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Lt. General
26 Badges
Aug 16, 2016
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I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




AI Vassals experience per month shows incorrect numbers


I've long since felt that my heirs were just getting perk points way too slow, I often tried to get an heir as late as I could or tried to skip a generation so that I'd be in control of younger heirs because then I get more perk points out of them, but it's the first time I actually bothered to look into it deeper as I was investigating a different AI perk point related bug.
I've attached screenshots of the issue below.
I granted two of my sons here a county each so that I can see what perks they're getting, and the rate says they're both getting 25 exp/month in Learning. They have tier 4 and tier 3 Learning education, they should be getting more than that. It's also weird that the kid with worse education who is also younger, has more Learning perk points than the kid with the better tier 4 education, but that could be because the children were generated randomly on character creation.
I discovered the problem when I flipped through their other trees, Intrigue showed 27 exp/month for both. Which is coincidentally what my character has, I made this character for testing and just left him with the basic tier 1 intrigue education which is exactly 27 exp/month in intrigue and 25 in everything else.
Are my children learning at the same rate my character is, despite their education?
The issue appears rather oddly, because in another save, I looked through my vassals that weren't my kids and I saw a varied amount of exp/month numbers, they appeared to have all been higher than the base 25/month too, so it feels like this issue might be limited to the children of the player?
However upon trying to reproduce this, I made a new character with the genius trait, set it him to have 5 kids, gave each kid a country, and regardless if they intherited genius or not and what education they have, they're all getting the same exp/month in each respective tree that my character does. So then I checked vassals that were not my children and the same thing was showing. They all had the same exp/month on each tree that my character did.

Could this just be a visual bug? I don't know, because in these quick tests I generated my sons in character creation and I don't have any other unmodded saves on the current patch. However, from my past runs it felt like my kids were getting fewer points than they should, hence why I instinctively tried to get heirs as late as I could to always play the youngest rulers I could.

Steps to reproduce​

Create character
Have vassals
Look at rate of exp/month they get on each perk tree

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Gameplay
  • Interface

Save Game​

View attachment King_Leonard_of_West_Francia_867_01_01.ck3View attachment Menceyato_Himar_of_Al-Guanac_881_01_01.ck3

Other Attachments​


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