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One line summary of your issue
3.1.1 - Bonus to demesne size for republic vassals doesnt work

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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Playing Merchant republic Venice. Conquered land and created republic vassals. Gave republic vassals the county. Sometimes they get the bonus to demesne size from laws (+2 in my case). Sometimes they do not. Sometimes 2 vassals in the same duchy, one gets the bonus and the other one doesn't get it. Same kingdom and empire, same "de jure" kingdom and empire. In addition to this they literally NEVER marry, so they don't get the bonus to demesne size from wife's stewardship. In the pictures you can see the Lord Mayor of Rimini, in the Duchy of Ancona. He gets a +2 to demesne size from laws. Nice. But look, in the next picture you can see his neighbour, the Lord Mayor of Ancona. He does not get any bonus to demesne size from laws, so the poor guy is stuck with 1 demesne limit. Both are in the same duchy. Its the same "de jure" duchy, same "de jure" kingdom and empire. This is just an example, I attached a save file where you can see these differences all over the place. I am grateful if it gets a fix someday or if there is an explanation so I can make it work. Thank you!

Steps to reproduce the issue.

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