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[3.1.1] [WQTI] Cannot secretly convert to Manichaen from Udabhanda holy site
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[3.1.1] [WQTI]
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Udabhanda (in NW India) contains a holy site for Manichaenism. However, it is impossible to secretly convert to Manichaen via the right-click menu.
The reason for this is simply that decisions\mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt doesn't contain a secretly_convert_to_X_holy_site title_decision for Manichaenism.
Since Manichaenism has different holy sites to Zoroastrianism - and since Manichaenism often becomes the mainstream Mazdan religion, with Zoroastrianism being relegated to a "heresy" - I think it's reasonable to add a new decision here. (The different holy sites mean that you can't secretly convert to Z then convert to parent religion M, as would be the case for many other "heresies".)
A similar argument could be made for Yazidi - it also has different holy sites to Sunni and doesn't have a separate secret conversion decision. However, it's much less likely to become a mainstream religion.
Udabhanda is also a Taoist holy site - and the Taoist secret conversion decision is also unavailable. In this case, I don't know what's wrong: secretly_convert_to_taoist_holy_site exists and I can't see anything obviously wrong with it.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load the attached save.
Right-click on the county shield for Udabhanda.
Observe that secret conversion to Taoism and Manichaenism are both unavailable, even though they are both non-heresies and Udabhanda is a holy site for both religions.
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[3.1.1] [WQTI] Cannot secretly convert to Manichaen from Udabhanda holy site
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[3.1.1] [WQTI]
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
Udabhanda (in NW India) contains a holy site for Manichaenism. However, it is impossible to secretly convert to Manichaen via the right-click menu.
The reason for this is simply that decisions\mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt doesn't contain a secretly_convert_to_X_holy_site title_decision for Manichaenism.
Since Manichaenism has different holy sites to Zoroastrianism - and since Manichaenism often becomes the mainstream Mazdan religion, with Zoroastrianism being relegated to a "heresy" - I think it's reasonable to add a new decision here. (The different holy sites mean that you can't secretly convert to Z then convert to parent religion M, as would be the case for many other "heresies".)
A similar argument could be made for Yazidi - it also has different holy sites to Sunni and doesn't have a separate secret conversion decision. However, it's much less likely to become a mainstream religion.
Udabhanda is also a Taoist holy site - and the Taoist secret conversion decision is also unavailable. In this case, I don't know what's wrong: secretly_convert_to_taoist_holy_site exists and I can't see anything obviously wrong with it.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load the attached save.
Right-click on the county shield for Udabhanda.
Observe that secret conversion to Taoism and Manichaenism are both unavailable, even though they are both non-heresies and Udabhanda is a holy site for both religions.
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