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Second Lieutenant
2 Badges
Feb 10, 2022
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition


I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




AI guests never select intent other than default


Basically title, AI host will select different intents (like murder or befriend), but guests never do it.

Steps to reproduce​

Host a feast as a holy roman emperor and check vassals intents, they will all have 'recreation'. Even your rivals.

And it's not some bad luck, even if I change ai_will_do value for murder to 10000 and make everyone each others rival guests will still never use it anyway (only host will).

If you can't reproduce it I can record a short video.

There is also a separate issue (or is it?), AI can't target players, all intent interactions have

is_target_valid = {
scope:target = {
is_ai = yes
is_adult = yes

This line in code.

Now I am not sure what it means, because I am not a game developer, but it seems to me that target of intent can only be an adult AI character. Correct me if I am wrong (I can very well be wrong here). I am very sorry if my description doesn't make sense, not sure how replay or screenshots can help here :(

Check this post by Herennius to understand the bug better (link above). I am not sure if replays are in any use here, since after reloading the game guests select intents without any issues.

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Gameplay
  • AI

Save Game​

View attachment Count_Douwe_of_Dokkum_1070_03_03.ck3

Other Attachments​

View attachment Count_Douwe_of_Dokkum_1070_03_03.ck3

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Like, I just want the AI to play by the same rules as the player. Why AI guests don't change intents? Why AI can't target the player (like murder or befriend)? There is an explicit check that prevents murder schemes during hunts/feast to target the player.


It's just feels so artificial :( I tested it and even AI activity host will never try to murder/befriend/seduce the player. But if I delete 'this is_ai = yes' line AI will indeed select you as their murder target.
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Like, I just want the AI to play by the same rules as the player. Why AI guests don't change intents? Why AI can't target the player (like murder or befriend)? There is an explicit check that prevents murder schemes during hunts/feast to target the player.


It's just feels so artificial :( I tested it and even AI activity host will never try to murder/befriend/seduce the player. But if I delete 'this is_ai = yes' line AI will indeed select you as their murder target.
Yeah, I fully agree with this. Seems to be W.A.D. but I do think there should be a game rule for this, as well as disabling the "only one murder plot against the player at a time" limit so the player can opt to feel the full wrath of the AI if they wish. (I personally feel CK3 is too easy, and I wish I didn't get any special treatment from the AI besides the AI's hesitancy to revoke titles from the player, as having all land revoked is an auto-game-over, while in CKII, you could continue playing as another landed dynasty member. But besides from that, I'm alright with being assassinated after I upset everyone, getting poisoned by my rival at a feast, etc.)

At the very least, they could keep the murder intent disabled but free up all the others.
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Yeah, I fully agree with this. Seems to be W.A.D. but I do think there should be a game rule for this, as well as disabling the "only one murder plot against the player at a time" limit so the player can opt to feel the full wrath of the AI if they wish.
I really hope its not WAD...making picking a certain host intend a player-only thing disables a good amount of the fun and piles on the problem of repetitive events on activities. It also takes out that interesting consideration whether I should be willing to visit a feast of someone who doesn't like me, including stuff like e.g. bringing your cupbearer or food taster with you to be at least safer from poisoning.
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Unfortunately was not fixed in the latest patch. AI guests still will not choose any intent other than default and AI will never target the player character as a scheme target during activities (2 separate issues)
  • 3
Unfortunately was not fixed in the latest patch. AI guests still will not choose any intent other than default and AI will never target the player character as a scheme target during activities (2 separate issues)
I agree that it is sad, though not really surprising as at least telling from the missing bug label this issue hasn't yet even been seen and evaluated by QA. I know that a missing label is no 100% indicator for "not picked up yet" and I have seen (stealth) fixes of such seemingly "untouched" bugs, but those are rather exceptions than the rule.
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Alright, it seems like guests actually pick intents, but you need to start an activity and RESTART the game (load a save) after it. Now I am 100% sure that it's not working as intended.
  • 3
Noticing that QA has put this under review, I decided to support the efforts by trying to reproduce your latest finding, @ck3enjoyer - and indeed, as it seems this is the crucial factor here :)

I sent up this hunt...


...traveled to the hunting grounds, waited for everyone showing up and the hunt starting. After that I investigated the AI participants intentions, all I checked are just out for recreation. Including the Count of Frontenhausen:


However, when I saved short before the last participants were scheduled to show up and reloaded, the same guy suddenly got cought by the hunting fever and now intends to slay the beast:


I attached four save games to hopefully help hunting down this bug:

1. The save called AIOnlyPicksDefaultIntentForActivitiesUnlessGameReloaded before I started the activity (you can use this to setup the hunt shown in the very first pic and then can try yourself and see what is the difference if you playthrough to the hunt or save/reload before it)
2. The save WithSavingBeforeActivity I created as save/reload interruption point to trigger the correct behaviour regarding AI intention selection
3. The save CheckingAllAIsIntendsDefault showing the bug having happened (= after the hunt has started and without a save/reload before; here you get a Count of Frontenhausen picking recreating when you switch characters)
4. The save CheckingAIIAIsIntendsWhenHavingReloaded showing the hunt when having circumvented the bug by save/reload (here you get Count of Frontenhausen intending to slay beast)


  • AIOnlyPicksDefaultIntentForActivitiesUnlessGameReloaded.ck3
    8,7 MB · Views: 0
  • WithSavingBeforeActivity.ck3
    8,8 MB · Views: 0
  • CheckingAIIAIsIntendsDefault.ck3
    8,8 MB · Views: 0
  • CheckingAIIAIsIntendsWhenHavingReloaded.ck3
    8,8 MB · Views: 0
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Not fixed in 1.11.0


I kinda gave up honestly, it seems like a pretty major mechanic which doesn't really work properly and it's one this bugs that I unfortunately can't fix myself, because it's a code issue :( The bug fixes itself after a reload, so probably not that hard to fix, but devs simply ignore it.

Why add this intent system and then simply block AI from interacting with the player? I don't get it, you are going into a feast and AI can't pick you as it's murder/befriend target so you only get standard events. It's so sad because everything is ALREADY IN THE GAME, there are events written from targets pov, but it just doesn't work properly.
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