With the new development system coming to the game, I think that the system for administrative efficiency will have to be updated to better handle this. Currently your admin efficiency will reduce the warscore and overexertion effects of provinces you conquer, but have no effect on the costs to core or diplo annex provinces. With provinces likely to become more and more expensive to take control of as the game progresses, I think it would make a lot of sense for admin efficiency to also reduce base coring and diplo annexation costs. Maybe not full value (-25% core costs for 25% admin efficiency), but even reducing the base costs to 30-50% at admin 75% would go a long way towards making the large scale conquests that happened historically actually do-able.
Note that I think this benefit should apply before ideas bonuses apply but should add with claim reductions. So you might have -50% core cost from AE, -25% from claim, and finally another -20% from ideas. On a 100 base cost province, the AE and claim reduce the cost to 25, then your ideas reduce it to 20.
The exact balance would be based on how development's impact on coring costs work out.
Note that I think this benefit should apply before ideas bonuses apply but should add with claim reductions. So you might have -50% core cost from AE, -25% from claim, and finally another -20% from ideas. On a 100 base cost province, the AE and claim reduce the cost to 25, then your ideas reduce it to 20.
The exact balance would be based on how development's impact on coring costs work out.