Its in iron_throne_decisions in the decisions folder. Save the original file somewhere on your computer, just in case someone comes up with a better work around (mine is a 'brute force' method. Take out the decision (its the first on in the folder) and insert this...
decisions = {
create_e_iron_throne = {
is_high_prio = yes
potential = {
primary_title = { tier = EMPEROR }
e_iron_throne = { has_holder = no }
allow = {
war = no
effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
primary_title = {
e_iron_throne = { copy_title_laws = PREV }
set_global_flag = non_iron_throne_westeros
set_global_flag = KL_not_capital
if = {
limit = { title = e_north }
k_north = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
if = {
limit = { title = e_riverlands }
k_riverlands = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
if = {
limit = { title = e_vale }
k_vale = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
if = {
limit = { title = e_westerlands }
k_westerlands = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
if = {
limit = { title = e_reach }
k_reach = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
if = {
limit = { title = e_stormlands }
k_stormlands = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
if = {
limit = { title = e_dorne }
k_dorne = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
if = {
limit = { title = e_iron_isles }
k_iron_isles = { gain_title = FROM copy_title_laws = PREV }
e_iron_throne = { gain_title = FROM }
hidden_tooltip = {
any_realm_lord = {
primary_title = {
dejure_liege_title = {
if = {
limit = {
tier = KING
NOT = { title = k_the_most_devout }
NOT = { title = k_nightswatch }
NOT = { title = k_beyond_wall }
OR = {
AND = {
OR = {
holder_scope = { character = ROOT }
holder_scope = { any_liege = { character = ROOT } }
dejure_liege_title = {
NOT = { title = e_new_valyria }
NOT = { title = e_ghiscar }
NOT = { title = e_summer_sea }
dejure_liege_title = {
holder_scope = { character = ROOT }
NOT = { title = e_new_valyria }
NOT = { title = e_ghiscar }
NOT = { title = e_summer_sea }
de_jure_liege = e_iron_throne
any_demesne_title = {
limit = {
tier = EMPEROR
NOT = { title = e_iron_throne }
NOT = { title = e_new_valyria }
NOT = { title = e_ghiscar }
NOT = { title = e_summer_sea }
destroy_landed_title = FROM
revoke_allowed = {
always = no
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0