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3.2.1 - Misc. script oddities
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While adjusting some vanilla files for a mod, I've come across some weird things that I'm not sure are intentional.
- In 00_artifacts.txt, the Image of Edessa can be gifted to Iconoclasts, who can't use it. This seems odd, particularly since I believe they'll appreciate the gift.
- In mnm_society_decisions.txt, cult_of_kali_recruit targeted decision checks "can_join_society = the_trollcrafters" in the potential.
- In mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt, the secret_religions_openly_adopt_faith's very long check for secret communities doesn't check for Reformed Bön, Hellenic, or Reformed Hellenic, and Qarmatian doesn't show up anywhere in the file (I previously ( reported that that religion appears to lack all the SRS stuff, and I'm unsure if that report has been seen since I never got any reply on it). I suspect this is unintended.
- In feast_events.txt, event 72032 doesn't set a killer if the duel ends with a death, despite the killer obviously being known. This seems odd.
- In HF_tribal_events.txt, HF.23848 has ROOT get several opinions towards ROOT. FROM would seem a lot more appropriate, since the event is about FROM throwing mud at people and upsetting ROOT.
- In HF_warrior_lodge_flavor_events.txt, HF.51002 and HF.51003 have some very odd ifs, where the limit isn't directly inside the if. As far as I know, this isn't how things should be, as I've not seen anything similar elsewhere.
- In hfp_duel_events.txt, the first option for HFP.10095 has two ai_chance blocks. This is rather strange.
- In mnm_secret_religious_societies_events, MNM.3225, MNM.3227, MNM.3228, and MNM.3229 all have a trigger checking for a character belonging to several Muslim religions at the same time, which obviously can't be true, and there's no trigger checking for hellenic_pagan_reformed, which presumably should be with hellenic_pagan and pagan.
- In the file above, MNM.3810 checks for a character being in the Jewish, Samaritan, and Karaite societies at the same time, instead of using an OR, the OR with a bunch of pagan religions lacks a check for Reformed Bön, Hellenic, and Reformed Hellenic, and there are no checks for HF and JD, which seem like they'd be relevant for the religions that they unlock.
- In oldgods_various_events.txt, event HFP.19102 checks "d_varangian_guard = { liege = { holder_scope = {", but "d_varangian_guard = { holder_scope = { liege = {" seems to be the right way to do things. Additionally, the event only works for Orthodox lieges, while it seems fine to have for all Christian lieges, so that might be something to look at.
- In the file above, TOG.3125's Greek spouse will be Greek and Orthodox despite there being no guarantees that the Varangians' liege's realm will contain such characters (for example, Roman Hellenic or Armenian Iconoclast could be the common culture-religion combo). I'd suggest checking either the Varangians' liege's culture/religion or the culture/religion of the liege's capital (or the culture/religion of a specific province if the Varangian Guard is independent; *their* capital is Uppland, so that's perhaps not good to check...). Additionally, the liege is assumed to be e_byzantium, which obviously won't be true if the Roman Empire is restored, so even if Greek + Orthodox/Hellenic/Reformed Hellenic is the desirable outcome regardless of the liege's culture/religion, it seems prudent to check the liege scope rather than the holder scope for a specific title.
- In rip_seclusion_events.txt, the (hidden) killer in RIP.12066 is set as FROM. However, FROM is ROOT, while event_target:captured_sneaker is the actual killer based on what happens in the event.
- In 00_cultures.txt, the Random World year checks for Lombard and Frankish (old_frankish) check "year >= 1000". However, since the cultures in question are supposed to disappear over the course of time and other early cultures are set to not spawn in later random starts, the checks should presumably be "year < 1000" instead.
- In 00_religions.txt, only a few of the pagan religions allow intermarriage between the unreformed and the reformed religion by default. Since at least some of the pagans that *don't* allow it by default are fine with intermarrying with completely unrelated religions (e.g. Tengri and Buddhist), it seems very strange that they're not on board with marrying the faith they're the most closely related to.
- In lovers_events.txt, it seems prudent to set an event_target for the lover in event 64000, as opposed to using random_lover, as the lover that gets upset in option B and the lover that gets broken up with in 64001 currently don't have to be the same person.
- In the same file as above, the lover in event 64040 probably should be an event target, as using random_lover in event 64041 seems worse than using an event target.
- In the same file, the lover in event 64120 probably should be an event target.
- In the same file as above, the lover in event 64125 probably should be an event target.
- In 00_scripted_triggers.txt, has_crusade_trait_trigger doesn't check if Bön/Reformed Bön characters have the kaliash_guardian trait. This is quite odd.
- In the file above, is_in_prevs_interesting_society_trigger doesn't check for the Reformed Bön, Hellenic, and Reformed Hellenic societies, and, as mentioned before, Qarmatians are nowhere to be found.
- In 00_scripted_effects.txt, add_secret_religion_trait_trigger_is_religion_or_old_religion_flag_clear_flag_after_effect_is_run_this_name_is_a_tribute_to_m_effect will turn any Reformed Bön character secretly Bön when they falsely convert. Also, there's once again nothing about Qarmatians.
- In rip_eternal_life_events.txt, RIP.21320 has two trigger blocks, which is odd.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
N/A - issues are script-based.
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3.2.1 - Misc. script oddities
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
While adjusting some vanilla files for a mod, I've come across some weird things that I'm not sure are intentional.
- In 00_artifacts.txt, the Image of Edessa can be gifted to Iconoclasts, who can't use it. This seems odd, particularly since I believe they'll appreciate the gift.
- In mnm_society_decisions.txt, cult_of_kali_recruit targeted decision checks "can_join_society = the_trollcrafters" in the potential.
- In mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt, the secret_religions_openly_adopt_faith's very long check for secret communities doesn't check for Reformed Bön, Hellenic, or Reformed Hellenic, and Qarmatian doesn't show up anywhere in the file (I previously ( reported that that religion appears to lack all the SRS stuff, and I'm unsure if that report has been seen since I never got any reply on it). I suspect this is unintended.
- In feast_events.txt, event 72032 doesn't set a killer if the duel ends with a death, despite the killer obviously being known. This seems odd.
- In HF_tribal_events.txt, HF.23848 has ROOT get several opinions towards ROOT. FROM would seem a lot more appropriate, since the event is about FROM throwing mud at people and upsetting ROOT.
- In HF_warrior_lodge_flavor_events.txt, HF.51002 and HF.51003 have some very odd ifs, where the limit isn't directly inside the if. As far as I know, this isn't how things should be, as I've not seen anything similar elsewhere.
- In hfp_duel_events.txt, the first option for HFP.10095 has two ai_chance blocks. This is rather strange.
- In mnm_secret_religious_societies_events, MNM.3225, MNM.3227, MNM.3228, and MNM.3229 all have a trigger checking for a character belonging to several Muslim religions at the same time, which obviously can't be true, and there's no trigger checking for hellenic_pagan_reformed, which presumably should be with hellenic_pagan and pagan.
- In the file above, MNM.3810 checks for a character being in the Jewish, Samaritan, and Karaite societies at the same time, instead of using an OR, the OR with a bunch of pagan religions lacks a check for Reformed Bön, Hellenic, and Reformed Hellenic, and there are no checks for HF and JD, which seem like they'd be relevant for the religions that they unlock.
- In oldgods_various_events.txt, event HFP.19102 checks "d_varangian_guard = { liege = { holder_scope = {", but "d_varangian_guard = { holder_scope = { liege = {" seems to be the right way to do things. Additionally, the event only works for Orthodox lieges, while it seems fine to have for all Christian lieges, so that might be something to look at.
- In the file above, TOG.3125's Greek spouse will be Greek and Orthodox despite there being no guarantees that the Varangians' liege's realm will contain such characters (for example, Roman Hellenic or Armenian Iconoclast could be the common culture-religion combo). I'd suggest checking either the Varangians' liege's culture/religion or the culture/religion of the liege's capital (or the culture/religion of a specific province if the Varangian Guard is independent; *their* capital is Uppland, so that's perhaps not good to check...). Additionally, the liege is assumed to be e_byzantium, which obviously won't be true if the Roman Empire is restored, so even if Greek + Orthodox/Hellenic/Reformed Hellenic is the desirable outcome regardless of the liege's culture/religion, it seems prudent to check the liege scope rather than the holder scope for a specific title.
- In rip_seclusion_events.txt, the (hidden) killer in RIP.12066 is set as FROM. However, FROM is ROOT, while event_target:captured_sneaker is the actual killer based on what happens in the event.
- In 00_cultures.txt, the Random World year checks for Lombard and Frankish (old_frankish) check "year >= 1000". However, since the cultures in question are supposed to disappear over the course of time and other early cultures are set to not spawn in later random starts, the checks should presumably be "year < 1000" instead.
- In 00_religions.txt, only a few of the pagan religions allow intermarriage between the unreformed and the reformed religion by default. Since at least some of the pagans that *don't* allow it by default are fine with intermarrying with completely unrelated religions (e.g. Tengri and Buddhist), it seems very strange that they're not on board with marrying the faith they're the most closely related to.
- In lovers_events.txt, it seems prudent to set an event_target for the lover in event 64000, as opposed to using random_lover, as the lover that gets upset in option B and the lover that gets broken up with in 64001 currently don't have to be the same person.
- In the same file as above, the lover in event 64040 probably should be an event target, as using random_lover in event 64041 seems worse than using an event target.
- In the same file, the lover in event 64120 probably should be an event target.
- In the same file as above, the lover in event 64125 probably should be an event target.
- In 00_scripted_triggers.txt, has_crusade_trait_trigger doesn't check if Bön/Reformed Bön characters have the kaliash_guardian trait. This is quite odd.
- In the file above, is_in_prevs_interesting_society_trigger doesn't check for the Reformed Bön, Hellenic, and Reformed Hellenic societies, and, as mentioned before, Qarmatians are nowhere to be found.
- In 00_scripted_effects.txt, add_secret_religion_trait_trigger_is_religion_or_old_religion_flag_clear_flag_after_effect_is_run_this_name_is_a_tribute_to_m_effect will turn any Reformed Bön character secretly Bön when they falsely convert. Also, there's once again nothing about Qarmatians.
- In rip_eternal_life_events.txt, RIP.21320 has two trigger blocks, which is odd.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
N/A - issues are script-based.
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