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Jul 19, 2012
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One line summary of your issue
(3.0.1) Call of the Steppes Decision Bugged

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
When a member of the Eagle Warriors, the Call of the Steppes decision that grants you population and manpower can be used as many times as long you have the renown for it. The tooltip says you can only use it once every 10 years, so it is not working as intended.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
Play as a Tengri Nomad character and join the Eagle Warriors and get to the Warrior rank.

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Any idea if this is going to be patched? Currently playing as nomads in Eagle Warriors, and I can still take this decision endlessly. Basically doubled my population in 15 seconds from it, hah.
Oh, so this isn't supposed to be used as long as you have renown... Well it means it will go from overpowered to useless (as all those "calls" form Lodge)
Actually, it's the tooltip that's faulty not the decision itself:

As you can see, it's the Nomad version of the decison that has a tooltip mentioning a cooldown, but the feudal version that actually applies the flag.

        allow = {
            #show_only_failed_conditions = yes
            has_society_currency_minor_trigger = yes
            is_inaccessible_trigger = no
            conditional_tooltip = {
                trigger = { is_nomadic = yes }
                custom_tooltip = {
                    text = tooltip_call_of_the_steppe_cooldown
                    hidden_tooltip = { NOR = { has_character_modifier = lodge_call_of_the_steppe_boost has_character_flag = flag_using_call_of_the_steppes } }
        effect = {
            detract_society_currency_minor_effect = yes
            if = {
                limit = { is_nomadic = yes }
                custom_tooltip = { text = tooltip_call_of_the_steppe_nomad }
                hidden_tooltip = {
                    character_event = { id = HF.25004 }
            if = {
                limit = { is_nomadic = no }
                custom_tooltip = { text = tooltip_call_of_the_steppe_feudal }
                hidden_tooltip = {
                    character_event = { id = HF.25005 }
                    set_character_flag = flag_using_call_of_the_steppes

Considering that it's the Feudal version that applies an 10 year long modifier (i.e. lodge_call_of_the_steppe_boost, that's checked in the Nomad tooltip) whereas the nomad decision is simply a purchase population from renown, a decision that would be completely useless if you could only to it once every ten years, I'd say it further strengthens the position that only problem is with the tooltip.

#Call of the Steppe - Nomad version.
character_event = {
    id = HF.25004
    desc = EVTDESCHF25004
    picture = GFX_evt_horsemanship
    border = GFX_event_normal_frame_war
    immediate = {
        random_list = {
            33 = {  sound_effect = call_of_the_steppe_01 }
            33 = {  sound_effect = call_of_the_steppe_02 }
            33 = {  sound_effect = call_of_the_steppe_03 }

    is_triggered_only = yes

    option = {
        name = EVTOPTAHF25004
        population = 1000
        manpower = 500
#Call of the Steppe - Non-nomad version.
character_event = {
    id = HF.25005
    desc = EVTDESCHF25005
    picture = GFX_evt_mongols
    border = GFX_event_normal_frame_war
    is_triggered_only = yes

    option = {
        name = EVTOPTAHF25005
        add_character_modifier = {
            modifier = lodge_call_of_the_steppe_boost
            duration = 3650
        clr_character_flag = flag_using_call_of_the_steppes

Suggested fix

allow = {
    conditional_tooltip = {
        trigger = { is_nomadic = no }