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88 Badges
Jul 16, 2011
  • Semper Fi
  • For The Glory
  • For the Motherland
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • Heir to the Throne
  • Leviathan: Warships
  • Magicka
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Rome Gold
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
  • Victoria 2: Heart of Darkness
  • Rome: Vae Victis
  • Stellaris: Synthetic Dawn
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Stellaris: Galaxy Edition
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Hearts of Iron II: Armageddon
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Darkest Hour
  • Dungeonland
  • Europa Universalis III
  • Europa Universalis III: Chronicles
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Divine Wind
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Stellaris Sign-up
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Stellaris
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Magicka 2
  • Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars Founder Wizard
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • 500k Club
  • Victoria 2
Hello, AARland! Some of you may remember me from my Victoria 2 AARs, A More Imperfect Union and Down South in Dixie, the more recent of which ended early last year. Since then, I've been on a hiatus from writing AARs; however, I'm going to delve back in with Stellaris.

Before we begin:
  • I have yet to actually complete a game of Stellaris, a trend from which I will break with this AAR.
  • I have played 53 hours of Stellaris, which is far from enough to be considered good at the game.
  • Success is not guaranteed; this AAR may end in my homeworld being destroyed by vicious alien fanatical purifiers.
  • This game will NOT be played in ironman mode. Should something technical go wrong with screenshots, I need the ability to revert to a previous save. Should reloading ever become necessary, I will state it clearly. I will not reload unless if it is absolutely necessary.
  • Do not hesitate to correct any grammatical or spelling errors you may see. I make mistakes, and am constantly striving to improve my writing.
  • I would greatly appreciate constructive feedback about any part of this AAR.
  • I'm going to try to keep updates coming regularly and frequently. However, real life can and most likely will come into play and prevent me from working on this AAR as much as I would like.
This AAR is from the point of view of the Vulkraki, my race of reptilians hailing from the planet Ikara. You will learn all about them in the first update.

The first update will be arriving shortly because, in the immortal words of Carl Sagan, somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. I don't want to wait to find it any more than you do.
Chapter I

A glorious new age awaits Ikara's chosen. A new kingdom will flourish, and the chosen will drink from the oasis of the sky. Their destinies will be fulfilled, and they will become gods themselves.

- The Holy Scroll (an ancient holy text, recently discovered by Vulkraki archeologists)


The ancients may have been on to something. How would it have been to live back then, to look up at the sky, untainted by the pollution of the previous eras? How enveloping the darkness, how captivating the stars? Even our ancestors saw their people's destiny was among the stars.

We have a history marred in blood. For eons, our people turned their attentions towards murdering one another, in competition for resources. Still, despite our infighting, the stars beckoned. If we were to achieve greatness as a species, we needed to change. We needed unity. So I brought it to us. Who am I?


I am Torba'Keldi, First Archon of the Vulkraki Dominion. I put an end to the infighting of our species. My critics see me as a tyrannical conqueror. My supporters see me as the hero who unified the Vulkraki. Both are wrong. I merely saw what needed to be done, and saw that nobody else was going to do it. I rose through the government of Kildrak, my home nation, and eventually won a mandate to govern from the military at the age of 25. I was the youngest leader in Kildrak history. I used Kildrak's military and industry to build a massive war machine, which I then turned against its neighbors. Every citizen was an instrumental part of the war effort. Our opponents never stood a chance. After ten years, the last pockets of resistance were crushed, and Ikara was united. The last eleven years have been spent healing the world's wounds, and pouring resources into the development of faster-than-light travel. With the resources of the entire planet, progress was quick.



With FTL technology complete, Ikara and the Vulkraki species stand on the brink of a new age. Unimaginable wonders await our discovery. Untold challenges lie ahead. We will eagerly face them. Vulkraks never shy away from a challenge.


The Trum'Zoyom, a science vessel, has been commissioned, equipped with warp drive, under the command of Torba'Namta. It will be the vanguard of Vulkraki exploration of the galaxy.


In addition, three Alam'Rossul-class corvettes have been launched, all equipped with warp drives and nuclear missiles. These are but the beginning of the Vulkraki Interstellar Fleet.


Soon, the stars surrounding Karzu, Ikara's home system, will be explored and colonized.

We are ready to drink from the oasis of the sky. Soon we will take our place among the gods.


Okay, first update done! Here is a rundown of the game details:

  • I'm using a medium galaxy, mainly so my computer doesn't melt by the end of the game.
  • The galaxy is an ellipse because I enjoy that more than the other shapes.
  • Default number of AI empires and advanced starts.
  • AI aggressiveness is on high to avoid completely static midgame
  • Difficulty is on normal, because I am not great at this game. Perhaps I will raise it in the future, if the game is too easy.
  • Any FTL method because variety is the spice of life. I'm using warp myself because I prefer it to the others.
  • No ironman, as I previously explained.
Well, best of luck. Glad to get here from the beginning. Avoiding the dreaded no action mid-game is certainly a great hope--especially for an AAR!

Good luck! :)
Chapter II

In the brightest of times, we prospered. In the darkest of times, we persevered. Vulkraks are nothing if not resilient. We survived millennia of warfare and internal strife. We survived unimaginable atrocities. The egos of petty warlords have caused the death of untold millions throughout our history. But now, we stand at the dawn of a glorious new age. Our childhood is behind us.

- Archon Torba'Keldi


Hask’Birim, Torba’Patar, and Hask’Sornas were the three leaders of the FTL project. Now that it has been completed, each received their own research department, in accordance to their talents. They have all began new research projects, though it will be some time before they are complete.


How many can properly say they are truly part of history? The crews of the ships comprising the First Battle Group certainly are among them. The first Vulkraki interstellar flight, to the Xel Madak star system, has been successfully completed.


An Ikara-like planet has been discovered in the Jhapp star system! Finally, the Vulkraki people have another home. May it be the first of many.



Even more wondrous, for the first time, life has been discovered outside of Ikara! All throughout the planet, our people are taking to the streets. We are not alone in the universe. Torba’Patar, head of the Sociology department, has devoted himself to researching these creatures. Are they intelligent? Can we communicate with them? Torba’Patar intends to find out.


Today, a more sobering discovery was made. Astronomers believed Irim III’s distance from its star made it a prime candidate for habitability; however, these hopes have been dashed. Irim III is blanketed in radioactive fallout, choking the life out of anything that might exist beneath the dense cloud cover. Perhaps Irim III was once a beautiful desert, like Ikara. How many planets like this exist out in the void? How many civilizations have chosen self-annihilation over unity?




More alien life has been discovered. All evidence points to a galaxy teeming with life. One of these life forms appears to be biological; however, the other appears to be mechanical. Who created them? Torba’Patar has started research projects to uncover the mysteries surrounding our latest discoveries.


I have ordered planetary survey efforts to focus on systems with habitable worlds. Such surveys open the door for future settlement of the cosmos.


We discovered another Ikara-like planet, this time in the Cajubus system. Hopefully, it will soon be settled by brave pioneers. Many of our people are reluctant to leave their homes, yet there is still no shortage of volunteers for our future colony ships.


Two more habitable words have been discovered, though they are unlike Ikara. Neetris 1c has a few regions, mostly near its poles, densely populated with forests and other vegetation. Sociologist Torba’Patar believes Vulkraks would be comfortable enough living on it; however, it is certainly not a high priority for colonization. Still worse is its sister, Neetris 1d. While having a hospitable atmosphere, most of the surface is covered in a truly sickening amount of water. In theory, Vulkraks could live on it. However, no one deserves such a cruel fate.


Sociologist Torba’Patar has handed in his report on the first aliens we encountered, which his team named the “Tiyanki”. They concluded the Tiyanki are far from sapient, and it is impossible to communicate with them. Fortunately, the Tiyanki are docile, and can be ignored. It’s rather underwhelming for our first alien encounter to be with mere beasts.


The First Battle Group’s most recent discovery has sparked massive debate on Ikara; an alien civilization! Finally, decisive proof of intelligent alien life currently living has been found, and so close to us too! The inhabitants of this world are behind us technologically, though not by much. Torba’Patar believes we should extend a hand of friendship to these aliens, and enlighten them, in order to eventually bring them into the Dominion peacefully. Others believe that the aliens should be observed and studied from a distance, though there is even debate within this group as to the extent of this observation. A considerable number believe the aliens should be left to their own devices, and that we should deal with them when we need to. In addition, a small but vocal faction believe the aliens should be conquered and forcibly incorporated into the empire. I am unsure of my own position, but I have to decide soon.


Yet another habitable world has been found. While this world’s temperature is fit for Vulkraks, the entire planet is covered in a rainforest. Vulkraks could live here, as Torba’Patar assures me, but they wouldn’t be very comfortable, at least at first.



The reports on the Beta and Gamma aliens have been completed. Both Space Amoebas and the Mining Drones occupy potentially valuable systems, which are desperately needed to accelerate the Dominion’s expansion. They cannot stand in our way. Seeing as these creatures and machines are known to be aggressive, we must be as well. We must do what needs to be done, and eliminate those who stand in our way.


Another world with a Vulkrak-friendly atmosphere has been discovered, though everything else about the planet is unappealing.

And so ends the first year of Vulkrak interstellar exploration. It has been a momentous year, one that will be remembered for the rest of history.



In an amazing coincidence, a year on Ikara takes the same amount of time as a year on Earth.
Lots of aliens to either befriend or annihilate, awaits!
Chapter III

For millennia, the Vulkraki people have looked to the stars, longing to tame the vast unknown. Yet, trapped within the confines of their homeworld, our ancestors could do nothing but dream, while they squabbled among themselves. We, blessed with unity and faster-than-light travel, are trapped no more. We cannot fear whatever we might find in the void. We will treat our neighbors with friendship, but we will defend ourselves and our way of life. Whoever or whatever is out there will treat our Dominion with respect.

-Archon Torba’Keldi


The satellite of the toxic world Drisk II is another potentially habitable world, yet it contains disgusting amounts of water, like many others in this galaxy.


As the Trum’Zoyom continues its explorations, its commander Torba’Namta gains more and more experience surveying alien worlds. I’ve ordered that a new ranking system for the commanders of scientific vessels be instituted, so that Torba’Namta may be properly honored.


Torba’Namta reports that the Trum’Zoyom detected anomalous readings on Jhapp VIa. Not confident in his chances for success, due to the moon’s hostile climate, I ordered him leave it be for now. There’s no sense in losing our best scientist over what’s probably just a sensor glitch.







Seven more worlds with atmospheres capable of supporting Vulkraks have been discovered. As technological advances allow the settlement of these worlds, the Vulkraki people will have plenty of new homes.


From the Sociology Department to the War Room, all areas of the Capitol are bustling with activity after the Trum’Zoyom’s latest discovery. A large space station and nine corvette-sized vessels were found orbiting a habitable world. Radio waves emanating from the surface confirm that the world, named Fevaria according to the small amounts of the signals the Sociology Department has already translated, is inhabited with a space-faring civilization. I’m preparing an address to the people, to inform them of this momentous discovery.


The news of yet another type of wild space-faring life form was largely overshadowed by the discovery of Fevaria.



Torba’Namta believed he had discovered some kind of artificial construct in the upper atmosphere of the gas giant Jhapp V. However, upon investigating it, he found it to be a mere sensor glitch.



After working tirelessly, Sociologist Torba’Patar announced that his team had finished the translation of the aliens’ language, and had collaborated with the Engineering Department to construct a translator to be worn by our diplomats. I decided to send Torba’Patar to initiate first contact, with an ambassador to aid him. The First Battle Group, carrying both, entered the outskirts of Fevaria’s solar system, and sent a transmission in the direction of Fevaria in the local language. The nine vessels presumably guarding the starport departed from orbit and approached the First Battle Group. It took some time, but eventually audio communication was initiated, and Torba’Patar officially established contact with the Fevarian Consortium.

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The Fevarian are a bit too close for comfort, wouldn't you say?
The Fevarian are a bit too close for comfort, wouldn't you say?
Now is the time for expansion by colonizing and exploring. Later, subjugation of those ugly beasts!