Currently there are these Aberration events. Option B allows you to exchange inflation and tech loss for revolts and RR. But if you are 'waking' things up with reforms, shouldn't there be some ... reforms? The events could be altered to include minor additions to Infra and/or Trade techs, representing the opposite of decadence. I also think that Stability -2 is kinda strong for an event that proposes minor changes. That's as bad as Peasant Revolt, right?
event = {
id = 19963
trigger = {
OR = { infra = 5 trade = 5 }
countrysize = 5
NOT = { countrysize = 30 }
NOT = { year = 1570 }
atwar = no
random = yes
name = "Decadence"
desc = "In periods of prosperity and peace, while people were happy and secure, there was a tendency for them to gradually become less productive and lazier over time."
action_a = {
name = "Quiet, I'm sleeping."
command = { type = inflation value = 1 }
command = { type = trade value = -400 }
command = { type = infra value = -400 }
action_b = {
name = "Enact some reforms and wake them up a bit"
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = 4 }
event = {
id = 19963
trigger = {
OR = { infra = 5 trade = 5 }
countrysize = 5
NOT = { countrysize = 30 }
NOT = { year = 1570 }
atwar = no
random = yes
name = "Decadence"
desc = "In periods of prosperity and peace, while people were happy and secure, there was a tendency for them to gradually become less productive and lazier over time."
action_a = {
name = "Quiet, I'm sleeping."
command = { type = inflation value = 1 }
command = { type = trade value = -400 }
command = { type = infra value = -400 }
action_b = {
name = "Enact some reforms and wake them up a bit"
command = { type = stability value = -2 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = 4 }