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Just doing a playthrough now as the Mother of Dragons; i'd really like to marry her off sooner rather than later but i'm wondering if there are any special Aegon related events?

You can marry him if you arrive and he's on the throne, I believe. If you abandon Meereen early (instead of fighting Yunkai and eradicating slavery in the free Cities) I believe you can also meet up with him and get married. You generally don't marry him if you fight your way there though, as he tends to have lost or reached a stalemate by then.

I believe you also get the chance to marry Victarion whilst you're there, which I tend to prefer as an option.
I just tried it myself, you basically want to leave for home as soon as Yunkai has enslaved Astapor and declares war on you. I very quickly got the chain to marry Aegon, although I became the junior partner in that arrangement. If you marry him normally (not by event) then it'll legitimise him as well. You can do that any time he's alive and you're on the throne. Proceeding immediately to Pentos without ever visiting Slavers Bay should also do the same thing (Clash of Kings start).
That sounds like a juicy event chain, I think i'm going to take #2 though however and marry my distant cousin and son-of-the-usurper Edric Storm and keep him very much the junior partner in my grand Empire of the slaver cities.
You're the senior partner in the marriage if you start in ACOK and skip directly over Slaver's Bay. You'll only become the junior partner if you've wasted time there.
You're the senior partner in the marriage if you start in ACOK and skip directly over Slaver's Bay. You'll only become the junior partner if you've wasted time there.

Ah, that's good.

I suppose marrying him after ditching Slaver's Bay is a punishment for defeat, really. Not sure how one can really 'lose' there, though. I'd actually like an option to leave prior to having to conquer Ghis/Volantis/Lys/Myr/Tyrosh, because that's where it gets boring and long.
Ah, that's good.

I suppose marrying him after ditching Slaver's Bay is a punishment for defeat, really. Not sure how one can really 'lose' there, though. I'd actually like an option to leave prior to having to conquer Ghis/Volantis/Lys/Myr/Tyrosh, because that's where it gets boring and long.

Yeah, it's your punishment for 'misbehaving' and not going right back to Pentos. You end up being granted Dragonstone when/if Aegon wins. I would really like an option to not bother with the rest of Essos either since I find it highly unlikely that Dany would go about burning the other southern cities to the ground; they'll more than likely
be so obliterated in the second siege of Meereen by all three dragons that they'll surrender unconditionally, IMO.
I'd also like the option to form New Valyria either when sacking Volantis or when arriving in Pentos to meet Illyrio. Forming Ghiscar is cool, but I'd actually prefer to hand that off to a freed slave such as Missandei to rule instead.
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I'd also like the option to form New Valyria either when sacking Volantis or when arriving in Pentos to meet Illyrio. Forming Ghiscar is cool, but I'd actually prefer to hand that off to a freed slave such as Missandei to rule instead.

I mentioned this on the citadel forums a month or two ago but the response I got was that you should just hand it off to any random courtier if you don't want it. :p
I mentioned this on the citadel forums a month or two ago but the response I got was that you should just hand it off to any random courtier if you don't want it. :p

Problem is that most of them can't be landed because they lack the required genitals for one reason or another. The game wont let you grant titles if that vital appendage is missing. I'd actually like to be able to turn Ghiscar an open elective Unsullied Republic, but that's not possible without an event to set it up. You also don't get event granted Ghiscar if you go to Westeros, which then forces you to conquer Ghis and Lhazar to create in manually and hand it to somebody. Since most of the potential holders are boring, I'm not too keen on that option. If someone can suggest a good canon character to rule Slaver's Bay after Daenerys then I'd like to know.
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Problem is that most of them can't be landed because they lack the required genitals for one reason or another. The game wont let you grant titles if that vital appendage is missing. I'd actually like to be able to turn Ghiscar an open elective Unsullied Republic, but that's not possible without an event to set it up. You also don't get event granted Ghiscar if you go to Westeros, which then forces you to conquer Ghis and Lhazar to create in manually and hand it to somebody. Since most of the potential holders are boring, I'm not too keen on that option. If someone can suggest a good canon character to rule Slaver's Bay after Daenerys then I'd like to know.
I usually give it to someone like Barristan, Jorah or Tyrion
You can marry him if you arrive and he's on the throne, I believe. If you abandon Meereen early (instead of fighting Yunkai and eradicating slavery in the free Cities) I believe you can also meet up with him and get married. You generally don't marry him if you fight your way there though, as he tends to have lost or reached a stalemate by then.

I believe you also get the chance to marry Victarion whilst you're there, which I tend to prefer as an option.

Just curious but why Vic?
Just curious but why Vic?

He arrives in Slaver's Bay with the Iron Fleet, which is helpful to have. You can immediately give him a dragon, which gives you a really good second general. Then his red priest will appear and proclaim you Azor Ahai, giving you all the bonuses that Stannis has if you convert (like raising the dead and healing all injury). It's rather helpful. Later you can press his claim on the Iron Islands, which immediately vassalises them and eventually makes the Iron Throne inherit the title. You can then hold it directly or place a Targaryen cadet branch there.
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