Yeah but then you can have an artifact for one crown and a trait for another. Defeats the purpose of having your worn crown be based on the artifact you have equipped.What about a trait? It'd probably be possible to set up a decision letting you toggle between several different traits that each grant you a different crown, and just pick the trait relevant to what crown you want to equip. Sounds like it'd be too much effort for the reward, though.
Well there is no condition to check for equipped artifacts so they have likely done something elseI thought that Better Looking Garbs somehow managed to do that.
That is one possibilityWhen/if Paradox gives us a way to check for equipped artifacts, how do you think you'll implement this? Instead of just weighting the different indices in property 5, I think it may be better to create a property 14 (Which I think is now possible since 2.6.1) and put all the different headgear artifacts in that property. When an artifact that affects the portrait is equipped, all p5 indicies would be disabled, and it would enable the relevant p14. This way you wouldn't need to go over all the different headgear image strips for all the cultures - just give the p14 to all human portraittypes. It would also make adding new crowns much easier.
You could probably do something similar for armour etc. - but I don't know if that is too applicable for AGoT.
That still has the issue I said, you could have two crowns say Dany's and Aegon's. You have Dany's equipped but can select the trait for Aegon's as there is no condition to limit it to just the one equipped as that condition does not exist in the game.The idea would be less having two separate "crowns" - one an artifact, one a trait - and more that each artifact crown has a corresponding trait (which would confer no/limited bonuses), allowing the player to equip the artifact crown they want, then select a decision that allows them to select the trait that would then cause that crown to appear in their portrait. For example, say you're playing the Targaryens and you have equipped the artifact for Aegon the Conquerer's crown (because, for example, you started in Aegon's Conquest and don't actually have any of the other crowns), but your portrait keeps defaulting to Aegon IV's crown. You could then select a decision that offers you several traits for each of the available Targaryen/Valyrian crowns - the traits themselves don't have any bonuses to prestige or piety or anything, but whichever trait you pick would then cause that crown to appear on your portrait. So you pick the trait for Aegon the Conquerer's crown and voila.
Of course, this sounds like a lot of work for what is ultimately a purely cosmetic thing. Plus I'm not sure if there's a way to have the game check what artifacts you have available and only "unlock" certain crown-traits corresponding to the crown artifacts you have, so you'd probably wind up with the decision triggering one of those gigantic scrolling event lists like when naming your flagship showing every available crown whether you actually own the appropriate artifact or not. Which could be interesting for roleplay, granted, but it seems like a lot of unnecessary work.
Apologies if my explanations are confusing.
That would still be extremely messy, hence waiting for an artifact equipped trigger is the much nicer option hereThere exists any_artifact = { } on character which returns true if any artifact the character has meets the criteria. There is also an "is_artifact_active = yes" trigger.
What you could do is have cosmetic artifacts only be active if the character has a specific flag. A decision could be made so that if character owns X artifact, then when taken, gives the character an "artifact_x_active" flag. With that flag you would then enable/disable crowns in portraits. On giving away an artifact, you could run a script to check if the flags are still valid. It would be much nicer to code if there was just an 'artifact_equipped' trigger.