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[3.1.1] [WQTI] Crash to desktop via pillaging
Game Version
[3.1.1] [WQTI]
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After conquering large amounts of territory as a nomad, I usually wish to pillage all holdings. Clicking on each one individually and then right-click->pillage is both error-prone and a bit of a clickfest. So, I've been experimenting to try to find the easiest way to do this - which is how I discovered this particular bug.
If the pillage holding interaction destroys the holding while the building dialog is visible, the building dialog gets blanked-out. If you then click on the "next holding" arrow in this window (or press "n", or click on the previous holding arrow, etc) then the game crashes to desktop.
The crash is probably caused by the fact you're clicking "next holding" on a holding that doesn't exist any more.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load the attached save.
Left-click on Pronsk county. The county holdings window should appear (bottom left).
Left-click on Pronsk tribe in the county holdings window. The building dialog should appear.
Right-click on Pronsk tribe in the county holdings window. Choose "pillage holding".

Left-click on the "next holding" arrow in the building dialog. (Or press "n". Or click previous holding. Etc.)

Observe that the game hangs for a few seconds before crashing to the desktop.
(NB: Pronsk is used in this example because it is a county that only contains one holding, and that holding has <= 2 buildings. This means that the holding is completely destroyed by the "pillage holding" interaction.)
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[3.1.1] [WQTI] Crash to desktop via pillaging
Game Version
[3.1.1] [WQTI]
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
After conquering large amounts of territory as a nomad, I usually wish to pillage all holdings. Clicking on each one individually and then right-click->pillage is both error-prone and a bit of a clickfest. So, I've been experimenting to try to find the easiest way to do this - which is how I discovered this particular bug.
If the pillage holding interaction destroys the holding while the building dialog is visible, the building dialog gets blanked-out. If you then click on the "next holding" arrow in this window (or press "n", or click on the previous holding arrow, etc) then the game crashes to desktop.
The crash is probably caused by the fact you're clicking "next holding" on a holding that doesn't exist any more.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Load the attached save.
Left-click on Pronsk county. The county holdings window should appear (bottom left).
Left-click on Pronsk tribe in the county holdings window. The building dialog should appear.
Right-click on Pronsk tribe in the county holdings window. Choose "pillage holding".

Left-click on the "next holding" arrow in the building dialog. (Or press "n". Or click previous holding. Etc.)

Observe that the game hangs for a few seconds before crashing to the desktop.
(NB: Pronsk is used in this example because it is a county that only contains one holding, and that holding has <= 2 buildings. This means that the holding is completely destroyed by the "pillage holding" interaction.)
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