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Second Lieutenant
33 Badges
May 21, 2010
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I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




All debug log messages replaced with "<only the first definition of this sink is used>"


After updating to the new version 1.12.1, the file debug.log no longer contains the messages that were actually logged, instead every single log message is replaced with this: "<only the first definition of this sink is used>". A debug.log generated by the vanilla game (no mods) is attached.

It does not matter if debug mode is enabled or not. The issue is limited to debug.log only, messages in error.log and other log files appear as before.

This effectively makes the debug log unusable, and this is pretty bad news for modders, and I suspect for developers in the Paradox team as well. As an active modder, I have been using the debug log extensively to collect information, statistics, etc. Proper modding without debug logging is close to impossible IMO. Perhaps one could use the error log for this, but it would require extensive code changes, and after that error and debug log messages will get mixed in the same file making it much harder to find errors and in general work with both kinds of messages.

Steps to reproduce​

Just start a new game and look at the debug.log file.

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Modding

Save Game​

View attachment debug.log

Other Attachments​

View attachment debug.log

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Had the same issue - for posterity, and maybe for the devs themselves, its correctable by replacing every instance of "<only the first definition of this sink is used>" with the string "[%T][%s:%#]: %v" in game/log_settings_live.json
  • 3
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