destroyers, for exemple: there are light & heavy ones for both, the complete identification of sub class writen like this show u that more easally, etc).

1.2a: convention of sub-class names & first letters from (1st part, i still must add BBs, military bases and support ships legends within)
- V for Vedettes (Corvette class, light ones)
- C for Corvettes (Corvette class, middle ones)
- F for Frigates (Corvette class, heavy ones)
- E for Light & Heavy Escorters (Destroyer class, light ones)
- D for Light & Heavy Destroyers (Destroyer class, middle ones)
- T for Light & Heavy Torpedo Ships (Destroyer class, heavy ones)
- A for Light Cruisers (Cruiser class, no large slots)
- M for Cruisers (Cruiser class, 1 large slot, still a mystake in plans actually about it, i changed that in last days. actually on screenies, they always have H first letter names, as Heavy Cruisers sub-class, bcoz i changed my conventions after ended all BBs, etc. it will be solved soon but in present screenies Cruisers & Heavy Cruisers still have both H first letter names... i am presently in the 12th evolution ended, in all my conceptions ships. for the 13th one, i will change Cruisers "H" first letter for a "M" and then the name of all sub-classes ships concerned too)
- H for Heavy Cruisers (Cruiser class, 2 large slots)
- P for all 3 sizes (light/middle/heavy) of Carriers ("porteurs" in french, thats why its "P") (Cruiser class for Light Carrier, middle & heavy sub-classes are BB class but also have "P" names. 1 large slot used for wings in Small Carriers, 2 large slots for wings in Middle Carriers, 3 large slots for wings in Heavy Carriers... middle & heavy have nanobots & shield regenerators as asset as they are BB class, more of the rule about wings large slots)

i take a break i will complete later the next ones (i realize now, its quite complex to detail when i want to write them all, i will complete BBs and others in advanced comments of this thread... but i am sure u already understand my logic with these ones, thats the important point to aim). :)

1.3: main rules i followed as bases
- the 4 main classes (+ all support ships & 3 mil bases too) proposed by the game are not enough precise to create a complete choice of ships and respond to all needs we could have.
so, i divided by myself each of these classes in subclasses, following all specific roles i needed...
- weapons, and width of slots integrated with, are always 1st purpose chosen.
before armor or shields bonuses.
- i didnt aimed obviously the perspective about "searching top weapons firepower all time" to have best ratio per day as average, for exemple.
roles of ships in the formation and equilibrate bonuses between armor & shield attack's bonuses counted also, even more in certain cases...
- some concepts have specific 2nd goal more of main ones about weapons or large slots rules followed (thats why its quite complex to detail all too). for exemple, the main difference between my Battleship subclass and the Heavy Battleship subclass is 4 large slots for the first, 5 for the second. but i also followed the purpose to favorize armor's bonuses in my Battleship subclass and, at the contrary, shield's bonuses in my Heavy Battleship subclass... there are others cases like that, in experimental BBs for exemple or others, etc... (i will detail that too... lol but it will be quite long) :( :D
- an other very important approach i used about conceptions concerns rightfull weapons associated with rightfull ship's computers (attack or bombing, and their evolutions next)...
mainly, i aim rate of fire + best precision for attack computers.
and best range of fire + best firepower for bombing computers (its also important to precise: all my forces are 95% or more composed with bombing computers ! all my 8 main fleets are 100% bombing computers).
- concerning use of attack or bombing computers, i never mix them together in same formations.
i use only attack computers for secondary tasks (patrol backlines of main fronts, guerilla warfare behind ennemy lines & escaping credible forces more as possible, diversion when necessary in tough/big battles to busy ennemy firepower and let main bombing strike fleets safety more longer there, etc).
and i act with bombing computers fleets as "main strenghs on main fronts", made to destroy fleets in face-to-face and break ennemy resistance to take control of space warzone concerned when its possible, etc.
its important to take count of it: i dont search top stats of vessels first !
my ships must correspond to roles i want for them and to be polyvalent together before search top stats (even if i search best stats as possible too, of course, but next of all these purposes of conception).
- soon as i start a new generation of ships in each subclasses, i delete the last/obsolete one to limit copies of same projects/concepts/rules of building, and escape overload of datas in my conception ships folder.

unexhaustive, i will complete next.

Chapter 2: CORVETTES
2.1: Role

i use them as backline of each 8 fleets (6 per fleet) when they are regrouped in one formation (12BBs + 24 CAs + 18 DDs + 6 Cs). all my fleets are organized to have DDs in 1st line, CAs in 2nd line, BBs in 3rd line and Corvettes behind them all as their range is really short compared to BBs. if i use them to engage like any other ships in battles, they are destroyed before BBs can openfire, so i put them behind, 6 corvettes change few things, their role are not to be a part of firepower in spacebattles but more to be scoutships to open way for their specific fleets or to stay behind to assume bloccus of a planet when the rest continue to next target in next solar systems, etc...

2.2: Rules of conception

- rule of MIN/MAJ letter in the ship's namings means attack or bombing computers in the case of all Corvettes class.

- concerning Corvettes, there are 3 sub-classes having all specific cores adapted to each of their functions linked directly with specific concepts i chose to make (easy to detail here, Corvettes are very simple... it will be more long/complex to detail for more bigger vessels).

2.3.1: Sub-class 1: Vedettes
Vedettes are just there to present types of weapons i will use, i never build them.
they are some kind of basic plenipotentiary ships used by my governement but they have no role to play practicaly in gameplay.
practicaly, they are just a way to show each of classic weapons i value and will use in all my conception ships.

2.3.2: Sub-class 2: Corvettes
Corvettes are usuable main corvette class, without mid slot inside as main rule of conception.

2.3.3: Sub-class 3: Frigates
Frigates are usuable main corvette class, integrating one mid slot as main rule of conception.
thats obviouslly the one i build... :D
but, i chose to create conception plans also for those i will never use, its mainly to make a distinction of both steps of decision: 1st (conception) is engineering department sight, and 2nd (choice of wich i really need to be used and built) is the HQ defense department sight and practice decision... it takes much time, but its usefull next and much more exhaustive like that (and i enjoy to make conception plans too ! lol) :D

i will stop here for now, next chapters in following days.
feel free to ask or comment of course, hope u will be intrested by my plans (of course, next plans will be more intresting than corvettes, i will complete them soon). :)

cya, good hunt ! ;)


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Are you being invaded?
no, never.
concerning wars, it varies, my scale of management are on decades periods and its quite complex to explain shortly.

i am in a weak position diplomaticly compared with former century and 3 defensive pacts i had there (with 3 main powers) and during very long time but for the rest, i stay mighty globaly (1st about planets & pop, 9th about relative power on 75 active factions in present times... 10 factions are trully tremendously powerfull in this game and u can add maybe 4or5 others wich are credible too, but quite far of 10 first ones as well... i am in these 10 first hegemonic empires)

in fact, i didnt made classic AAR for now (mainly coz it takes too much time, i already spent a lot to play and move forward, +/-750 steam hours recorded actually).

this is an other thread where i answered by the resumed version concerning events, u can find diplo screenies about details of my game there too (its some years ago but strengh balance between 4 main alliances/blocks stay the same now, 10 years later):

i will probably do an AAR later concerning the real history but i wanted to aim conceptions independently here.
i have very good results with my plans and ways i organize my forces in this VH campaign, seemed a good idea to detail all about now i have finished it (except fortress size of mil bases).
...but without foccus on history and geopolitical context, here, for now, etc.

the main AAR about real history will be more long to organize and write, i think. lol :eek:
i will continue to detail conception plans here down and do an other for the history, i guess.

but feel free to ask, of course. (y) :)
globaly things go well (its in VH ! it counts...) and i still have good chances to prevail on long term, i think...
(long term = centuries ! even after year 3000or3500, i expect, if we speak about rule the Galaxy)
...IF(!) luck & interactions, outside my own control/destiny, do not favorize too much my main opponents... i will see (?)

i am in 2515 now, and ended 25 wars since start in 2200 (19 won/6 lost: but it goes worrying if i compare with past times... around year 2420, i was already at 14won/3lost for first 220years of play... and on last 100 years or close, i only succeed to win 5 new ones for 3 others lost ! ...that shows easally how it becomes more harder now even if all these 6 losts was for wars i get involved to support allies attacked, never as main 1st target of ennemies DoW, etc).

i am the "Second Empire Kilen" on far east borders of the galaxy (in 2 parts, up & down of Tyrathians Empire/orange color on global view).

...the ships conception plans presented in first comment come all also from this unic game.
its my 2nd serious try since i play Stellaris (the 4th one if i count every new campaigns started but i stopped both others before reach year 2210: 1st was initial discover of the game during 5or6 years, and second was my 1st try in VH after my N campaign stopped... i quickly let down after few years there, and restarted to find this map & context in the 4th try... and since, i only play with this one). :)
and as i said, my first serious try was in N difficulty (but too much easy, quickly boring & repetitive and without fascinating constraints/balances i found here in VH !).
so, i retried here in VH and the challenge is really addictive and much more fun now ! :)
of course, the moving marge stay short but not impossible to play and much more intresting/realist than my previous try in N (i get until year2307 there before stop)...

thats where i am now about all my Stellaris xps...

concerning ships conceptions, i didnt started next of chapters but it will be for incoming days, i didnt forget.
(...just need to find 2 free hours and motivation to detail all & write it. lol :D ...wich is less fun than play. but maybe also bcoz 95% of audience is in english, i could probably take more pleasure to write an immersive tale in french but, presently, i prefer to play first and move far, on centuries... i am already dreaming of the day i will can write "my empire & my domination of the galaxy exist since 1000, 2000years or more !" lol ...but that still long before reach that step, there will be true troubles before...). :p :D

anyway, i will complete this AAR first before start one about events. (y)
cya :)

update: it will be more easy, i add back all screenies about geopolitical links (of the 4 blocks) within...
it will be more simple than follow link to the other thread.


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Hello, who are you at war with?

concerning wars, it varies on decades scale.
in fact, now, thats my scale of management & sight since starting 25th century, globaly...
(and its quite complex to explain shortly, but i will try...)

so, globaly, to resume:
1) Kirillian & Khessam (defensive pacts together) and their 15 vassals (+ Obbha & Helvan-Jull as Kirillian def pact ally too in the north between Groknaploran & Elaaminid) are the first "block" (and also first threat for me in present times !).
2) Fevarian & Avtyrran (+ few vassals) are full allies and the second block.
3) Groknaploran & Ganlarev (+ some vassals) are full allies and the 3rd block.
4) and SEK(me), Elaaminid, Tyrathian and Ziiran WAS (!) the 4th block approximatly... (all was not linked with eachothers but from my sight, more or less, they was the 4th block)
anyway, its dismantled in global strengh balance since Tyrathian attacked K&K (Kirillian & Khessam) around year 2480 and being slaughted... there, they resigned def pact with me wich were dramatic about balance and global coherence of the 4th block and my diplomatic assets...
- and also, concerning Elaaminid, they are smashed regulary since 20 years now...
they have been defeated by G&G (Groknaploran & Ganlarev) around year 2500 hardly.
and since, they are striked from all sides regulary (they lost 5 wars in last 15 years: they never recover trully since).
i already decided to resign def pact i have with soon as i can (around year 2525) and take a part of their empire near of my northern border there, but i will see at that time...
Elaaminid are isolated diplomaticly (except me, but i dont waste my forces for nothing and its too late for them, anyway... they are doomed on mid-term), they will be eated step by step in next 50 years i expect, i dont see how they could comeback from present nightmare they live (?).
- Tyrathian, except Ziiran def pact, they are fully isolated & in bad posture now, since year 2490 (and they never totally recovered since their defeat there, versus K&K)
- concerning Ziiran, they have def pact with me (SEK) & Tyrathian.
so, as Tyrathian & SEK became frankly hostile for eachothers, that has freezed the context about possible DoW between SEK/me & Tyrathian (the first agressor between us both will loose his great diplo relations with Ziiran and become isolated diplomaticly immediatly next).
and in the same time, Ziiran already get a serious war last century (around year 2470 if i remember well ?) against "Twins Coalitions" (Fevarian & Avtyrran) and lost it...
then, again... alone, as Tyrathian or Elaaminid, they are weak ! :(

so, if i resume, all the former 4th bock implosed since Tyrathian created this mess.
and the consequences are a much more risky & uncertain geopolitical & geostrategical balance for me in this 26th century... :(
but i am still confident !
i have penalties and troubling constraints in this new century, each blocks facing me are "theoricly" more powerfull than me (on the paper) but i still have assets and i move on step by step (carefully, with much anticipation & analysis).
for now, i try to take all little factions close of me i still can have, able to be conquered/vassalized easally/reasonably, etc.
and i also try to have more sensed, shorten & easy borders to defend + steal/destroy all vassals i can from K&K alliance (...but thats a long process, i can not attack them frontaly, i should be slaughted with this context !).

for the rest, i am pretty carefull.
specially concerning Tyrathian, i am worried about them also: isolated, defeated and trapped + threatened by K&K too... i redoubt/scare a war with them when it will comes.
(...and it probably will in following decades, i will see ? it doesnt depend on me now, i will not attack them, i have other purposes: they concern vassals of K&K and profit of Elaaminid's fall soon as possible, mainly... for now) :p

but all together, still short about moving marge, thats clear.
...and thats also why its very fun & challenging ! :D

hope its helpfull to understand better like that... feel free to ask of course (y) :)
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