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65 Badges
Feb 27, 2013
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Is the Conclave coalition mechanic working appropriately for the Aegon's Conquest start?

As soon as the first conquest event is addressed, if any of his should-be vassals defy Aegon's call to arms, the various Kings of Westeros will just jump in to that/those wars. Less frequently, but still frequently enough to notice, those kings will jump to the aid of the actual conquest target. In the case of the Reach aiding the Westerlands, of course, this behavior fits with the known history of the conquest. However, in the other cases, there is a substantial and disruptive departure from the historical record.

I reckon this is related to the megawar mechanics of AGOT mod.

If this is WAD, so be it, but it's a little unsatisfying at the moment, in my opinion.

(Please excuse the missing "s" in the thread subject. It seems one cannot edit that field after the publishing.)
These aren't vanilla coalitions, rather they are events of our own making.

It has been changed for the next update so they dont trigger for Aegon's conquest in The Crownlands.
Right. They are clearly more dynamic than the vanilla coalitions.

Scripted events notwithstanding, I really like the way you have rejiggered coalitions. Declarations of war require a bit more consideration, as it is quite easy to encounter a massive number of adversaries in nearly any war.

The Conquest is very much still doable as it is right now, but if just feels a little funny that all of the Seven Kingdoms come to all of the others' aid for each increment of the conquest. Further, it makes the historical elimination of House Hoare and House Gardener much more difficult [read: irritating] to pull off, as tiny stacks of Reach or Ironborn armies led by important dynasts end up hidden under large stacks from assisting kingdoms. The Wack-A-Mole phenomenon in full glory.