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8 Badges
Oct 9, 2010
  • A Game of Dwarves
  • Cities in Motion
  • Deus Vult
  • Europa Universalis III: Chronicles
  • Magicka
  • Majesty 2 Collection
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Humble Paradox Bundle
Can we get an icon please ?

of the many, many, many games (ok, 3 so far) published by paradox that i own, none have the icon enabled (all purchased through steam, all without cd keys...coincidence ? probably :))

other than that, KA+Saxons was definately one of my best purchases of this year. once the crash/launcher c++ errrors were sorted it's given me a couple of hundred hours of flawless gameplay.

Very much looking forward to the Druids - unseelie dragons for thye winne sire!

It's great! Always so good to hear how much people are looking forward to our games. Couple of hundred hours? Wow :) Thanks for loving King Arthur so much ;)

Btw. I'm sure Paradox will do everything in their power to provide the icons for all of you who have purchased the Paradox games. They really do care about their community, that I can tell.
I've been playing Lionheart a bit and was looking at this game as a potential purchase as well. What solution was given for the crash with launcher for KA because Lionheart is giving me headaches at the moment.