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Attention is love.
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Mar 23, 2003
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From an email from Ahmed:

"About CAL in later game.
I though that they should do what muslims did two times IRL: Conquer India.
CAL could choose to conquer and rule directly, or thrgough Sindh vassal.
What would be motivation to help sindh to conquer India (if is choosed to just
help to conquer for Sindh)?
While ai would be bad on counquering India, player could do that. But after
peace resolution with Indian power, provinces secedes to Sindh vassal. Then
there should be someone who is paying LOT of money to CAL for what it has done.
What if Chola or that other pays to CAL 30 000D? How that? CAl has event where
he gets 30 000 D, but Chola gets - 30 000 D. That I guess would turn that chola
would banqrupt in one month some 10 times. Their iflation would criple them
extremely - but that is end of losers. That situation would ensured with at
first event trigers when CAL controls some 4-10 Chola (I guess that was north
indian state and Kalikyas was south indian) provinces. Then event trigers which
describes great battles and create flag that after peace would go "Cal_winner"

May be litlebit different:

1) Cal talks with Sindh.
2) Sindh agries to be vassal if Cal helps conquer India.
3) They invides india.
4) They conquer (control) lot of prov that shows that they have success and
trigers event that informs about it.
5) Some kind of peace is made, but AI is stupid on peace.
6) Provinces which CAL gained secedes to Sindh.
7) North india hindu state converts state religion to sunni and secedes some
provinces to sindh and become vassal of CAL.
8) South hindu state do not converts but pays those 30 000 D to CAL and that
makes them banqrupt ONLY some 10 times...

Cal has now two vassals, lot of money, sunni state in India, weakened south
hindu state so someone will finish it..."
Questions/comments/snide remarks. Starting from the bottom, I guess.

1. What will happen if the south Hindu state doesn't agree to pay the 30k d?
2. What if the north Buddhist/Hindu (not sure which one it is) state does not agree to become Sunni? In fact, what if they win the war? If it is human-controlled (fleshing out the details of India makes it more appropriate for a human to play, after all...and I know I would want to play at least one game as an Indian major), that is a very real outcome.
3. Big problem with Sindh becoming the vassal of the Caliphate. Even if Sindh is huge, the Caliphate will probably have an easy time diplo-annexing that big territory, depending on the strength of the monarch ten years after the event sequence. I know technically all Muslim territory is subject to the Caliphate, but if we let the Caliphate get too big then the game is extremely unbalanced. What if, to spite their new overlords, the Chola and/or Chailukya go Mu'tazelite? This is actually a good idea (in my mind, at least), because it can spark a Mu'tazelite/Sunni religious war. It could make the late game good bloody fun as well.
4. The AI is indeed stupid at peace, and it is indeed stupid at fighting wars in plains as well.
5. What about a possibility for Sindh-to be force-converted to Hinduism in case of losing the war big-time?
6. Marching an army into India is technically a very bad idea, considering the fact that the Himalayas have been called "the Roof of the World." Temurlane barely pulled it off when he invaded Delhi. I suggest a large-scale naval buildup by the Caliphate (not necessarly by Sindh, since it is their home territory).
7. If Sindh chooses to not invade India and become the vassal of the Caliphate, perhaps the Caliphate should look elsewhere if it is bored? Not an easy task, however, considering Byzantium and Ukraine to the north and Mu'tazelism to the East. Maybe some poorer game, like the Chaghatai Khanate and Qarluk? Or to do it anyways without the approval of Sindh, WWI-Germany-style?
8. Well, I have room for a snide remark...but the only thing I can think to say right now would come straight from monty python, so you are spared. For now.
From Ahmed,


1. What will happen if the south Hindu state doesn't agree to pay the 30k d?
2. What if the north Buddhist/Hindu (not sure which one it is) state does not
agree to become Sunni? In fact, what if they win the war? If it is
human-controlled (fleshing out the details of India makes it more appropriate
for a human to play, after all...and I know I would want to play at least one
game as an Indian major), that is a very real outcome.
Thats in case of losing war. If they beat back (and in if CAL and SIND is ai
that would mostly be) then some iternal boost from prestige. Like dip, adm, and
mil. May be southern Hindu state becomes vassal of northern. Becouse most
burden would be on northern hindu state. Maybe those hindu states manages to
conquer sindh and its capital, kill royal family and install hindu rajputts as
ruler class.

Losing war would be trigered if CAL and SINDH cotrol certain number of provs...
Problem is that there is no "peace" command.
May be litlebit different form what I proposed.
When CAL and Sindh take (if) certain nummber of North India provs, then those
provs secedes to sindh. Then after some time when peace is made (Cal his gained
provs cedes to sindh), some additional retributions are made - that this state
becomes sunni and CAL vassal.
To southern hindu state is offered either pay, either change state religion,
either one more invasion.

I thought about that not every muslim country would be completely "salafi"
Islam. That is, they are salafi, but they still have monarchy. Such countries
would be Sindh, Mali, Champa, Atjeh, Malacca, Morrocco, Oman. May be Tlemcen
and Gh too. But for GH those elections would fit good in their multiple choises
and civil wars.
Zanj, Adal and uzbeck would be becouse:
Zanj itself is konfederation of trader city states and that means some elections
by it self.
Adal and Uzbeck becouse of low populated, tribal konfederation societies. That
would mean some tribal chiefs as main electors.
Caliphate becouse it was main source of spreading this movement and center for
Islamic education. MAM becouse is second important place of Islamic education
and nearness of CAL.
Hedzjaz is vassal of CAL so they would be "monarchy" becouse CAL will choose
ruler for them. But Yemen is under influence of both CAL and MAM so Yemen is
with "elections". Oman could be for CAL autority insulting monarchy and that
would give some story why CAL first war (at least in my games) is against OMA.
Also may be CAL has cores on two provs of Oman becouse not long ago there was
Caliphate vassalstate Al-Hasa, which was eaten by Oman when Cal was busy
guarding borders against Ilkhans and KOJ (potentional) invasions?
Turkishs minors? Dont know. Better that they have "elections". But as they
supposed to be short lived,,,
Kurdistan is only 10 years so there is enaugh with one ruler...
Cyranica would be monarch too.
Nubia when will be released as sunni vassal will be "monarch", becouse Egypt
would choose for them ruler.

Cordoba would be salafi with elections but till apears that drunken ruler who
think that he and his sons will rule for ever. And then starts conflict. Soon
after Cordoba becomes sufi, then after like domino Morroco and Mali too.
Then Tlemcen. Some where between Cordoba and Tlemcen Sindh could turn sufi too.
If CAL gets border with it, then there could be war to convert them back. But
it doesnt need later to have election cos now they are vassals and CAL could
choose ruler for them. If CAL not succed, then ofcourse no "jihad" on India.
But if they succed they have salafi vassal and in late game "jihad" against
India. If they succed then CAL have three salafi vassals there. (If south india
hindu state choose religion instead of paying or war, then 3, otherwise - 2.)
But who like to be vassals? So they could all turn sufi and three-big-alliance
as their independence from CAL. But ofcourse it could not be as rule, otherwise
what is use (except just game) for CAL to do that jihad so hard if it has read
event files? So CAL need to do something that this situation do not become or
not do do something.
Like if CAL choose to turn its attention to central asia, or tatar lands, or
slavic or ruthenian lands. May be CAL turns to west and goes in MAM and Maghreb
or Africa this hos "abadoning" East... May be DP as centralisation or something
else. So just may be diferent path.

Maybe CAL by controling province in India "jihad" war could trigger event in
which loots prov for handsome amount even for late game?
"Ok, we get that prov and those hindu and buddists do not need so much gold in
their awful temples. And gold is not only in temples..."
A. Loot litlebit
(+1BB but BB in later game is more important that money... so better not)
Triger to "north indian hindu state" event: "Gondwana (or other) is looted"

B. Loot how much canand take whatever you can

+1BB (or +2BB depends on comand A)
+500 infra
+100 land
(+200 naval)(in case of seacoast prov)
Triger to "north indian hindu state" event: "Gondwana (or other) is looted to

(Especialy much gold is at capital temples and royal tresury)

"Gondwana (or other) is looted"
Invaders have looted gondwana temples and tresuries...

-2 BTV (or more)
-1000 infra
-600 trade
-200 land
(-500 naval)(in case of seacoast prov)
-200 D

"Gondwana (or other) is looted to ground"
-4 BTV (or more)
-2500 infra
-1000 trade
-500 land
(-800 naval)(in case of seacoast prov)
-250 D (becouse extra looting is not from goverment properities etc)
-1 dip and -1 adm for 10 years...

3. Big problem with Sindh becoming the vassal of the Caliphate.
I have long proposed that there would be anti diploanxion AI events. Like if
vassal which is bigger than some 6-7 provs and relations with suzerein turn
180+, then trigers event which lower relation so no DA...
That would prevent late game ugly blobs in europe.
But in single game player always is blob. Single game itself is unbalanced cos
computer is not so deep blue smart :)-)).
I would advice to make that every single player game starts with event:
"I see You are playing "Cordoba"

A. Watch the tough guy
Set flag "player_run"
change techgroup to one level down. (in Cordoba case torthodox.)

B. Stop watching me
Set flag "player_run"
-1000 Vp

But this means that many events which is with changing techgroups should be
duplicated and changed too.
But this downgrading would be only for latin and orthodox groups. Lower already
is hard. But MattyG is already overload. I think that there is need of
advertising in main EU2 Forum to ask people to join mod. Many even do not know
about it. Before releasing EU3 seemed that EU2 will be abadoned, but for many
(may be most) EU3 is disapointment becouse of losing some EU2 spice...

4. The AI is indeed stupid at peace, and it is indeed stupid at fighting wars in
plains as well.
That is problem only for ai/player wars. Not for ai/ai wars. they both do not
know how to fight.
Also it is late midle game war, so CAL better tech infantry will be good in
plains too.

6. Marching an army into India is technically a very bad idea, considering the
fact that the Himalayas have been called "the Roof of the World." Temurlane
barely pulled it off when he invaded Delhi. I suggest a large-scale naval
buildup by the Caliphate (not necessarly by Sindh, since it is their home
You messed here something. But that true - east persia and afghanistan is
desert and mountins with low support level. So moving through them is eating

7. If Sindh chooses to not invade India and become the vassal of the Caliphate,
perhaps the Caliphate should look elsewhere if it is bored? Not an easy task,
however, considering Byzantium and Ukraine to the north and Mu'tazelism to the
East. Maybe some poorer game, like the Chaghatai Khanate and Qarluk? Or to do
it anyways without the approval of Sindh, WWI-Germany-style?
Who cares about extremely poor Chaghatai and Qarluk? :) They may be would be
eated anyway... But yes - some easy "jihad" could be option if India "jihad"
fails or do not happen.

I already talk with Matty about that warior ruler (that with Barrack) could
invide in tatar land to solve the neverending mess (if there is GH and other
hordes) or to liberate form orthodox opressors. Later maybe some "jihad"
against pagan Sibir. But I guess that could be solved by diplomatic

8. Well, I have room for a snide remark...but the only thing I can think to say
right now would come straight from monty python, so you are spared. For now.
"Nobody expect arabic inquisition!"?
Or Vikings invasion?
