Hi all!
I'm new here and this is my first post, so nice meeting you. I have been playing deus vult for some time and while its a great game et al, I was rather annoyed by the lack of choices given to orthodox factions, at least when compared to catholics, especially by the lack of notable event series for the fabled byzantine empire. Thats when I noticed that catholics have a trait called "emperor" which is used to simulate the HRE and decided to use it for the byzantine emperor and write some events about how only a ruler crowned emperor can be the legitimate orthodox ruler of byzantium and if he is not, then all hell breaks loose... or will break loose once(and if) I finish this event series. About the original emperor trait and its uses, I have not removed them, I just added a condition(where missing) for these events to fire only when the emperor in question is a catholic, which I hope is enough to keep the catholic emperors functional and to keep the pope out of my events, the eastern emperor was subordinate to no pope after all.
So far I have written a couple of events regarding the coronation of an orthodox byzantine ruler as emperor, reactions to this and dethronement of an unworthy emperor. All these are WIP and will propably change soon, what I want from you is to ask for some suggestions on how to make this event series more interesting, ie with new events, as well as advice in (the very propable) case I have made some weird mistake or how to be more efficient when writing these events...
And a couple of questions I have:
a) How do modifiers on ai_chance work? The higher the factor the higher the chance?
b) When triggering an event for someone else how can the triggered event point to the one who triggered it?
c) The last script works only for living characters, correct?
d) Are there any good and free event images to use?
e) Ehm... ok silly question but it is possible for more than one emperors to exist simultaneously, there is nothing hardcoded in this right? Cause if not then I obviously have a problem.
Thanks in advance!
I'm new here and this is my first post, so nice meeting you. I have been playing deus vult for some time and while its a great game et al, I was rather annoyed by the lack of choices given to orthodox factions, at least when compared to catholics, especially by the lack of notable event series for the fabled byzantine empire. Thats when I noticed that catholics have a trait called "emperor" which is used to simulate the HRE and decided to use it for the byzantine emperor and write some events about how only a ruler crowned emperor can be the legitimate orthodox ruler of byzantium and if he is not, then all hell breaks loose... or will break loose once(and if) I finish this event series. About the original emperor trait and its uses, I have not removed them, I just added a condition(where missing) for these events to fire only when the emperor in question is a catholic, which I hope is enough to keep the catholic emperors functional and to keep the pope out of my events, the eastern emperor was subordinate to no pope after all.
So far I have written a couple of events regarding the coronation of an orthodox byzantine ruler as emperor, reactions to this and dethronement of an unworthy emperor. All these are WIP and will propably change soon, what I want from you is to ask for some suggestions on how to make this event series more interesting, ie with new events, as well as advice in (the very propable) case I have made some weird mistake or how to be more efficient when writing these events...
#Becoming byzantine emperor
character_event = { #You have been crowned byzantine emperor
id = 25000
picture = "event_claim"
trigger = {
condition = { type = title value = BYZA } #You must hold the byzantine crown
condition = { type = capital condition = { type = area value = 496 } } #Constantinople must be your capital
condition = { type = age value = 16 } #You must be of age
condition = { type = gender value = male } #Must be male
condition = { type = religion value = orthodox } #Only orthodox, catholic emperors are crowned by the pope
condition = { type = form_of_goverment value = feudal } #Guarantees you are a king
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = emperor } } #Must not be emperor already
condition = { type = not value = { type = trait value = realm_duress } } #You must have consolidated your rule
condition = { type = not value = { type = atwar }} #You must be at peace
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 24 #A mean time of 2 years for the coronation
modifier = { #The byzantine aristocracy won't easily accept a foreigner
condition = { type = not value = { type = culture value = greek } }
factor = 2.0
modifier = { #Prodigious characters inspire awe and get crowned faster
condition = { type = trait value = prodigy }
factor = 0.9
modifier = { #The sooner the better
condition = { type = trait value = energetic }
factor = 0.9
modifier = { #I am the emperor, crown me now
condition = { type = trait value = proud }
factor = 0.8
modifier = { #It should be prudent to get crowned asap
condition = { type = trait value = wise }
factor = 0.7
modifier = { #Get up and learn that damn coronation ceremony process already
condition = { type = trait value = lazy }
factor = 1.2
modifier = { #Cough cough, I'm not feeling good
condition = { type = trait value = illness }
factor = 1.2
modifier = { #Emperor? Oh god all those responsibilities
condition = { type = trait value = stress_symptom }
factor = 1.2
modifier = { #You must be able to stand during the coronation
condition = { type = trait value = war_invalid }
factor = 1.2
modifier = { #Me? Emperor? But I'm not good enough...
condition = { type = trait value = depression }
factor = 1.2
modifier = { #Emperor? But I already rule the world
condition = { type = trait value = maniac }
factor = 1.5
modifier = { #Wasn't I crowned yesterday
condition = { type = trait value = schizofrenia }
factor = 1.5
modifier = { #I'm severely ill... the coronation must wait
condition = { type = trait value = plagueinfested }
factor = 1.5
modifier = { #I can't breathe well... the coronation must wait
condition = { type = trait value = pneumonia }
factor = 1.5
modifier = { #I have been cursed by God, they won't easily accept me as emperor
condition = { type = trait value = leper }
factor = 10.0
modifier = { #I am blind and an emperor must be perfect, they won't easily accept me as emperor
condition = { type = trait value = blind }
factor = 10.0
modifier = { #I am clubfooted and an emperor must be perfect, they won't easily accept me as emperor
condition = { type = trait value = clubfooted }
factor = 10.0
modifier = { #I have a harelip and an emperor must be perfect, they won't easily accept me as emperor
condition = { type = trait value = harelip }
factor = 10.0
modifier = { #I am a hunchback and an emperor must be perfect, they won't easily accept me as emperor
condition = { type = trait value = hunchback }
factor = 10.0
modifier = { #I am deformed and an emperor must be perfect, they won't easily accept me as emperor
condition = { type = trait value = inbred }
factor = 10.0
modifier = { #My father was the emperor, my claim is legitimate
condition = { type = father condition = { type = trait value = emperor } }
factor = 0.4
modifier = { #My father was glorious, I too shall be, crown me
condition = { type = father condition = {type = prestige value = 5000 } }
factor = 0.6
modifier = { #I have already proven myself, I am the emperor
condition = { type = prestige value = 3000}
factor = 0.6
modifier = { #I am a disaster, how can I rule
condition = { type = or
condition = { type = trait value = naive_wirepuller }
condition = { type = trait value = amateurish_pettifogger }
condition = { type = trait value = hole_in_the_pocket }
condition = { type = trait value = misguided_warrior }
condition = { type = trait value = detached_priest }
factor = 2.0
modifier = { #I am an expert at what I do, this certainly grants me lots of respect
condition = { type = or
condition = { type = trait value = illusive_shadow }
condition = { type = trait value = grey_eminence }
condition = { type = trait value = midas_touched }
condition = { type = trait value = brilliant_strategist }
condition = { type = trait value = mastermind_theologian }
factor = 0.7
modifier = { #With the realm in chaos the coronation must wait
condition = { type = stability value = -2 }
factor = 1.5
modifier = { #With the realm that stable the coronation can proceed without delay
condition = { type = stability value = 2 }
factor = 0.7
action_a = { #My rule is now legitimate
effect = { type = add_trait value = emperor }
effect = { type = prestige value = 400 }
effect = { type = stability value = +1 }
effect = { type = trigger for = random_vassal value = 25001 }
effect = { type = trigger for = random_vassal value = 25001 }
effect = { type = trigger for = random_vassal value = 25001 }
effect = { type = trigger for = best_son value = 25003 }
character_event = { #Your ruler has been crowned byzantine emperor
id = 25001
picture = "event_law"
action_a = { #Glory to the emperor
ai_chance = 90
effect = { type = prestige value = -100 }
effect = { type = piety value = 50 }
effect = { type = add_trait value = loyalist }
effect = { type = loyalty value = 1.0 }
effect = { type = random_list
50 = { type = no_effect }
30 = { type = add_trait value = modest }
10 = { type = add_trait value = wise }
10 = { type = add_trait value = coward }
action_b = { #He is no emperor
ai_chance = 10
effect = { type = prestige value = 200 }
effect = { type = piety value = -50 }
effect = { type = add_trait value = rebellious }
effect = { type = loyalty value = -1.0 }
effect = { type = add_title_claim value = liege }
effect = { type = random_list
40 = { type = add_trait value = proud }
40 = { type = add_trait value = reckless }
20 = { type = independence }
effect = { type = trigger for = liege value = 25002 }
character_event = { #One of your vassals refuses to acknowledge your imperial authority and causes mischief
id = 25002
picture = "event_intrigue"
action_a = { #He shall pay
effect = { type = prestige value = -200 }
effect = { type = random_list
60 = { type = no_effect }
35 = { type = add_trait value = stress_symptom }
5 = { type = add_trait value = realm_duress }
character_event = { #Your father has been crowned byzantine emperor
id = 25003
picture = "event_claim"
action_a = { #This makes things easier for me
ai_chance = 70
effect = { type = prestige value = 200 }
effect = { type = add_trait value = proud }
effect = { type = random_list
40 = { type = no_effect }
30 = { type = add_trait value = lazy }
30 = { type = add_trait value = arbitrary }
action_b = { #This only means I have to try harder to prove myself
ai_chance = 30
effect = { type = prestige value = 30 }
effect = { type = add_trait value = modest }
effect = { type = random_list
40 = { type = add_trait value = energetic }
30 = { type = add_trait value = wise }
20 = { type = add_trait value = stress_symptom }
10 = { type = health value = -2 }
#Losing the imperial title
character_event = { #you no longer rule Byzantium, emperor you shall no longer be
id = 25005
picture = "event_claim"
trigger = {
condition = { type = ruler }
condition = { type = or
condition = { type = not value = { type = title value = BYZA } }
condition = { type = capital
condition = { type = not value = { type = area value = 496 } } }
condition = { type = religion value = orthodox}
condition = { type = trait value = emperor}
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 12
action_a = { #So be it
effect = { type = remove_trait value = emperor }
effect = { type = prestige value = -700 }
effect = { type = add_trait value = realm_duress }
action_b = { #No, I am the emperor
effect = { type = piety value = -100 }
effect = { type = add_trait value = stubborn }
effect = { type = health value = -1 }
effect = { type = random_list
50 = { type = add_trait value = stress_symptom }
25 = { type = add_trait value = depression }
10 = { type = add_trait value = schizofrenia }
10 = { type = health value = -3 }
5 = { type = death }
character_event = { #you are landless, you are no emperor
id = 25006
picture = "event_claim"
trigger = {
condition = { type = not value = { type = ruler } }
condition = { type = religion value = orthodox}
condition = { type = trait value = emperor}
mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 10
action_a = { #I am pathetic
effect = { type = remove_trait value = emperor }
effect = { type = prestige value = -300 }
effect = { type = random chance = 75
effect = { type = add_trait value = depression }
And a couple of questions I have:
a) How do modifiers on ai_chance work? The higher the factor the higher the chance?
b) When triggering an event for someone else how can the triggered event point to the one who triggered it?
c) The last script works only for living characters, correct?
d) Are there any good and free event images to use?
e) Ehm... ok silly question but it is possible for more than one emperors to exist simultaneously, there is nothing hardcoded in this right? Cause if not then I obviously have a problem.
Thanks in advance!