How to read the diagrams
- Each diagram lists the research fields required for research of the item.
- Each diagram lists the specific theories and applications required for research of the item.
- Some diagrams have warnings about the effects of certain research choices so be mindful of them before making your selection.
Points to keep in mind
- The diagram threads use the same ID numbering system as State Machine's Technology Charts and Analysis pages and (of course) the Hearts of Iron tech database.
- Many research items have the effect of deactivating other research choices e.g. research of an Improved Medium Tank with a 40mm+ Tank Gun automatically deactivates the 20mm+ and 30mm+ research options.
- The diagrams list only the specific components needed for research. Be mindful of the fact that many of these components might require that multiple sub-components of their own be researched before your research goals can continue.
- The diagrams are listed in platform groups e.g. all Light Tanks are listed together to aid in searching... at least how I would search if I was looking for something.
- My use of colors, specifically blue, indicates only the required prerequisites that are part of the research progression (e.g. the 40mm+ requires successful research of the 30mm+ tank gun) and are components of a given diagram item.
- Your research choices could very well result in an item I have marked green being listed as [color=FF9933]in the process of being researched[/color] or already successfully researched.