This is a question I think I raised earlier, though maybe only in an email with Calipah and I forget the end of the discussion.
The Caliphate is conquered or Diploannaex by another muslim country. As the greatesr city in the world and the administrative/cultural centre of Islam, wouldn't most countries want to move their capital there?
Alternatively, would they want to attempt to make themselves the Caliph?
Ahmed would like to see three options for any muslim country which captures Bagdhad:
a. move capital
b stay as we are
c try and become the Caliphate
The Caliphate is conquered or Diploannaex by another muslim country. As the greatesr city in the world and the administrative/cultural centre of Islam, wouldn't most countries want to move their capital there?
Alternatively, would they want to attempt to make themselves the Caliph?
Ahmed would like to see three options for any muslim country which captures Bagdhad:
a. move capital
b stay as we are
c try and become the Caliphate