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[3.2.1] Venice loses control of Split instantly in 1066
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
On the character select screen (and in the history files), Patrician Giovanni of House Ziani is listed as ruling the city of Spalato (Split) in 1066 but when you start the game that city is instead held by the king of Croatia. The other four Venetian patricians still hold cities as expected, some of them in Croatia.
Edit: After some experimentation, the cause of the bug seems to be that the city title (b_split) is set as the county capital in the history files, and therefore is given to the holder of the county automatically. I was able to fix it by modifying the province history files so the city is no longer county capital.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Start game in 1066.
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[3.2.1] Venice loses control of Split instantly in 1066
Game Version
What expansions do you have installed?
All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
On the character select screen (and in the history files), Patrician Giovanni of House Ziani is listed as ruling the city of Spalato (Split) in 1066 but when you start the game that city is instead held by the king of Croatia. The other four Venetian patricians still hold cities as expected, some of them in Croatia.
Edit: After some experimentation, the cause of the bug seems to be that the city title (b_split) is set as the county capital in the history files, and therefore is given to the holder of the county automatically. I was able to fix it by modifying the province history files so the city is no longer county capital.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Start game in 1066.
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