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Oct 27, 2009
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One line summary of your issue
[3.1.1 WQTI] Piers feature tax modifier way too low

Game Version
3.1.1 WQTI

What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above

Do you have mods enabled?

Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
The Piers feature of the Harbor great work gives a paltry 0.25% tax modifier.

Compare this to the Harbor Office feature that gives a 10% tax modifier, or the Lighthouse feature which gives all the same bonuses as the Piers feature except that its tax modifier is 5% instead of 0.25%.

This is such a huge difference that I can only assume it is a typo.

Steps to reproduce the issue.
upgrade_piers = {
local_modifier = {
tradevalue = 30
supply_limit = 0.25
local_tax_modifier = 0.0025

upgrade_office_harbor = {
local_modifier = {
local_tax_modifier = 0.1
supply_limit = 0.25

upgrade_lighthouse =
local_modifier = {
tradevalue = 30
local_tax_modifier = 0.05
supply_limit = 0.25

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Assuming this really is just "too many zeros" and the intention was for a 2.5% tax modifier, the Lighthouse feature is still better. Same cost, same trade value bonus same supply limit bonus but a better tax modifier. After fixing the tax modifier back to 2.5%, an additional suggestion would be for Piers to give a better trade value or supply limit bonus than the Lighthouse feature.