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[3.3.2] bodpagfx Hellenic temple holding has no graphic
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If a Hellenic religion liege rules over a province with a culture that uses bodpagfx (Nepali, Bödpa, Tangut, Zhangzhung, Sumpa), if there was a temple holding in that province, it will display a black box instead of a picture. Moreover, it is impossible to interact with that black box, so wishing to upgrade that holding, or even to create a new vassal out of it, is impossible.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
As a character with a Hellenic religion, rule over a province that has any of the following cultures: (Nepali, Bödpa, Tangut, Zhangzhung, Sumpa), and build a temple holding.
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[3.3.2] bodpagfx Hellenic temple holding has no graphic
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All of the above
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Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
If a Hellenic religion liege rules over a province with a culture that uses bodpagfx (Nepali, Bödpa, Tangut, Zhangzhung, Sumpa), if there was a temple holding in that province, it will display a black box instead of a picture. Moreover, it is impossible to interact with that black box, so wishing to upgrade that holding, or even to create a new vassal out of it, is impossible.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
As a character with a Hellenic religion, rule over a province that has any of the following cultures: (Nepali, Bödpa, Tangut, Zhangzhung, Sumpa), and build a temple holding.
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