M.A. said:---> tarakan
OK, OK, but before all - stability in Japan, am I right?
---> Incompetent
In my opinion this case is very interesting (especially in "Aberration") - we shouldn't delete this thread.
yourworstnightm said:There have been many suggestions for Japan, one is that Japan should be split in minors, and conquered by koreans, other is that Japan should be a centralized seapower. Both ideas seems interresting. Maybe a christian Japan is not that farfetched in the aberrated world, neither a moslem one.
Sheridan said:How about a band of Jesuit or Franciscan or whatever monks who headed off to Japan and somehow converted one of the small warlord states? Then we could have a Catholic state in Japan.... possibly heavily naval oriented, bootstrapped with European shipbuilding tech, a few explorers and an AI file that wants Hawaii and California.....
Sheridan said:Well, the Chinese may have been advanced to an equal/greater point in the erly 1400's, but I was talking about circa 1600 in Japan, and the technology available in Europe advanced quite a bit in that period....