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Alphabetical Register of EU 2 to the Provinces


Land Provinces

Provinces ID

Acadie 115
Accra 792
Adana 483
Aden 500
Adirondak 100
Afars 755
Aires 223
Aisen 177
Ajeh 679
Alabama 55
Alagoas 206
Albania 361
Al Djazair 737
Aleppo 485
Aleutes 186
Alexandria 744
Alga 515
Algarve 442
Al Kharam 505
Alleghany 61
Alsace 374
Altai 585
Altar 15
Amapa 183
Ambovombe 807
Amgoun 624
Amour 628
Anatolia 477
Andalusia 443
Angara 590
Anglia 247
Angora 476
Anhalt 332
Anhui 654
Ansbach 348
Antalya 1610
Anti Atlas 1595
Anticosti 123
Antigua 147
Antsirana 808
Appalache 66
Apulia 394
Apure 155
Arabia 496
Aragon 430
Aralsk 516
Araxa 212
Arequipa 170
Arica 172
Arizona 18
Arkansas 51
Arkhangelsk 269
Armenia 472
Armor 414
Arsi 1518
Artigas 216
Artois 379
Arusha 1513
Assam 1546
Astrakhan 457
Asturias 432
Atacama 173
Atalaya 1483
Athabaska 133
Atlas 735
Atlixco 30
Attawapiskat 131
Aures 736
Austria 351
Auvergne 420
Awadh 544
Awdaghost 1487
Awhaz 532
Ayacucho 167
Azaouad 1597
Azerbaijan 487
Azow 466
Azuay 163
Bago 1549
Baden 373
Bahamas 1569
Bahrein 509
Baicheng 644
Baja 13
Baladok 613
Balakhta 592
Bale 1590
Bali 705
Baluchistan 537
Bambuk 1490
Banat 354
Bandjarmasin 698
Bandung 703
Bangalore 567
Bangkok 670
Bangor 112
Barabinsk 587
Barahona 143
Barbados 152
Basrah 508
Bastar 563
Bas St-Laurent 111
Batn al Hajar 748
Bayern 349
Bayou 45
Béarn 425
Begho 1498
Belarus 284
Belgorod 450
Belle Isle 124
Berezov 1581
Bergenshus 256
Bergslagen 257
Berhampur 561
Bermuda 1568
Bern 388
Berri 410
Bihar 559
Bikaner 1522
Biloxi 46
Birjand 1529
Birobidjan 634
Bisharin 751
Bogda Shan 1602
Bogorodsk 625
Bogota 160
Bogutjar 451
Bohemia 328
Bombay 548
Bosnia 364
Bourbon 809
Bourgogne 409
Boureia 630
Bouzatchi 520
Brabant 378
Brandenburg 312
Bratsk 594
Bremen 336
Bretagne 415
Bristol 246
Brunei 696
Bujak 319
Bukhara 1532
Bulgaria 356
Bundelkhand 545
Buré 1494
Buriat 604
Buru 714
Bushman 777
Cabinda 786
Cajamarca 165
Calais 382
Cali 162
Cambodia 668
Campeche 34
Cangucu 214
Caniapiscau 125
Cantabria 431
Canuma 191
Canyon 16
Cape Verde 818
Caracas 197
Caribe 178
Carolina 62
Carpathia 316
Cartagena 158
Casamance 797
Castilla 436
Catalonia 429
Cataract 743
Catawba 65
Catskill 88
Caux 384
Ceram 715
Cévennes 421
Chagatai 1603
Champagne 376
Chandigarh 1520
Chatga 601
Chelekov 619
Chernigov 294
Chesapeake 68
Chibuene 1507
Chihuahua 20
Chilka 611
Chimo 134
Chin 671
Chisasibi 130
Chubut 226
Ciskei 775
Coahuilha 23
Cochin 573
Colombo 576
Colorado 1479
Columbia 6
Concho 42
Congo 1506
Connaught 231
Connecticut 102
Copetonas 224
Coquimbo 174
Corfu 820
Cornwall 250
Corrientes 221
Corsica 398
Costa Rica 822
Crete 480
Crimea 463
Croatia 366
Cupica 161
Curacao 153
Curango 782
Curitiba 213
Cuyuni 179
Cuzco 169
Cyprus 484
Cyrenaica 741
Daghestan 471
Dakar 799
Da Lat 665
Dalmatia 365
Damara 780
Damman 507
Da Nang 664
Dangla 1542
Danzig 301
Dauphiné 407
Delaware 86
Delhi 543
Delta 745
Demianka 586
Demjanskoje 1574
Detroit 82
Diamentina 207
Djagdi 610
Djugdjur 614
Dobrudja 320
Dofhar 502
Dominica 148
Donetsk 460
Douala 790
Dsungaria 1601
Duluth 78
Egypt 746
Eiriksfjord 1538
Ekimcan 631
Elbruz 525
El Paso 22
Emba 519
Emilia 402
Empalme 17
Enkan 615
Ensenada 12
Erie 71
Erz 329
Eskimalt 135
Estland 276
Estramaduras 440
Everglades 50
Ezochi 683
Fars 534
Fernando Po 816
Fez 733
Finland 342
Finnmark 261
Firenze 401
Flandern 380
Flores 711
Fox 73
Franche Comté 387
Friesen 337
Fujian 656
Galana 1514
Galizien 298
Galicia 433
Gambia 798
Gander 118
Gangdise 1540
Ganges 557
Gao 1496
Gascogne 424
Gaspésie 114
Geldre 338
Georgia 470
Gerona 427
Gibraltar 445
Goa 549
Goias 196
Gonder 1588
Gondwana 552
Gotland 308
Granada 444
Guadeloupe 149
Guangdong 659
Guangxi 661
Guangzhou 658
Guantanamo 139
Guatemala 33
Guayaquil 164
Guinea 796
Guizhou 1556
Gujarat 547
Guyana 180
Guyenne 423
Gästrikland 1469
Hadramut 501
Hainan 660
Hamadan 531
Hannover 310
Hanoi 662
Harerge 1519
Havana 137
Hebei 649
Heilongjiang 635
Hellas 359
Henan 1564
Hepei 648
Herat 1531
Hessen 333
Hindua 72
Hinterpommern 302
Hochelaga 106
Hohhot 1561
Holland 339
Holstein 306
Honduras 36
Hormouz 535
Howrah 558
Huanuco 166
Hubei 1565
Hunan 1566
Huron 98
Hyderabad 566
Ichim 578
Iceland 1466
Igrim 1580
Iguato 204
Ile de France 385
Illinois 59
Indus 539
Ingermanland 275
Inhambane 772
Inyo 1476
Ionia 479
Iowa 75
Iraq 489
Irgiz 514
Irkutsk 600
Irondekoit 83
Irrawady 673
Irtych 583
Isfahan 533
Isle Royale 117
Issas 754
Isthmus 39
Istria 368
Itaimas 210
Ivoria 793
Jaffna 577
Jakarta 702
Jalisco 24
Jalutorovsk 1571
Jamaica 140
Jambi 681
Japura 190
Jedisan 296
Jehol 645
Jenné 1489
Jiangsu 652
Jilin 643
Jinan 651
Johor 678
Jordan 495
Judea 493
Jujuy 220
Jylland 309
Jämtland 381
Kabul 1527
Kabylia 738
Kachin 1545
Kaffa 464
Kalakan 606
Kalar 608
Kalat 538
Kalepam 717
Kalimantan 700
Kalmuk 467
Kamcatka 1586
Kamenkoie 620
Kano 1501
Kansai 686
Kanto 685
Karabogaz 521
Karaganda 579
Kara Kum 523
Karelia 1470
Karroo 776
Karsak 1535
Kastamonu 1609
Kauai 812
Kazan 446
Kefa 1589
Kent 248
Kentucky 67
Kenya 762
Kerala 569
Kerch 465
Keren 753
Kerman 527
Kexholm 266
Khandesh 551
Khiva 1533
Khmer 667
Khorasan 1530
Khretset 1468
Khwarizm 522
Kirgisistan 1599
Kirkuk 488
Kitimat 2
Kleves 343
Koch 555
Kola 262
Kolyma 618
Kondinsk 1582
Konya 482
Korfa 621
Kosovo 363
Kouban 468
Kowloon 657
Krain 367
Krakow 299
Krasnoyarsk 591
Krementjug 462
Kribi 789
Kunlun 1541
Kurdistan 473
Kurgan 510
Kurland 283
Kursk 286
Kushka 1528
Kustanai 511
Küstrin 313
Kutch 541
Kwai 674
Kyongju 641
Kyushu 688
Kyzylkum 1534
Köln 344
Lampang 1550
Lancashire 242
Languedoc 422
Lanzhou 1558
Lao Cai 1554
Laos 669
Lappland 260
Laurentia 108
Lebanon 491
Leinster 234
Leon 435
Leone 795
Les Cayes 141
Lhasa 1543
Liaoning 647
Liaotung 646
Liguria 403
Lima 168
Limousin 419
Lincoln 245
Lindi 767
Lithuania 288
Livland 282
Llano Estacado 1480
Lobito 783
Lombardia 389
Lorraine 375
Lothian 238
Louga 801
Luanda 784
Lugansk 459
Lut 528
Luxembourg 377
Luzon 690
Lyonnais 408
Macacos 189
Macedonia 358
Macquarie 731
Madras 571
Madurai 575
Magadan 617
Magallanes 228
Magdeburg 311
Magyar 325
Maharashtra 550
Mahe 811
Maine 412
Mainz 346
Makassar 708
Malacca 677
Malindi 761
Malta 819
Malwa 546
Manado 706
Manaus 184
Mandalay 1547
Mangalore 568
Manhattan 87
Manicouagan 122
Mansijisk 1576
Mantua 390
Manu 1484
Manunda 720
Maracaibo 157
Marajo 198
Maranhao 201
Marche 392
Maroni 182
Maros 324
Martinique 150
Mascate 504
Masirah 503
Massachussetts 103
Massawa 752
Matagorda 43
Mato Grosso 195
Mauritius 810
Mayumba 787
Mazatlan 21
Mazovia 291
Mdennan 1596
Meath 233
Meched 526
Mecklemburg 305
Medina 497
Megantic 105
Mekkah 498
Mekong 1552
Mekong Delta 666
Mekran 536
Memel 289
Mesabi 77
Messina 395
Mialto 129
Miamis 60
Michilimakinak 81
Michoagan 26
Micmac 113
Midlands 244
Milwaukee 74
Minas Gerais 208
Mindanao 693
Mindoro 691
Minnesota 76
Minto 129
Mirim 188
Mississippi 57
Missouri 58
Moab 1478
Mobile 47
Mogadiscio 760
Mogotcha 609
Mohawk 90
Moldova 318
Mombasa 763
Montana 1482
Monterey 9
Moquega 171
Moravia 315
Morbihan 416
Morea 360
Morogoro 1512
Moron 138
Moscow 270
Mosquitos 38
Mossi 1493
Mozyr 287
Mtawa 768
Mudugh 759
Muni 788
Munster 235
Münster 334
Murcia 438
Murumbidgee 721
Mysore 570
Nagorje 1467
Nain 126
Nakhodka 640
Namaqua 779
Nampuia 770
Nanaimo 4
Nanchang 1567
Nandewar 725
Napoli 393
Narvik 259
Natal 773
Navarra 428
Ndongo 1505
Neembucu 218
Nefedova 1572
Nehalem 7
Nelma 638
Nembire 1511
Nepal 1539
Nerchiinsk 632
Ngoyo 1504
Niagara 92
Niani 1492
Niassa 769
Nicaragua 37
Nigeria 791
Nile 747
Ningxia 1560
Nipigon 95
Nipissing 96
Niteroi 211
Nivernais 386
Nizhgorod 272
Normandie 413
Norsk 633
Northumberland 240
Nova Scotia 116
Novgorod 274
Novosibirsk 584
Nouadibuh 803
Nouakchott 802
Nubia 749
Nueltin 136
Nupa 1502
Nura 1536
Nuyssaybin 486
Nyland 265
Oahu 813
Ob 588
Obdorsk 1583
Odenburg 352
Odisa 560
Ogaden 758
Okhotsk 616
Oklahoma 1481
Oldenburg 335
Olga 639
Olonets 267
Olympia 5
Oka 595
Omsk 580
Onondaga 91
Oporto 434
Orania 734
Oregon 1473
Orenburg 456
Orleanais 411
Orsk 513
Oshawa 97
Oskosh 80
Ostmarch 327
Oswego 89
Ottawa 107
Ovambo 781
Oye 1500
Palana 622
Palanas 794
Palawan 694
Palembang 682
Pampas del Norte 1485
Pampas del Sur 1486
Para 199
Parana 217
Parlakimedi 564
Parnaiba 202
Pastaza 187
Pecos 40
Penobscot 104
Perak 676
Pernambuc 205
Pest 353
Pfalz 345
Phuket 675
Picardie 383
Piemonte 404
Pimsk 1579
Pinalero 19
Placentia 119
Podlasia 292
Podolia 297
Poitou 418
Polotsk 281
Poltava 461
Pondicherry 572
Potosi 194
Powhatan 69
Poznan 303
Presburg 326
Provence 406
Prussia 290
Pskov 277
Puerto Rico 144
Punjab 1521
Qaidam Pendi 1605
Qandahar 1525
Qilian Pendi 1608
Qinghai 1607
Quatar 506
Quattara 742
Quetta 1524
Rabaul 719
Ragusa 362
Raipur 553
Rajputana 542
Recife 203
Rhodes 481
Riau 680
Rio Grande 41
Roanoke 64
Romagna 391
Roma 399
Rosario 222
Roussillon 426
Rozwi 1510
Rufiji 766
Rumelia 321
Ruthenia 317
Ryazan 448
Sabah 695
Sachsen 331
Sacramento 8
Sadrinsk 1570
Saguenay 121
Sahara 805
Saian 597
Salabanka 709
Saleharo 1584
Saltillo 25
Salton 14
Salvador 209
Salzburg 350
Samar 692
Samara 454
Samaria 492
Samarkand 1592
Sambalpur 562
San Bernardino 11
San Matias 225
Santa Cruz 227
Santal 556
Santee 63
Sarakham 1551
Saratow 452
Sarawak 697
Sardinia 397
Sault 93
Savannah 54
Savoie 405
Savolaks 273
Say 1497
Schwyz 1612
Sebago 101
Segu 1491
Selatan 699
Selenga 602
Seminole 49
Semipalatinsk 582
Senegal 800
Serbia 355
Sergino 1575
Shaanxi 1563
Shan 1548
Shandong 650
Shanghai 653
Shanxi 1562
Shawinigan 109
Shenandoah 70
Shewa 1517
Shikoku 687
Sichuan 1544
Sichuan Pendi 1557
Sicily 396
Siena 400
Sierra Nevada 1474
Sierra Madre 10
Sikhote 637
Silesia 314
Sinai 494
Sindh 540
Sitka 3
Sivas 474
Sjælland 307
Skåne 251
Smolensk 285
Smyrna 478
Småland 252
Sochi 469
Socotra 756
Sofala 1508
Sofiisk 627
Solimoes 185
Somalia 757
Sorong 716
Sredny Hrebet 1587
Sretensk 607
St. Helena 824
St. Martin 146
St. Thomas 145
Stadacone 110
Stanovoe 612
Steiermark 369
Strathclyde 239
Sudan 750
Sudeten 330
Sulawesi 707
Sumbawa 710
Sunda 701
Superior 94
Surabaja 704
Surgut 1578
Surinam 181
Surkhandarya 1591
Susquehanna 85
Svealand 254
Syria 490
Tabaristan 529
Table 778
Tabriz 530
Tadjikistan 1598
Tago 441
Tahiti 814
Taiwan 689
Talahassee 48
Talca 176
Tambow 447
Tampico 28
Tana 1515
Tanga 764
Tangiers 732
Tanh Noah 663
Tannu Ola 599
Taqari 192
Tarakan 672
Taranaki 728
Tassaret 804
Taurus 1611
Tavastland 264
Tchany 581
Tchekunda 629
Tchita 605
Tchuma 593
Tchumkan 623
Tehuacan 32
Tehuantepec 31
Teke 1503
Tenghiz 512
Tennessee 56
Thar 1523
The Azores 823
The Baleares 821
The Canary Islands 817
The Falklands 230
The Grampians 237
The Highlands 236
Thrace 357
Tian Shan 1600
Ticonderoga 99
Tierra del Fuego 229
Timaru 730
Timbuktu 1495
Timor 712
Tindore 713
Tiracambu 200
Tirhut 554
Tirol 371
Titicaca 193
Tlaxcala 29
Tobago & Trinidad 151
Tobolsk 1573
Tocuvo 156
Tohoku 684
Toledo 439
Tonopah 1475
Tomsk 589
Torngat 127
Tortuga 142
Toubkal 806
Touva 596
Towoomba 726
Trabzon 475
Transkei 774
Transylvania 323
Tripolitania 740
Trivandrum 574
Trøndelag 258
Tucuman 219
Tula 279
Tunisia 739
Turgai 517
Turkmenistan 524
Tuscaloosa 53
Tuscarora 84
Tver 278
Tyrol 371
Ufa 453
Ukraina 295
Ulan Ude 603
Ulster 232
Ungava 128
Uralsk 455
Urumqi 1604
Ust Urt 518
Uruguay 215
Utah 1477
Uzbek 1594
Vakhovska 1577
Valencia 437
Valparaiso 175
Vanin 626
Vendée 417
Veneto 370
Vestbygden 1537
Viazemski 636
Viti Levu 815
Vladimir 271
Volgograd 458
Vologda 268
Volyn 293
Vorones 449
Vorpommern 304
Västerbotten 341
Västergötland 253
Wabana 120
Wagga 723
Wairoa 729
Walata 1488
Wales 243
Wallachia 322
Welikia 280
Welo 1516
Wenshan 1555
Wessex 249
Wewak 718
Whangarei 727
Wichita 44
Wielkopolska 300
Winisk 132
Wisconsin 79
Wollongong 724
Württemberg 372
Würzburg 347
Xining 1559
Xinjiang 1606
Yalu 642
Yanam 565
Yaraguay 154
Yarra 722
Yarumal 159
Yazoo 52
Yemen 499
Yorkshire 241
Yucatan 35
Yukon 1
Yunnan 1553
Zacatecas 27
Zahedan 1526
Zaire 785
Zambezia 771
Zanzibar 765
Zaria 1499
Zeeland 340
Zhejiang 655
Zima 598
Zimbabwe 1509
Österbotten 263
Østlandet 255
Last edited:
EU 2 provinces

Sea Zones

Sea zones ID
Acapulco Bay 963
Adriatic Sea 1000
Aegean Sea 1011
Akyab Bay 1078
Alabama River 1471
Aleutian Islands 827
Aleutian Sea 826
Amazon River 1427
Amur Delta 883
Amur River 1445
Andaman Sea 1077
Arafuan Sea 1341
Aral Sea 1593
Arequipa Bay 1105
Arguin Bank 1054
Arica Gulf 1104
Ascension Island 1125
Atacama Coast 1364
Athabasca River 1398
Australian Sea 1263
Australian Sea 1264
Bab El Mandeb 1062
Bahia Blanca 1335
Balabac Strait 1148
Baltic Sea 876
Bantry Bay 927
Barbary Coast 986
Bass Strait 1312
Bay of Ajan 844
Bay of Alexandria 1004
Bay of Anadyr 853
Bay of Belem 1107
Bay of Bengale 1141
Bay of Biscay 923
Bay of Costa Rica 1038
Bay of Fundy 864
Bay of Kamenskoie 847
Bay of Magadan 845
Bay of Naples 994
Bay of Niigata 945
Bay of Oljut 852
Bay of Uka 851
Belize Bay 964
Bering Straits 825
Bermuda Triangle 910
Biak Bay 1224
Californian Gulf 900
Cam Rah Bay 1351
Canarian Sea 1057
Cantabrian Sea 920
Cape Bon 990
Cape Canaveral 907
Cape Farewell 1280
Cape Hatteras 909
Cape Horn 1240
Cape Howe 1313
Cape Leeuwin 1268
Cape of Good Hope 1252
Cape of Kamchatska 849
Cape of Storms 1294
Cape Verde Islands 1121
Capricorn Channel 1274
Caribbean Sea 1044
Caroline Islands 1158
Central Aleutian Sea 855
Central Atlantic Ocean 970
Central Atlantic Ocean 971
Central Atlantic Ocean 972
Central Atlantic Ocean 973
Central Atlantic Ocean 974
Central Atlantic Ocean 975
Central Atlantic Ocean 977
Central Atlantic Ocean 978
Central Atlantic Ocean 981
Central Atlantic Ocean 1049
Central Atlantic Ocean 1050
Central Atlantic Ocean 1051
Central Atlantic Ocean 1052
Central Atlantic Ocean 1053
Central Atlantic Ocean 1055
Central Atlantic Ocean 1109
Central Atlantic Ocean 1368
Central Indian Ocean 1142
Central Indian Ocean 1189
Central Indian Ocean 1190
Central Indian Ocean 1192
Central Indian Ocean 1193
Central Indian Ocean 1194
Central Indian Ocean 1195
Central Indian Ocean 1197
Central Indian Ocean 1198
Central Indian Ocean 1199
Central Indian Ocean 1200
Central Indian Ocean 1201
Central Indian Ocean 1202
Central Indian Ocean 1203
Central Indian Ocean 1204
Central Indian Ocean 1260
Central Indian Ocean 1261
Central Indian Ocean 1262
Central Pacific Ocean 1029
Central Pacific Ocean 1030
Central Pacific Ocean 1094
Central Pacific Ocean 1095
Central Pacific Ocean 1096
Central Pacific Ocean 1097
Central Pacific Ocean 1098
Central Pacific Ocean 1099
Central Pacific Ocean 1100
Central Pacific Ocean 1102
Central Pacific Ocean 1332
Ceylon Sea 1139
Charles River 1386
Cheasapeake Bay 862
Christmas Island 1355
Coast of Ajeh 1358
Coast of Angola 1183
Coast of Annam 1083
Coast of Brazil 1110
Coast of Brittany 925
Coast of Brunei 1350
Coast of California 899
Coast of Cameroon 1132
Coast of Carolina 908
Coast of Ciskei 1328
Coast of Chile 1168
Coast of Coromandel 1072
Coast of Columbia 861
Coast of Ecuador 1041
Coast of Gambia 1128
Coast of Greenland 835
Coast of Gujarat 1069
Coast of Holland 938
Coast of Iceland 836
Coast of Japan 1020
Coast of Java 1354
Coast of Kamchatska 848
Coast of Luzon 1152
Coast of Malabar 1071
Coast of Mascate 1064
Coast of Morocco 1058
Coast of Namibia 1251
Coast of Natal 1253
Coast of New Holland 1267
Coast of New Zealand 1223
Coast of Oregon 860
Coast of Orissa 1073
Coast of Palestine 1005
Coast of Patagonia 1169
Coast of Pepper 1133
Coast of Pernambuc 1113
Coast of Peru 1101
Coast of Recife 1112
Coast of Rhodes 1613
Coast of Sakhalin 885
Coast of Sarawak 1207
Coast of Sumatra 1144
Coast of Surabaja 1206
Coast of Tamatave 1324
Coast of Transkei 1360
Coast of Trincomalee 1140
Colorado River 1381
Columbia River 1379
Comorin Cape 1138
Congo River 1407
Connecticut River 1392
Cook Strait 1318
Coral Sea 1275
Côte D’Argent 921
Côte d'Azure 988
Cretan Sea 1008
Danube River 1391
Dead Sea 1454
Diego Garcia Island 1196
Diego Suarez Bay 1325
Dniepr River 1430
Dniester River 1428
Dogger Bank 935
Donegal Bay 928
Donets River 1435
Dvina River 1429
Eastern Arabian Sea 1068
Eastern Australia 1272
Eastern Black Sea 1016
Easter Island 1336
Eastern Mediterranean 1007
Ebro River 1414
Elbe River 1424
Falkland Islands 1243
Faeroes 869
Fiji Islands 1162
Finisterre 919
Firth of Forth 932
Florida Straits 965
Fraser River 1457
Galapagos Islands 1034
Ganges Delta 1074
Ganges River 1389
Garonne River 1415
German Bight 939
Gilbert Islands 1161
Gilbert Sea 1232
Gold Coast 1129
Gorée Island 1127
Great Australian Bight 1270
Great Barrier Reef 1338
Greater Antillas 1375
Great Fish River 1404
Great Rapid River 1464
Greenland Sea 866
Gulf of Alaska 828
Gulf of Almeria 983
Gulf of Bengal 1075
Gulf of Bothnia 882
Gulf of Cadiz 980
Gulf of Cagliari 991
Gulf of Carpentaria 1342
Gulf of Congo 1182
Gulf of Cyprus 1006
Gulf of Darien 1043
Gulf of Finland 879
Gulf of Guinea 1131
Gulf of Guayaquil 1040
Gulf of Indus 1066
Gulf of kolyma 846
Gulf of Leyte 1151
Gulf of Lion 987
Gulf of Mallorca 985
Gulf of Mexico 904
Gulf of Nigeria 1130
Gulf of Odessa 1014
Gulf of Panama 1039
Gulf of Riga 878
Gulf of Saint Lawrence 833
Gulf of Siam 1081
Gulf of Sirte 997
Gulf of Suez 1059
Gulf of Taranto 998
Gulf of the Amazon 1108
Gulf of Tobruk 1003
Gulf of Tonkin 1082
Gulf of Turku 881
Gulf of Valencia 984
Gulf of Varna 1013
Gulf of Venice 999
Gulf of Zambeze 1187
Guyana Coast 1106
Hawaian Sea 957
Hebrides 930
Hjälmaren 1459
Horn of Africa 1134
Houang Ho River 1447
Hudson Bay 829
Hudson River 1444
Hudson Straits 830
Icelandic Sea 837
Ienissei River 1441
Illinois River 1465
Indus River 1443
Ionian Sea 1002
Irish Sea 929
Irrawady delta 1079
Irtych River 1439
Ivory Coast 1365
Iwo Jima Sea 1022
Jamaican Sea 966
James River 1388
Jan Mayen Sea 838
Java Sea 1208
Jordan River 1437
Juan Fernandez Islands 1103
Kahajan River 1452
Kalmar Strait 877
Kangaroo Island 1271
Karimata Strait 1353
Kenebec River 1393
King Sound 1343
Kizil River 1432
Kolepom Bay 1340
Komandorski Islands 850
Korea Bay 940
Lacquedive Islands 1070
Lake Baikal & Selenga River 1442
Lake Constance 1397
Lake Erie 1370
Lake Geneva 1462
Lake Ladoga 1361
Lake Michigan 1371
Lake Ontario 1369
Lake Peipus 1455
Lake Superior 1372
Lake Tiberiade 1453
Lake Vänern 1460
Lake Vättern 1461
Land's End 926
La Perouse Strait 887
Leeward Islands 1047
Lesser Antillas 1378
Ligurian Sea 992
Limpopo River 1405
Loire River 1417
Louisiade Archipelago 1229
Lusitanian Sea 979
Maas River 1420
Magellan Strait 1239
Mahakan River 1451
Malayan Sea 1146
Malta Channel 996
Manilla Bay 1352
Manzanillo Bay 962
Mariana Islands 1090
Mariana Sea 1157
Maroni River 1400
Marshall Islands 1160
Mascate Coast 1065
Massachussetts Bay 863
Matagorda River 1383
Mauretanian Coast 1056
Mazatlan Bay 901
Mekong Delta 1356
Mekong River 1456
Melanesia 1227
Melanesian Sea 1226
Mergui Archipelago 1080
Micronesian Sea 1159
Midway Island 956
Milne Bay 1337
Mississipi & Ohio Rivers 1450
Mississipi Bay 905
Mobile Bay 906
Moray Firth 931
Mosquitos Coast 1042
Mozambica Channel 1184
Murray River 1384
Mälaren 1458
Nauru Island 1230
New Caledonian Sea 1278
Newfoundland Banks 865
New Georgia Island 1244
New Guinea Coast 1220
Niagara Falls 1463
Nicobar Islands 1357
Niger River 1410
Nile River 1411
North Cape 842
North Korean Sea 943
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 958
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 959
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 960
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 961
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 1032
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 1033
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 1035
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 1036
Northeastern Pacific Ocean 1037
Northern Atlantic Ocean 911
Northern Atlantic Ocean 913
Northern Atlantic Ocean 914
Northern Atlantic Ocean 915
Northern Atlantic Ocean 916
Northern Atlantic Ocean 917
Northern Bay of Bengale 1076
Northern Caspian Sea 1326
Northern Japan Sea 948
Northern Micronesia 1093
Northern Pacific Ocean 858
Northern Pacific Ocean 889
Northern Pacific Ocean 890
Northern Pacific Ocean 891
Northern Pacific Ocean 892
Northern Pacific Ocean 893
Northern Pacific Ocean 894
Northern Pacific Ocean 895
Northern Pacific Ocean 896
Northern Pacific Ocean 898
Northern Pacific Ocean 952
Northern Pacific Ocean 953
Northern Pacific Ocean 954
Northern Pacific Ocean 955
North Philippine Sea 1153
North West Cape 1212
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 857
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 859
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 950
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 951
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 1023
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 1024
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 1025
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 1026
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 1027
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 1028
Northwestern Pacific Ocean 1089
Norwegian Sea 872
Ob River 1440
Obskaja Guba 1585
Ocean 1321
Ocean 1322
Ocean 1348
Ocean 1376
Oder River 1425
Okhotsk Sea 884
Oman Sea 1136
Orange River 1403
Orinoco River 1399
Ougawe River 1409
Palau Island 1156
Panaima River 1421
Papuan Coast 1339
Paracel Islands 1084
Parana River 1402
Patagonian Sea 1241
Pearl River 1449
Persian Gulf 1363
Philippine Sea 1155
Pô River 1419
Quiberon Bay 922
Ran River 1433
Recherche Archipelago 1269
Red River 1394
Red Sea 1060
Rhine River 1401
Rhône River 1416
Rio de Janeiro 1115
Rio de La Plata 1173
Rio Grande River 1382
Rio Muni 1181
Rockall 918
Rufiji Delta 1185
Rufiji River 1408
RyuKyu Islands 1088
Sacramento River 1380
Saguenay River 1434
Saint George's Channel 1031
Saint George's Channel 1331
Sakarya River 1431
Samoa Islands 1164
Samoan Sea 1163
Sandy Cape 1273
Santa Catalina Islands 897
Santee River 1387
Savannah River 1385
Sea of Azores 976
Sea of Azov 1017
Sea of Baffin 831
Sea of Banda 1221
Sea of Bergen 873
Sea of Japan 946
Sea of Java 1214
Sea of Java 1215
Sea of Labrador 834
Sea of Marmara 1012
Sea of Palawan 1349
Sea of Sargassos 968
Sea of Celebes 1211
Sea of Stavanger 874
Sea of Taiwan 1087
Sea of Ternate 1222
Sea of Timor 1346
Seine River 1418
Senegal River 1412
Shark Bay 1266
Shetland Straits 870
Shetlands 871
Society Islands 1165
Socotra Island 1135
Sorong Strait 1218
South Aleutian Sea 856
South Atlantic Ocean 1124
South Atlantic Ocean 1245
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1111
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1116
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1117
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1118
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1119
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1120
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1122
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1123
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1126
South Central Atlantic Ocean 1180
South Chilean Coast 1374
South China Sea 1147
South China Sea 1149
South Coral Sea 1276
South Coral Sea 1277
South Coral Sea 1279
South Coral Sea 1281
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1170
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1171
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1172
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1174
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1175
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1176
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1177
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1242
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1246
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1248
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1249
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1289
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1290
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1291
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1292
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1293
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1330
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1334
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1366
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1367
Southern Atlantic Ocean 1377
Southern Caspian Sea 1327
Southern Indian Ocean 1254
Southern Indian Ocean 1255
Southern Indian Ocean 1256
Southern Indian Ocean 1257
Southern Indian Ocean 1258
Southern Indian Ocean 1259
Southern Indian Ocean 1296
Southern Indian Ocean 1297
Southern Indian Ocean 1298
Southern Indian Ocean 1300
Southern Indian Ocean 1301
Southern Indian Ocean 1302
Southern Indian Ocean 1303
Southern Indian Ocean 1304
Southern Indian Ocean 1305
Southern Indian Ocean 1306
Southern Indian Ocean 1307
Southern Indian Ocean 1308
Southern Indian Ocean 1309
Southern Indian Ocean 1310
Southern Indian Ocean 1311
Southern Sea of Japan 944
South Icelandic Sea 868
South Indian Ocean 1295
South Korean Sea 942
South Pacific Ocean 1166
South Pacific Ocean 1167
South Pacific Ocean 1179
South Pacific Ocean 1233
South Pacific Ocean 1234
South Pacific Ocean 1235
South Pacific Ocean 1236
South Pacific Ocean 1237
South Pacific Ocean 1238
South Pacific Ocean 1282
South Pacific Ocean 1283
South Pacific Ocean 1284
South Pacific Ocean 1285
South Pacific Ocean 1286
South Pacific Ocean 1287
South Pacific Ocean 1288
South Pacific Ocean 1319
South Pacific Ocean 1320
South Pacific Ocean 1333
South Timor Sea 1344
Spitzberg 839
St. Helena Island 1178
St. John River 1396
St.Lawrence River 1472
Ste. Croix River 1395
Strait of Hokaido 949
Strait of Labrador 832
Straits of Dover 937
Straits of Gibraltar 982
Straits of Johore 1145
Straits of Lombok 1347
Strait of Luzon 1086
Strait of Makassar 1210
Straits of Malacca 1143
Straits of Messina 995
Straits of Obock 1061
Straits of Ormuz 1063
Straits of Otranto 1001
Straits of Puerto Rico 1046
Straits of Sunda 1205
Straits of Torres 1219
Sulu Sea 1150
Susquehanna River 1436
Table Bay 1329
Taiwan Strait 1085
Tajo River 1413
Tampa Bay 1373
Tampico Bay 902
Tanimbar Islands 1217
Tasman Sea 1314
Tasman Sea 1315
Tasman Sea 1316
Tasman Sea 1317
Tatar Straits 886
Thames River 1422
The Bahamas 967
The Bermudas 912
The Channel 936
The Comores 1188
The Cyclades 1010
The Dodecanese 1009
The Kuriles 888
The Lofotens 841
The Maldives 1137
The Mascareignes 1323
The Moluccas 1213
The North Sea 933
The Roaring Forties 1299
The Seychelles 1191
The Skagerack 1362
The Solomons 1231
The Sund 875
Throndheim Fjord 840
Timor Sea 1209
Timor Sea 1216
Timor Sea 1345
Tinian Sea 1091
Todos Santos Bay 1114
Tortuga Island 969
Tristan da Cunha Island 1247
Trobriand Islands 1228
Tsushima Strait 1019
Tyne 934
Tyrrenean Sea 993
Ural River 1438
Venezuelan Sea 1045
Viliaz Strait 1225
Vistula River 1426
Volga River 1390
Wake Island 1092
Walvis Bay 1250
Weser River 1423
Western Aleutian Sea 854
Western Approaches 924
Western Arabian Sea 1067
Western Australian Coast 1265
Western Black Sea 1015
Western Icelandic Sea 867
Western Japan Sea 947
Western Mediterranean 989
Western Oman Sea 1359
White Sea 843
Winward Islands 1048
Yalu River 1446
Yang Tse Delta 1018
Yang Tse River 1448
Yap Island 1154
Yellow Sea 941
Yokohama Bay 1021
Yucatan Sea 903
Zambeze River 1406
Zanzibar Strait 1186
Åland Sea 880
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This is excellent! If only someone could rig a search tool... just type in the province name and it zooms to to that part of the list (you can see neighboring provinces too that way)
This is far too useful to let it slide down the page into oblivion. I'm stickying it.

Good, impressive work! :)
gish that was great!!!
A small tool


I would like to greet all EU fans, as this is my first post on the forum.

I made a tool that will help all of you, that create scenarios (it may be useful until the scenario editor will be relased of course) - a small program that allow you to quickly find province name if you know it's id or the other way round.

You may download it here:

Unzip the file and run it. The program will install automatically.

Here is the screen:

And this small window is always on top of the other windows, so it's very easy to use it, while editing the files.

I hope you will like it.
