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Sep 19, 2018
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[Unit panel] Ghoul aspect not refreshed

When a ghoul and a non-ghoul version of same unit are in the same stack, switching between both in the unit panel doesn't triger a refreshment of the unit's display: you may have ghoul version looking alive, and live version louking ghoulish (gray skin).
The display is refreshed when you close and re-open the unit panel, or when you switch to a different unit.
Expected behaviour: unit's display on the unit panel should be refreshed when the data are themselves refreshed, i.e. you switchs to another unit.

[Unit panel] Conquered leader still tagged as a leader?

When you beat a AI leader and eventually recruit it as a hero. He/She is tagged as both a hero and a leader, and some abilities are still sourced from the leader status. On the screenshot, "Dirigeant" stands for "Leader".
Expected behaviour: Leader ability/status should be replaced by Hero ability/status.

[Strategic map] Path indicator when a full stack is targeted

Depending on whether there is a non full stack adjacent to the target full stack, the path indicator is red or green. Of course, no real move is possible when you click on the targeted hex. Note that I use an alternate path indicator from a mod. I have to test if this strange behaviour also occurs when a non full stack is adjacent to a forbidden hex. I tested with a flying unit: same result.
aow3_pathIndicatorBug1.jpeg aow3_pathIndicatorBug3.jpeg
Expected behaviour: Path indicator should stay red whatever the adjacent hex.

[Strategic map] Enchanted domain transient notification

When a unit enters an enchanted domain, a transient notification is displayed on the strategic map. An on-hover tooltip is displayed as well for each enchanted hex. It appears that when several enchantments affect a domain, the transient display is blurred (all the notifications are displayed at the same location!).
Expected behaviour: The notifcations could be displayed in sequence?
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[Abilities] (Frost) Strength Upgrade
UPGRADE FROST_STRENGTH_UPGRADE_DESCRIPTION The unit's frost attacks deal {froststrengthupgradeDamageBonus} damage.

I'm not sure is this is intended or if this ability's description is a little ambiguous. It says e.g. : "The unit's frost attacks deal +1 frost damage". Comparing with other frost-base abilities, I had infered that only existing attacks are upgraded, because we have also:

ACTIVE_ABILITY_MODIFIERS FROST_STRIKE_DESCRIPTION Deals an additional {froststrikeDamageBonus} damage with all attacks.

Well, apparently, the first ability opens a new damage channel as well. Again, perhaps it's intended. At least, the Amulet of the Ocean Soul (DLC2 item) grants the Frost Strength upgrade, that opens a new melee frost channel.
Quick Dash on a stunned unit

Context: Tyrna is stunned and wounded. I cast Quick Dash on her for a little healing. I don't remember if she has Killing Momemtum or something that could interfere with move points (MP) and AP (action points) computation. (screenshot 1)
1) Quick Dash also restaures half of her MP pool. What's weird is both that:
- the move icon is now available (it was slashed and unavailable when stunned);
- the coloured MP/AP overlay displays a one-hex possible movement, hence one "AP". I didn't test if she could enter guard mode while being stunned (and if it would have worked).
(screenshot 2)

2) Despite being surrounded, I ordered movement just to see...
- the hero suffers opportunistic attacks (see HP dropping from 48 to 31);
- she doesn't move in the end (I don't know if she suffered another stunning, but the visual effect never stopped).
(screenshot 3).
I'll try to reproduce this in order to have a look at the combat log to make things certain.
Iron Fist (Rogue's City spell):
[EDIT]False report[/EDIT]
It seems to not work on an allied (vassal) city, as I'd expect. However, you can cast it on such cities.

On the screenshot, Iron Fist was just cast on the town of Urk (see notification on the right and icon on the left). Yet its effects don't appear in the city happiness panel.

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Blinded and Breath attack
[EDIT]Not a bug, rather some "illogical" implementation (if "blinded" means blinded)[/EDIT]

Shouldn't the Blinded status prevent from targeting a distant enemy? It's true that being technically a 1-hex ranged attack, it could be used against an adjacent enemy. But a distant foe? Of course if that enemy is caught in a breath attack, it should still suffer full effects.

The same concern could occur if a blinded unit would use an aoe attack that can be targeted at an adjacent, unoccupied hex, just to catch a distant enemy in the blast. I haven't witnessed this, yet.

On the screenshot, the phoenix was blinded and I moved closer a wounded hunter so that he could max damage. On its turn, the phoenix breathed at no one but the hunter (see combat log: only he is affected). You could always say that it breathed at an adjacent hex, and that by chance, the hunter was caught in the breath... what an extra awareness indeed.

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[Wall spell] Dragon Oil (Dreadnought)

Not a bug per se as the following text do display all needed information indeed. It's just another slight mismatch in the way replacers are defined, because the defense penalty corresponds a nice "-2 Def, -400 Happiness" display (with icons). They didn't reuse the usual formatting used for Immolated, where the morale replacer is explicit.
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Iron Fist (Rogue's City spell):
It seems to not work on an allied (vassal) city, as I'd expect. However, you can cast it on such cities.

On the screenshot, Iron Fist was just cast on the town of Urk (see notification on the right and icon on the left). Yet its effects don't appear in the city happiness panel.

View attachment 410588

You're confusing diplomatic relationship with the Vassal and the happiness of the Vassal. The Vassal can still get the +300 and its income may increase but you won't see its happiness directly.

You could always say that it breathed at an adjacent hex, and that by chance, the hunter was caught in the breath... what an extra awareness indeed.

That's exactly what happens. Same for Sun Disc able to shoot enemies 4 hexes away.
Not really a "bug" per se, it's just the way Blinded works.
[Abilities] Wing Beat
It seams to be considered a contact ability as the last Eagle Rider using it on my Fearsome hero was panicked! Is a "contact attack" always the same as a "1-cell ranged attack"? It's weird as the wings don't touch their target (even if the flier gets close). Would a Wing Beat attack expose the unit to any Aura shield as well?
[EDIT]Confirmed that it's a contact ability and not a 1-hex ranged ability.[/EDIT]
[EDIT]Indeed, it's a melee attack that benefits from Charge bonus, etc. No wonder why it makes the Eagle prone to be affected by aura effects.[/EDIT]
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[ToW]Expliciting unlocked unit(s)

Almost all dwelling production upgrade, as well as most T3 racial production upgrades don't use the same formatting as other production buildings (racial and class), when it comes to expliciting the units that they unlock.
Exceptions are: Gryphon Spire for racial T3, and Mermaid Cove for dwelling units, as both correctly explicit the unit they unlock. (please look at these pages in the ToW)
For every other production upgrades (15 dwelling and 7 or 8 racial), there is no "Unlock:" with link + little picture.

[ToW]Bad hyperlink's display name for upgrades requiring more than one upgrade

Any upgrade that requires at least two other upgrades before being unlocked, get the same little display bug: the first hyperlink in the list (of two or more links) includes the "(with:" string!
Namely: Wooden Wall, Builders Hall, Observatory, Master Guild, Great Temple, Hospital, and Bone Cathedral (please look at these pages in the ToW)
This string is to be found in Interface.xml:
GENERIC LEADS_TO_WITH "(with: {STR_cityUpgrade}"
(the whole value is displayed as an internal link, whereas only "{STR_cityUpgrade}" should, obviously)


I don't know if this is moddable.
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Drowning while aready dead
Bug report

An army (Hero on wywern, flying and floating units) enters a marine site (not a vanilla one) and is destroyed in the fight.
Simultaneous turns.


Only the hero's bag now appears on the site, and after the combat debriefing screen, another "Drowning" pop-up is displayed. The hero is said to have drowned, while the other, flying/floating units are displayed alive. Obviously, this pop-up shouldn't have been displayed giving that the army was destroyed before returning to the strategic map (wasn't it?).

Apparent cause:
The hero is said to have drowned because being slain, she lost all her equipment (now in the bag), including her wyvern mount (and she couldn't swim, because I had not taken this archdruid upgrade yet). The same would have happened, I guess, if I had her manually unmount (not tested).

Suggestion (?):
The dead shouldn't be taken into consideration when the test for drowned status is checked. Perhaps intervert the order of some existing tests upon returning from a combat? Or add a delay so that when the test for drowning is run next time, the death of the army is fully taken into consideration.



- Would this happen above lava as well?
- I don't know what would happen if the hero dies and her army survives (wins or flees).
[Ability] X Strength Upgrade

Where X stands for Fire, Frost, ...
The problem is that the description doesn't fit with the effect experienced in game (or at least displayed in the hero's pannel). I would expect a reinforcement of any existing X (Fire, Frost, ...) damage channel, and what happens is that only melee attacks are concerned (at least the Melee Strike) and that a new X damage channel is opened, quite the same as with the other ability series: X Strike, indeed).

Please see the Text correction sub-forum for more details, as I'll assume for now that there is no bug and that description only is fuzzy and needs some correction.
[Strategic][City Spell] Invisibility and allies

Using Partisan's Hide Out spell. It can be cast on any allied town.
  • When cast on an allied A.I. player town, its units are marked as invisible and you see them as well as your own units in the enchanted domain.
  • When cast on a (allied) vassal town, its units are marked invisible, but you can't see them, as if neutral or enemy invisible units.
On the screenshot, no unit of this vassal city is seen. I have to move my units next to them to spot them.

Expected behaviour; You should see all of your allies' units in your vision range.

If a bug, there's more to investigate:
Does the same problem occur with vassal units with stealth abilities, either inherent? (Vassals can't cast global spells by the way).
Does it occur with other forms of invisibility

Is the Invisible ability somehow linked to the fact of being or not being a player, like the adjacent hex rule? (You can't defend a vassal army or town by just standing next to it.)

[Tactical] Flash bang on Elementals: Immunity to effects is not indicated in the previsionnal pop-up

I don't know if this is a standard behaviour. Elementals are immune to blindness, among other effects. When you try and target an unit which is immune to the effect you want to inflict onto, you are usually warned that this unit is not a valid target. Flash Bang does damage and effect, and Elementals are immune to the effect.

I would expect that the source of the immunity is displayed in the previsional pop-up along with the damage modifiers, 'The unit will strike first', 'Martial Arts', etc. E.g. 'Unit is an Elemental' (in red) would have informed me that the unit is intrinsinquely mitigating part of the damage, or effects, on top of the other lines (LOS, Range penalty, resistances).

On the screenshot, an Engineer is attacking a Spirit Elemental. It will takes 1 Fire because of a '80% Fire Resistance'. If it were a Fire Elemental, no fire damage would be displayed at all, and a line '100% Fire Resistance' would provide me the reason why. In both situations however, no line tells me why they have 0% chance of being blinded.

[Tactical] Destabilized Mana Core cancels (dispels?) some unit's abilities
(in need for confirmation. Could be tested with Safeguard as well)
Casting Destabilized Mana Core.
On next round, casting Force Field on a Torchbearer Draconian Flamer.
Then, the Mana core explodes, letting the Flamer obviously untouched (100% Fire resistance).​

Expected behaviour:
The Flamer still benefits from the Force field spell for the next 4 rounds. DMC is only about fire damage, as the description tells.​

Experienced behaviour:
  1. the Force Field enchantment is dispelled (no message pops up), and the animation has gone;
  2. the tactical bonus due to Meditate has gone;
  3. the Torchbearer's abilities have gone: the unit is no more devoted to good, nor has the Meditate ability.
  4. these changes are definitive: returning to the strategic map, or reloading a saved game doesn't change anything.
Either the spell's description text is lacunary, or there's a bug with this spell. Other spells are said to dispel e.g. fire-based effects.
I don't know if DMC "dispels" other effects/spells.

[Tactical][MCU] Chant of Unlife and Exhalted (and other units with Resurgence?)

Enemy Exhalteds are raised as ghoul by Chant of Unlife (spell cast by MCU). At the end of the combat, they are killed, being Combat Summons. Then, they have Resurgence...​

I'm not sure that this is intended, rather an oversight. This should be experienced with other units with the Resurgence ability. What happens when an enemy hero with stack Resurgence is raised as a ghoul and survive until the end of fight: do you gain a hero, does he grant Resurgence to other units, if he is the only hero?
[EDIT]For example, on one of my last games, I was fighting a Theocrat A.I. player and I could capture a town with the Crypt of Unlife MCU. As the A.I. kept sending stacks comprising Exalted to retake the city, I could gain 8 Ghoul Exalted in three defensive sieges. You know, those T3 units with both Strong Will and Resurgence. Quite handy when you can afford the upkeep. Try and manage to kill Exalted first and refrain from killing other units, so as they have more chance to be raised as ghouls before the siege ends.[/EDIT]

There's two concerns here:
  1. That a Strong Will unit can return as a ghoul after its death, whereas it wouldn't have contracted Ghoul Curse when alive (if not severely weakened?). I think that this has already been reported.
  2. That a Combat Summon can persist after the battle. Being a Combat Summon should override the Resurgence trait (not the Undying trait).


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[City Spell] Spiritual Freedom and the Builders
[EDIT]Builders are special units who don't have to obey combattant units rules[/EDIT]

A city enchanted with Spiritual Freedom now produce units who are Devoted to Good and gain the Meditate ability. It works even for Machines and Boats.

Experienced behaviour:

A builder produced in this city doesn't receive any benefit from Spiritual Freedom.
Although I didn't test it, it should be the same as regard to Scales of Fortune and Embrace Darkness.

Even for the later two, which benefits are purely for fighting units, why a civilian wouldn't be aligned like his master?
Aren't they eligible for any battlefield-wide buff, such as Blood Sacrifice's effects, a combat ability that restaures a few HP to any allies (machines excepted), even if they are not considered as active units?

[Tactical] Seeker Enchantment can be cast on any allied unit

... even those who don't have any ranged abilities, such as Golem, Titan, Baby Spider, Drone, Wraith King...

Is this a bug, an oversight, or normal behaviour?
You might say that the caster usually knows his units and won't waste this spell, so that's not a concern. I hope then that the A.I. knows them too.

[EDIT]I add a new one here because it's the same "let's consider our players are smart enough" thing.

Stellar Blades can be cast on any allied unit... even those who don't have any melee abilities, such as Canon...
I don't know, with an upper-level programming language, a test like "has_melee_attack=FALSE" sounds possible.

[Strategic][Tactical] Machines and Shrines' buffs

It's a rather wide topic. By 'Shrine' I mean Clover Field, Solace Flower, any altar or shrine that you can visit to get unit buffs.

1) The Shrines buff any unit visiting them, even Trebuchets, Golems, Canons, ...
I confirm that a Canon or a Golem with Regrowth does regenerate whereas it has the Cannot Regenerate trait. And of course, Haste Berries work on machines too.​

As a consequence however, it can already be said that:

2) A machine can mark an enemy unit for Blood Sacrifice. Or spit fire.

Moreover, as experienced against a Shrine of Judgement:

3) A machine can be marked for blood sacrifice and it works.

(thanksfully, a machine doesn't benefit from a blood sacrifice)

On the screenshot, you can enjoy a buffed-up golem. (from top to bottom: Explosive Death, Spit Fire, Solace, Inflict Curse, Blood Sacrifice, Regrowth, Lucky, Meditate (Spiritual Freedom)). Yes, that was 5 sites to visit.

Imho, part of this is buggy, as long as 'blood sacrifice' means 'spilling a victim's blood and being rejuvenated by it through a dark ritual'. Or would you consider that the machine is served by living peons who can perform a dark ritual, and be themselves subject to a dark ritual?

Moreover, having a Trebuchet able to "touch" living enemy troops and mark them for blood sacrifice is funny.

Whatever, why then the Machine unit class comes with its set of immunities? Is it living or not?

Now, you could ask how machines can be aligned, can meditate, steal life, ...


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[Event Log] Indy enemy towns lack a message of some sort

Both in the event log (when you hit the icon in the top right corner, and in the event notification (on the right), enemy (hostile) independent towns and dwellings generate an event on each turn, which is empty of text. The faction's portrait is correctly displayed, however.
Does anyone know if this is possible to either disable this display, or add a consistent message, e.g. "The town/dwelling of {} sends you their best regards."


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[Tactical][Model] Half white Raptors and Wyverns

It's a known bug, I think, and I report it here in hope some modder could correct it. Draconian raptors (the mount) get half white when their color departs from the usual one. It has been already seen on green and red raptors, whether hero's mount or hatched eggs. I think I seen it for wyverns as well, but I'm not sure.

The first screenshots are about a Draconian hero not yet recruited. They are interesting in that they show that when you click on him, the raptor is correctly displayed at first, and that it turns half white one second or such after.

[EDIT]This display bug shows on certain terrain/lighting configurations, such as Tropical, Volcanic, Underground, and is not systematic (sometimes, it doesn't show). Only vanilla raptors (both red and green), and some wyverns are concerned, both units and mounts. As an interesting note, modded stripped white and green raptor (such as in Shadow Realm mod) never gets the bug. Should be worth to compare graphical assets.[EDIT/]


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[City UI] Migrate to ghouls: a little missing information

Usually, the full consequences of a city action are displayed when you select one such action (before/after completion, hapiness/population, ...). They are also displayed in the confirmation window.
In the case you want to migrate a ghoul city into another faction's ghoul city, the loss of population is not displayed when you select the action. It is still displayed in the confirmation window, though.


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[Tactical][Models] Lacking attack animations
The Draconian Warbeast, at least, lacks a proper gestual animation and missile animation (weird) when it fires things away such as Spit Fire (obtained at a visitable site).

[EDIT]Troll and Golem also lack a Spit Fire animation.
Oddly, Builder and Settler have got one.[/EDIT]
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@Rodmar18: probably 80% of the things you reported are not bugs... I was initially planning to post some real bugs only devs can fix in this thread but given how long and polluted it is, I'm going to post on another thread.

[Abilities] Wing Beat
It seams to be considered a contact ability
Clearly not a bug, just a design choice. Some abilities are considered range, some melee (e.g. I think Pounce is melee? forgot).

[ToW]Expliciting unlocked unit(s)

Almost all dwelling production upgrade, as well as most T3 racial production upgrades don't use the same formatting as other production buildings

[ToW]Bad hyperlink's display name for upgrades requiring more than one upgrade

Any upgrade that requires at least two other upgrades before being unlocked, get the same little display bug: the first hyperlink in the list (of two or more links) includes the "(with:" string!

[Ability] X Strength Upgrade

Where X stands for Fire, Frost, ...
The problem is that the description doesn't fit with the effect experienced in game (or at least displayed in the hero's pannel)

Those 3 are imprecise descriptions or badly formatted descriptions, not bugs.

Expected behaviour; You should see all of your allies' units in your vision range.
And why would that be? They're not under your control. Not a bug.

[Tactical] Flash bang on Elementals: Immunity to effects is not indicated in the previsionnal pop-up
That's user comfort, not a bug.

[Tactical] Destabilized Mana Core cancels (dispels?) some unit's abilities
That's an imprecise description, not a bug.

[Tactical][MCU] Chant of Unlife and Exhalted (and other units with Resurgence?)

Enemy Exhalteds are raised as ghoul by Chant of Unlife
Arguably could be considered a bug but I'd say it's behaving as expected, and in any case pretty tough to fix.

[City Spell] Spiritual Freedom and the Builders
Clearly not a bug, just your opinion.

[Tactical] Seeker Enchantment can be cast on any allied unit
Again, that's user comfort, not a bug.

[Strategic][Tactical] Machines and Shrines' buffs
Not a bug, just a metaphysical thought.
@Rodmar18: probably 80% of the things you reported are not bugs... I was initially planning to post some real bugs only devs can fix in this thread but given how long and polluted it is, I'm going to post on another thread.
Actually, slightly less than 50% if I recall well.
Please, do. I won't go and pollute this new thread, I promise. And thank you to post your knowledge eight month to one year after I posted them. Now, I can strike off any item that belongs rightfully to the Imprecise or Incorrect Description thread.

Clearly not a bug, just a design choice.
It depends on what you call a bug. Sure, it doesn't make the game crash nor become unplayable. But this doesn't imply that it's design choice rather than an oversight. Exactly like Chant of Unlife affecting any structure named "Shrine" in a town domain. Until further information, we don't know about devs' design choices, side effects of rushed implementations, and plain oversights. The only judge here are then self-consistency and balanced playability, imo.
Back to the eagle, if Wing Beat was designed as another Assassin Strike, as you say, and not a 1-range ranged attack, then yes, we are facing another imprecise description. Only imho, I could figure that perhaps this "design choice" is the result of some genuine design bug when there's no room for true 1-range ranged attack, that isn't considered as a no-retaliation melee attack, because ranged are so tied to a limited set of values (short, medium, ...). Do you know any border case that would contradict this guessing of mine?

Using Partisan's Hide Out spell. It can be cast on any allied town.
  • When cast on an allied A.I. player town, its units are marked as invisible and you see them as well as your own units in the enchanted domain.
  • When cast on a (allied) vassal town, its units are marked invisible, but you can't see them, as if neutral or enemy invisible units.
On the screenshot, no unit of this vassal city is seen. I have to move my units next to them to spot them.

Expected behaviour; You should see all of your allies' units in your vision range.
And why would that be? They're not under your control. Not a bug.
According to what I wrote, you don't control allied players' units either, and yet you can see those who are invisible. Need confirmation though, as you didn't provide any yourself.

Seeker Enchantment can be cast on any allied unit

... even those who don't have any ranged abilities, such as Golem, Titan, Baby Spider, Drone, Wraith King...

Is this a bug, an oversight, or normal behaviour?
Again, that's user comfort, not a bug.
The concern is not that it can be cast on allied units, rather that it can be cast on melee-only allied units as well. Adding a word in the description won't be a grievance for user comfort, should this mechanics be a design choice. And mechanics-wise, I don't see how granting the effect to non-ranged units bring users some comfort.

Besides, as in most of the posts you quoted, you can clearly see that I'm actually asking for some kind of confirmation, more experienced players or ancient testers who care.

Machines and Shrines' buffs

It's a rather wide topic. By 'Shrine' I mean Clover Field, Solace Flower, any altar or shrine that you can visit to get unit buffs.

1) The Shrines buff any unit visiting them, even Trebuchets, Golems, Canons, ...
2) A machine can mark an enemy unit for Blood Sacrifice. Or spit fire.
3) A machine can be marked for blood sacrifice and it works.
Not a bug, just a metaphysical thought.
Metaphysical issue is the right term when a unit can't be healed by a priest nor stiffen up or life drained by a necromancer, etc, and yet it can eat rejuvenating berries, experience ultra-fast cell regeneration, or be drained from its life through a ritual. And I could personally could call it an immersion issue as well. Of course, if it isn't any thoughtful designer choice, I could call it another way, and perhaps, I'm too much sensible to self-consistency to play some games.
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According to what I wrote, you don't control allied players' units either, and yet you can see those who are invisible. Need confirmation though, as you didn't provide any yourself.

What we can say already is, that you can see your allies' invisible units, the same way as you can see your own invisible units (when allies = A.I. players). They even display the usual black eye on their icon.
The issue is perhaps because the ally I refered to was a vassal, i.e. not a player. Need to confirm that, and if this is the case, I fear we can't do anything about it.