Castamere is a weird thing, the castle was mostly underground build in the gold mines. Twyin destroyed the castle, but nothing is said about the surrounding region. GRRM is pretty descriptive when it comes to land and the destruction associated with it. Sarhoy and the Disputed lands are an example of this when GRRM describes how the land was destroyed and the fields poured salt on so it wasn't inhabitable again. If the region around Castamere was subject to this kind of destruction, it would have been told in the books or A World of Ice and Fire. So it's conceivable that b_castamere is a ruin while c_castamere and d_castamere are still inhabitable. So it would make lore sense for after the Tarbek-Reyne rebellion b_cubek is the county capital while b_castamere is a ruin and a "Harrenhal-like" rebuild decision would be made.
While I agree, I would say there are at least two other places who I think have sort of the same issue, and I don't think having this much work besides everything else that is going to happen right now is feasigle. But hey, one can always hope.
I say two other places because I was thinking pretty much the same thing as you posted, but about Whitewalls, the castle of house Butterwell from The Knight of The Seven Kingdoms.
the place could exist, but as a "ruin", since the original castle was dismantled stone by stone, but nothing being built on it's place and I think rebuilding it and moving back from Butter Hall back to Whitewalls to restore the familiy pride could make for an interesting play through -i would endure playing as the Butterwells just for that. lol
That one is an obscure example, all right, so I won't hold much of a case about it, but...
Also -and mainly- the castle of Wolf's Den in White Harbor would bennefit greatly from being a ruin in game (which I believe it IS in the books, what with all the warped floors, half crumbled walls, overgrown godswood, abandoned rooms, roofless towers and being used as an extra warehouse/secondary dungeon for New Castle). It would be good mostly because Wyman Manderly starts the game with more titles than he is legally allowed to hold, and because giving away the junior castle of house Manderly to settle a knight's family both sounds non-cannonical and would be way more costly than simply granting a title, after all, the place is mostly unhabitable.
Having Wolf's Den as a ruin would greatly help me to open space for a secondary county level title so that my always broken Manderly campaigns could go somewhere other than the usual "White Harbor is revoked by the Starks, and you have no other title the game recognizes as playable. Game Over". Goddamn you, Starks. It's a pain in the ass being loyal to you! lol
I guess what I mean is... could someone help me by teaching what do I have to change in the code to turn a barony into a ruin?