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Jan 25, 2010
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This is probably the most frustrating bug on this mod for me. I'm playing as the Targs and kept the Valyrian faith after Aegon's conquest. The problem I have is priests (and sometimes other low-tier vassals such as Masters) constantly plotting to try and kidnap my daughters. This happens with priests of both faiths (Valyrian & FOT7) and I basically have to play constant priest wack-a-mole with my spymaster informing me of their plots and me subsequently imprisoning them. I regularly have 10+ priests in my dungeon, if I let them keep the plot going, they get a ridiculously high number of vassals backing their tedious plot.

I assume this is because my daughters naturally have the 'Abomination of incest' modifier (-50 church vassal opinion). it is particularly bad for 'lunatic' characters, who have an added -20 vassal opinion.

Is there anyway I can fix this? At this point i'd even rather mod the abomination of incest modifier out of the game alltogether.
You could disable the plot to kidnap in general or remove that modifier.
go into mod/AGOT/common/objectives/00_plots and find the kidnapping line and ncomment it (set a # infront of it)

This is the kidnapping plot line:

# Character plots to imprison a character
plot_kidnap_character = {
	type = realm_characters_plus # All characters in the same realm, plus rivals and relatives of self, parents, children and spouse
	intrigue_plot = yes
	murder_plot = yes
	# Plotter scope
	potential = {
		is_ruler = yes
		prisoner = no
		age = 16	
		NOT = { trait = incapable }	
		NOT = {
			AND = {
				ai = yes
				OR = {
					trait = honest
					trait = kind
					trait = honorable

	# Target allow trigger for when players target a specific character in the GUI
	player_allow = {
		NOT = { has_opinion_modifier = { who = FROM modifier = opinion_recent_plot } }
		prisoner = no
		OR = {
			is_ruler = no
			is_liege_or_above = FROM
		NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
		NOT = { trait = dragon }
		#same_realm = FROM
	# Target scope
	allow = {
		NOT = { has_opinion_modifier = { who = FROM modifier = opinion_recent_plot } }	
		OR = {
			is_ruler = no
			is_liege_or_above = FROM
		prisoner = no
		#same_realm = FROM	
		NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }	
		NOT = { trait = dragon }
		is_within_diplo_range = FROM		
	chance = {
		factor = 2
		###Possible Motives###
		modifier = {
			factor = 0
			FROM = {
				NOT = {
					OR = {
						AND = { #Seeks vengeance
							has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_vengeance }
							ROOT = { NOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM } }		
						reverse_has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_claimant_adventure_target } #Is planning adventure against me
						AND = { #Claimant
							any_demesne_title = {
								ROOT = { has_claim = PREV }
							NOT = { current_heir = { character = ROOT } }
							ROOT = {
								NOT = { is_child_of = FROM }
								NOT = { spouse = { character = FROM } }
								NOT = { liege = { character = FROM } }
							OR = {
								trait = ruthless
								trait = paranoid
								trait = wroth
								trait = arbitrary
							NOT = { trait = just }				
						AND = { #Dangerous Vassal
							any_vassal = { 
								character = ROOT 
								relative_power_to_liege = 0.25
								NOT = { opinion = { who = FROM value = -50 } }
							OR = {
								trait = ruthless
								trait = paranoid
								trait = wroth
								trait = arbitrary
							NOT = { trait = just }
							NOT = { trait = trusting }							
						AND = { #Potential forced marriage target
							is_married = no
							is_female = no
							NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = 40 } }
							NOT = { trait = just }
							ROOT = {
								is_female = yes
								age = 14
								is_married = no
								NOT = { trait = incapable }
								NOT = { age = 30 }
								OR = {
									#Target has a title or claim that is equal or higher to FROM's rank
									NOT = { lower_tier_than = PREV }
									any_heir_title = { NOT = { lower_tier_than = PREVPREV } }
									any_claim = { NOT = { lower_tier_than = PREVPREV } }
									AND = { #Horny bastard
										trait = fair
										FROM = { trait = lustful }
						# Go nuts...
						AND = {
							same_realm = ROOT
							OR = {
								trait = lunatic
								trait = possessed
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.5
			FROM = { trait = dishonorable1 }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.4
			FROM = { trait = dishonorable2 }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.3
			FROM = { trait = dishonorable3 }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.2
			FROM = { trait = dishonorable4 }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.1
			FROM = { trait = dishonorable5 }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0
			FROM = { 
				ai = yes
				OR = {
					trait = dishonorable6
					trait = dishonorable7
					trait = dishonorable8
					trait = dishonorable9
					trait = dishonorable10
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.01
			FROM = {
				trait = content
				NOT = { trait = lunatic } 
				NOT = { trait = possessed }
		modifier = {
			factor = 5
			FROM = { trait = just } # If a just character actually can get this plot, be extra-willing to use it
		modifier = {
			factor = 2
			FROM = { trait = ruthless }
		modifier = {
			factor = 1.5
			FROM = { trait = arbitrary }
		modifier = {
			factor = 2.0
			FROM = { trait = cruel }
		modifier = {
			factor = 2.0
			FROM = { trait = deceitful }
		modifier = {
			factor = 3.0
			FROM = { trait = ambitious }
		modifier = {
			factor = 5
			FROM = { 
				OR = {
					has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_vengeance } #Seeks vengeance
					reverse_has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_claimant_adventure_target } #Is planning adventure against me
		modifier = {
			factor = 0
			FROM = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = 50 } }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.25
			FROM = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = 25 } }
		modifier = {
			factor = 1.5
			FROM = { NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = -25 } } }
		modifier = {
			factor = 1.5
			FROM = { NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = -50 } } }
		modifier = {
			factor = 2.0
			FROM = { NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = -75 } } }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.5
			FROM = { NOT = { intrigue = 5 } }
		modifier = {
			factor = 0.5
			FROM = { NOT = { intrigue = 10 } }
		modifier = {
			factor = 2
			FROM = { intrigue = 15 }
		modifier = {
			factor = 2
			FROM = { intrigue = 20 }
		modifier = {
			factor = 2.0
			FROM = { trait = lunatic }
	success = {
		prisoner = yes
		host = { character = FROM }
	abort = {
		OR = {	
			AND = {
				prisoner = yes
				host = { NOT = { character = FROM } }
			FROM = { has_character_flag = abort_plot }
			FROM = { had_character_flag = { flag = plot_in_action days = 7 } }
			FROM = { prisoner = yes }
			is_alive = no
			FROM = { trait = incapable }
	abort_effect = {
		FROM = {
			# Clear flags
			hidden_tooltip = {
				clr_character_flag = event7040
				clr_character_flag = plot_check
				clr_character_flag = allow_plotting
				clr_character_flag = plot_in_action
				clr_character_flag = abort_plot
				reverse_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_recent_plot months = 60 }
	effect = {
		FROM = {
			any_plot_backer = {
				reverse_opinion = {
					modifier = opinion_grateful
					who = FROM
					years = 5
			# Clear flags
			hidden_tooltip = {
				clr_character_flag = event7040
				clr_character_flag = plot_check
				clr_character_flag = allow_plotting
				clr_character_flag = plot_in_action
				clr_character_flag = abort_plot
				reverse_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_recent_plot months = 60 }

And this is a disabled one (Atleast it should :p)

# Character plots to imprison a character
#plot_kidnap_character = {
#	type = realm_characters_plus # All characters in the same realm, plus rivals and relatives of self, parents, children and spouse
#	intrigue_plot = yes
#	murder_plot = yes
#	# Plotter scope
#	potential = {
#		is_ruler = yes
#		prisoner = no
#		age = 16	
#		NOT = { trait = incapable }	
#		NOT = {
#			AND = {
#				ai = yes
#				OR = {
#					trait = honest
#					trait = kind
#					trait = honorable
#				}	
#			}
#		}	
#	}
#	# Target allow trigger for when players target a specific character in the GUI
#	player_allow = {
#		NOT = { has_opinion_modifier = { who = FROM modifier = opinion_recent_plot } }
#		prisoner = no
#		OR = {
#			is_ruler = no
#			is_liege_or_above = FROM
#		}
#		NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
#		NOT = { trait = dragon }
#		#same_realm = FROM
#	}
#	# Target scope
#	allow = {
#		NOT = { has_opinion_modifier = { who = FROM modifier = opinion_recent_plot } }	
#		OR = {
#			is_ruler = no
#			is_liege_or_above = FROM
#		}		
#		prisoner = no
#		#same_realm = FROM	
#		NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }	
#		NOT = { trait = dragon }
#		is_within_diplo_range = FROM		
#	}
#	chance = {
#		factor = 2
#		###Possible Motives###
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0
#			FROM = {
#				NOT = {
#					OR = {
#						AND = { #Seeks vengeance
#							has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_vengeance }
#							ROOT = { NOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM } }		
#						}	
#						reverse_has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_claimant_adventure_target } #Is planning adventure against me
#						AND = { #Claimant
#							any_demesne_title = {
#								ROOT = { has_claim = PREV }
#							}
#							NOT = { current_heir = { character = ROOT } }
#							ROOT = {
#								NOT = { is_child_of = FROM }
#								NOT = { spouse = { character = FROM } }
#								NOT = { liege = { character = FROM } }
#							}
#							OR = {
#								trait = ruthless
#								trait = paranoid
#								trait = wroth
#								trait = arbitrary
#							}
#							NOT = { trait = just }				
#						}
#						AND = { #Dangerous Vassal
#							any_vassal = { 
#								character = ROOT 
#								relative_power_to_liege = 0.25
#								NOT = { opinion = { who = FROM value = -50 } }
#							}	
#							OR = {
#								trait = ruthless
#								trait = paranoid
#								trait = wroth
#								trait = arbitrary
#							}
#							NOT = { trait = just }
#							NOT = { trait = trusting }							
#						}
#						AND = { #Potential forced marriage target
#							is_married = no
#							is_female = no
#							NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = 40 } }
#							NOT = { trait = just }
#							ROOT = {
#								is_female = yes
#								age = 14
#								is_married = no
#								NOT = { trait = incapable }
#								NOT = { age = 30 }
#								OR = {
#									#Target has a title or claim that is equal or higher to FROM's rank
#									NOT = { lower_tier_than = PREV }
#									any_heir_title = { NOT = { lower_tier_than = PREVPREV } }
#									any_claim = { NOT = { lower_tier_than = PREVPREV } }
#									AND = { #Horny bastard
#										trait = fair
#										FROM = { trait = lustful }
#									}
#								}
#							}							
#						}
#						# Go nuts...
#						AND = {
#							same_realm = ROOT
#							OR = {
#								trait = lunatic
#								trait = possessed
#							}
#						}					
#					}
#				}
#			}
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.5
#			FROM = { trait = dishonorable1 }
#		}	
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.4
#			FROM = { trait = dishonorable2 }
#		}	
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.3
#			FROM = { trait = dishonorable3 }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.2
#			FROM = { trait = dishonorable4 }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.1
#			FROM = { trait = dishonorable5 }
#		}	
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0
#			FROM = { 
#				ai = yes
#				OR = {
#					trait = dishonorable6
#					trait = dishonorable7
#					trait = dishonorable8
#					trait = dishonorable9
#					trait = dishonorable10
#				}
#			}
#		}	
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.01
#			FROM = {
#				trait = content
#				NOT = { trait = lunatic } 
#				NOT = { trait = possessed }
#			}
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 5
#			FROM = { trait = just } # If a just character actually can get this plot, be extra-willing to use it
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 2
#			FROM = { trait = ruthless }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 1.5
#			FROM = { trait = arbitrary }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 2.0
#			FROM = { trait = cruel }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 2.0
#			FROM = { trait = deceitful }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 3.0
#			FROM = { trait = ambitious }
#		}		
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 5
#			FROM = { 
#				OR = {
#					has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_vengeance } #Seeks vengeance
#					reverse_has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_claimant_adventure_target } #Is planning adventure against me
#				}	
#			}
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0
#			FROM = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = 50 } }
#		}	
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.25
#			FROM = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = 25 } }
#		}	
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 1.5
#			FROM = { NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = -25 } } }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 1.5
#			FROM = { NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = -50 } } }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 2.0
#			FROM = { NOT = { opinion = { who = ROOT value = -75 } } }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.5
#			FROM = { NOT = { intrigue = 5 } }
#		}		
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 0.5
#			FROM = { NOT = { intrigue = 10 } }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 2
#			FROM = { intrigue = 15 }
#		}
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 2
#			FROM = { intrigue = 20 }
#		}		
#		modifier = {
#			factor = 2.0
#			FROM = { trait = lunatic }
#		}
#	}
#	success = {
#		prisoner = yes
#		host = { character = FROM }
#	}
#	abort = {
#		OR = {	
#			AND = {
#				prisoner = yes
#				host = { NOT = { character = FROM } }
#			}
#			FROM = { has_character_flag = abort_plot }
#			FROM = { had_character_flag = { flag = plot_in_action days = 7 } }
#			FROM = { prisoner = yes }
#			is_alive = no
#			FROM = { trait = incapable }
#		}
#	}
#	abort_effect = {
#		FROM = {
#			# Clear flags
#			hidden_tooltip = {
#				clr_character_flag = event7040
#				clr_character_flag = plot_check
#				clr_character_flag = allow_plotting
#				clr_character_flag = plot_in_action
#				clr_character_flag = abort_plot
#				reverse_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_recent_plot months = 60 }
#			}
#		}
#	}
#	effect = {
#		FROM = {
#			any_plot_backer = {
#				reverse_opinion = {
#					modifier = opinion_grateful
#					who = FROM
#					years = 5
#				}
#			}
#			# Clear flags
#			hidden_tooltip = {
#				clr_character_flag = event7040
#				clr_character_flag = plot_check
#				clr_character_flag = allow_plotting
#				clr_character_flag = plot_in_action
#				clr_character_flag = abort_plot
#				reverse_opinion = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_recent_plot months = 60 }
#			}
#		}
#	}

I havent tested it yet so it might not work and break your game
Or you could just make it ai = no in the plotter scope so you can still do it.
Or change the ai modifiers to make them less likely to do it.
Or you could just make it ai = no in the plotter scope so you can still do it.
Or change the ai modifiers to make them less likely to do it.

or you're less lazy and respond faster you nubcake