Here is a copy of the PM sent to me by CB27
Let's deal with it in a thread since it makes it easier for me to track the problem, and may help other users as well.
Let's deal with it in a thread since it makes it easier for me to track the problem, and may help other users as well.
CB27 wrote on 10-09-2003 16:57:
Just bought the game a week or so ago, and have had a
couple of serious problems to date.
First, the version I have is 1.03b (North American Version)
which is how it came right out of the box. I tried to download
and run the patch, but it would not install.
I have since flipped through the various FAQ's, but have not
seen answers the specific problems I have enountered.
Within 1.03b, I have had the following problems:
1) Even while at peace, inside or outside an alliance, I have
been unable to accept deals other nations have put on
the market, or ever had anyone accept an offer I have made.
2) The manual mentions "Shore Bombardment" however
I have been unable to make a naval unit do that.
3) I have transport planes, but am seemingly unable to
load troops upon them....
Any help you could provide on any of these topics (including
the installing the latest patch on XP Home) would be greatly
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