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Second Lieutenant
68 Badges
Aug 6, 2015
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So i did my usual thing whenever there's something new, tried it put as Aegon in the conquest. Problem is, my vassals don't always rejoin my empire once it's over. The stormlands rejoined me immediately, but dorne, the reach, the westerlands and the iron islands stayed independent for a while. After a little time dorne came back in but the rest had to be reconquered. This is a big problem is it makes a tually finishing the conquest difficult.

As an aside, the high septon never asked me to convert either.

This was with blackninjas submods colonize valyria, more decisions and bloodline traits, but the problems seems to persist to some regard even with them off. Don't really run into any other unusual problems.

On another note entirely, i wonder what quenton qoherys's event flag does. I found it in the code but cant read it too well to be honest.
It is highly likely that those which didn't rejoin were still in a war. They only rejoin once they are at peace again. Even a slave raid or a rebellion can cause years of delay depending on how quick the AI is able to finish it.
It is highly likely that those which didn't rejoin were still in a war. They only rejoin once they are at peace again. Even a slave raid or a rebellion can cause years of delay depending on how quick the AI is able to finish it.

That's the thing, they weren't. Checked all of them, there were no wars going on for any of them or any of their duke/high lords. I suppose there could have been wars between counts/lords under the dukes, but is that even supposed to stop it? My vassals have never seemed to fail to rejoin me before, and if even count level infighting stops rejoining then it seems like rejoining should be blocked a lot more often.

The only irregularity is that two duchies under the westerlands were independent of house lannister, but that was because the lannisters failed to join me in my last war and two vassal houses did instead. IIRC, this should not block the rejoin process.
the "no war" requirement may however disturb some conditions down the line. While they are not yet part of your realm due to beeing at war there may happen Things that later prevent them from rejoining.