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The Duke of GTFO

6 Badges
Jul 12, 2014
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition
I was just wondering if there is a script in place for the AI to use Aegon to conquer Westeros.

In my game all sorts of wonky stuff happened. Aegon started warring the clawmen but then Orys got married, Visenya was imprisoned and then slew herself and then Rhaenys start Rhaenys host war against her husband Aegon.

Meanwhile, there was so many slave raid wars against Aegon that he couldn't declare against anyone else.

Working as intended?
I think the answer to this is that the AI is dumber than a potato. I've played a game where it took Aegon 10 years to conquer the Iron Islands because he sent all his men to the islands while Harren was attacking Dragonstone. I had to console myself so much cash to hire every merc company so I could siege Harrenhal to win the war for Aegon.
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I actually find myself confused about how often Aegon's wives declare war on him. Considering there are only three dragons left its' really annoying.

On a sidenote, can there be a game option to prevent dragonriders for instantly getting a claim on the Iron Throne? I mean I get that it was forged with dragonfire but even in games wherein Dragons were used to form New Valyria, Ghiscar, Iron Throne and Summer Sea, it never really gets to be that interesting since Westeros eventually always ends up weaker than the others. Dragonriders are constantly attacking Westeros and weakening them while the other Dragonlord-ruled empires are peaceful. If Dragonriders do get a claim to Westeros, than shouldn't they also get claims to other independent titles primarily ruled by a dragonrider? It doesn't make much sense to me that everyone who manages to ride a dragon immediately goes on an adventurer war for Westeros while leaving these other three empires alone. My House Velaryon of Ghiscar game actually ended pretty dull since my main rivals, the Targaryen's of Westeros ended up dragonless after a brave Stormlander knight managed to tame Vhagar and attacked Westeros, killing four of their dragons and ensuring that the royal line had none.

Lastly, most of the dragons in the middle bookmarks are in Sweetport Sound which is now an independent country. Shouldn't they be in Dragonstone instead?
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Has it been changed? Because when I played in Essos as custom HV house with dragons, riders always gained claim to my title, not Iron Throne. Maybe it is because your riders were Targaryens and had automatic claim. And that Stormlander dude was probably considered their vassal because of being from Stormlands and got claim on IT instead of Stormlands.
Also, about random guys taming dragons, simply change game rules, so only High Valyrians can do it. Other Valyrians will sometimes attempt it, but the game will prevent them from taming them.
I'm about 96% sure in this version that any dragon rider gets a claim on their liege's title due to the fact they ride a dragon. I once saw the Iron Throne get usurped by the wife of a mayor because she rode a dragon and pressed her claim.
I'm about 96% sure in this version that any dragon rider gets a claim on their liege's title due to the fact they ride a dragon. I once saw the Iron Throne get usurped by the wife of a mayor because she rode a dragon and pressed her claim.

So Hugh Hammer with tits?
I'm about 96% sure in this version that any dragon rider gets a claim on their liege's title due to the fact they ride a dragon. I once saw the Iron Throne get usurped by the wife of a mayor because she rode a dragon and pressed her claim.

Huh, that explains why I had a game were Selyse usurped the throne from Stannis. Daenerys died and Selyse tamed one of her dragons.
I'm actually fine with other people getting dragons since it's still not that likely, it's the endless claimant wars I'd like game options for. Actually trying to recreate Valyria dragons and all seems a bit redundant when some random branch family Targaryen from that one guy who managed to found a merchant republic suddenly tames a big dragon and kills 5 others. I always try to preserve the dragons as much as possible and it can get pretty annoying. How did the Old Valyrians even form a cohesive military without their dragonlords constantly killing each other.
It´s actually quite simple, if you think about it. With hundreds of dragons divided between 40 families in oligarchy, sheer amount of people who want to achieve power and dragons that are available keeps things in check. For example, if one family said "screw it, we are declaring war on others", they would be obliterated. And there is no way that any family would support other to become absolute rulers of Valyria. And yes, you may say that multiple families banded together and created civil war similar to Dance of Dragons instead of Aegon´s rebellion against Maegor, but Valyrians most likely weren´t willing to risk their might and probably whole empire in great war between dragonriders only to see one man/woman to gain absolute power and situation of other dragonlords, including family members of emperor would not change, maybe even worsen with destruction caused by war.
I guess good comparison could be current situation with nukes. Yes, you may have them and they may give you amazing power, but what does it matter when others have them too and you can destroy each other easily? Assured mutual destruction keeps everyone in check and this might have been the case in Valyria.
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Dragonlords of the Old Freehold schemed to gain a place in the ruling council I believe. Declaring dances against other houses is generally a terrible idea, seeing as thats an easy way to get all your dragons killed. (See the Targaryen Dance of Dragons) So the easiest way would still be good old fashion politicking, assassination and conquering foreign lands to gain prestige and loot. (Rhoynar or Ghiscar for example)